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Just had a - you've read this before! - slightly groggy Deb on the phone, bemoaning the fact that there isn't a can of ice-cold Coke next to her bed! She has no external stitches, nor drips or drains, and I had had a call saying all had gone well. Evidently she had a transfusion before the op, which means the anaesthetist agreed with me that she looked wan and had not recovered from her blood loss last week. We can only hope this is the full and final tidying-up exercise!
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I have only just found and read this thread, start to now, and I can only put my very best wishes with all of the others on here!

Coops2, I can only admire both you and Coops for your courage and humour! You have both had enough now and both Frances and I hope that all will come together for you soon and you can just look back at this as just the last bad experience you have.

Good luck[:D][:D]

We just wait for the good news!

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Following Wednesday's remedial works, there seems to be more confidence now that they've sorted the bleeding, and Deb can come home this afternoon. Still no result from the biopsy, so we are left hanging, in effect. Let's hope this time she's home for good at least!
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I'm a little loath to say that I am back, but...[Www]

All I can think of at the mo' is of all those bods sitting in a field in Oxfordshire listening to music and watching bands and I'm stuck here for goodness knows how long.  Got a lovely "sorry you can't be here" e-mail though from Fairport so that was nice. 

Keep everything crossed for us that we get though the long weekend sans further scares!  Thanks once again for all your good wishes. [kiss][kiss][kiss]

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Coops, I'se gonna send you a PM but don't bother reading it till you have the time....

But, well done, and now a long holiday weekend (assomption on Monday) so don't even think about rushing back to the hospital because there ain't going to be any staff, to speak of, about?[;-)]

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  • 2 weeks later...
As a few days have drifted by, and Deb is feeling a bit down, I thought I'd add a small update.

We saw the surgeon yesterday, and he said the biopsy result confirms that only the left ovary had any malignancy, which is great. A short course of chemo is now called for, and we see the oncologist this afternoon.

Deb's blues stem from the fact that she is still oozing, and feels there is no end in sight. She is now eating much better, and packing away prescribed iron, vit C and potassium supplements, but feels wishy and washy. The surgeon was loath to get back into inspecting her, as he felt that would indeed trigger more activity, without actually getting the early cessation Deb seeks. Tough all round.
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[quote user="cooperlola2"]... the biopsy result confirms that only the left ovary had any malignancy, which is great. A short course of chemo is now called for, and we see the oncologist this afternoon. Tough all round.[/quote]

Oh b****r; I did have high hopes that this might just have been 'sorted' once and for all.

Love and best wishes to Deb for the Chemo and the ongoing treatment and a big thank you to you for letting us all know the news. We are all cheering you both on, but you know that.


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These things do take time to pan out, Mr Coops.  The body takes time to heal and, however impatient you may both feel, nature is not easily hurried.

Anyway, just want to say I wish you both well and hope with all my heart that Debs continues to exercise that indomitable spirit of hers to put up with the treatment and feel able to come here and talk to us soon.

All the very best.....

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[quote user="sweet 17"]The body takes time to heal and, however impatient you may both feel, nature is not easily hurried.[/quote]

...especially if the body was already under stress from being unwell pre-diagnosis and not able to eat well. That op is major surgery for anyone and as she eats better, rests lots and gives her body the resources it needs to heal effectively, things can only improve. It may just take longer than she - or any of us in a similar position - might like.

Also, mentally, she may just be (no doubt temporarily judging by past evidence!) at the end of her tether with the recuperation business having to happen all over again. I'd either be pounding small furry animals with a baseball bat or yelling and swearing at anyone who came near me. Yeah, probably both.

But I suspect Deb is a much better person than me. [;-)]

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Hi Mr Coops,

Thanks for the update and sorry Deb is feeling down. Quite understandable, given all she's been through.  When I had a hysterectomy (over 20 years ago) I remember the 'oozing' went on for weeks, not days. Having just checked, it can go on for up to 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, which may help to reassure her that healing is happening, albeit more slowly than she would wish. 

Best wishes as always.

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That was a bit like the good news and the bad news! The oozing is really rotten for you both, although it does happen in ops such as these - not that that helps Coops and you. Good news from the biopsy, though - and chemo is so much changed these days, and it will be good to know the malignancy has been hit on the head.

It's also good to hear that Coops is eating well, and all those pills will do her lots of good - and it does take time to feel a bit stronger.

Lots of love to you both. x 

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