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Trump to win?


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Quote: 'One big problem with the wall idea, apparently, is that the land close to the border is privately owned, so will have to be compulsorily purchased. I can't see that getting done in 100 days, but I guess you never know. He does have previous for this in Scotland, although I understand he was not entirely successful. '

Surely, he will require Mexico to pay for it and build it on their land :)
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Come, Gluey, my last post was meant to be ironic[:D]

It's a bit like saying our house was in such a dreadful condition that the rats are queuing to get out?

So, with Trump in place, the illegals do not want to enter the States after all?

However, if you did get the joke, I apologise for teaching my grandmother to suck eggs........

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[quote user="mint"]Come, Gluey, my last post was meant to be ironic[:D]

It's a bit like saying our house was in such a dreadful condition that the rats are queuing to get out?

So, with Trump in place, the illegals do not want to enter the States after all?

However, if you did get the joke, I apologise for teaching my grandmother to suck eggs........


Oh no Minty, not thee; I was responding to PaulT, not yourself.

And, of course I did get the joke and liked it!

Shades of the memories of the film Cleopatra; which if anyone remembered, ran so far over budget it was an utter disaster, mainly since Liz Taylor kept throwing tantrums and having hissy fits and chucking her teddies out of her pram.

One starlet turns to another and asks: "So, who does one have to sleep with to get OUT of this damned picture?"

And the hugely cynical comment concerning the Berlin Wall. Which recounted, the West German army and police have had to treble their guards on the wall, to prevent all the West Germans from trying to flee to the worker's utopia of East Germany!


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[quote user="Gluestick"][quote user="mint"]Come, Gluey, my last post was meant to be ironic[:D]

It's a bit like saying our house was in such a dreadful condition that the rats are queuing to get out?

So, with Trump in place, the illegals do not want to enter the States after all?

However, if you did get the joke, I apologise for teaching my grandmother to suck eggs........


Oh no Minty, not thee; I was responding to PaulT, not yourself.

And, of course I did get the joke and liked it!

Shades of the memories of the film Cleopatra; which if anyone remembered, ran so far over budget it was an utter disaster, mainly since Liz Taylor kept throwing tantrums and having hissy fits and chucking her teddies out of her pram.

One starlet turns to another and asks: "So, who does one have to sleep with to get OUT of this damned picture?"

And the hugely cynical comment concerning the Berlin Wall. Which recounted, the West German army and police have had to treble their guards on the wall, to prevent all the West Germans from trying to flee to the worker's utopia of East Germany!



YES, Gluey, you gotta laugh...............better than crying?

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[quote user="idun"]I love the new John Lewis advert, I knew it would be theirs and was enjoying it, and then I laughed out loud at the end and it was nice to have something on tv that made me happy and laugh, there has been so little recently.[/quote]

If you enjoyed that then you should try the White House version.




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Sit up at the back, Andy & Cajal, those were the 2 I linked to this morning:


Sorry I can't make the links live on my ipad:

The John Lewis Christmas advert is sweet:


But I love the Trump/Clinton take-off!

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Farage is trying so hard to get attention now that he has no place in UKIP. He will crash and burn soon enough.[/quote]

Wooly: You obviously live in a warm cosy little cocoon of non-reality.

Worth watching Farage here.

 Cast aside, for one moment your obvious prejudice and ponder.......

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Ultimately I suppose it depends if he get himself elected as an MP or gets a proper job. His role as an MEP is ending, by his own hand,.. once UKIP elects a new leader then he doesn't have much of a role there.. I suppose Trump might give him a job, but he isn't that well known in the USA? What did you have in mind for him Gluestick?
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Well, Linda; I would not be at all surprised if Farage works for Trump's new administration as a sort of ex-officio adviser.

As with so many before him, he has achieved his first political objective - Brexit - and now, as is normal, UKIP are embroiled in the prototypical internecine ego battles of wannabes, desperate to steal Farage's cloak. It was ever thus. remember Robert Killroy Silk? An orange-faced failed Labour MP, with delusions of grandeur, importance and an inflated egotist too boot.

Not well known in the USA? Quite the reverse, actually. In media and political circles he has become a name.

Did you actually watch the Fox News clip?

Interesting how the newscaster, treated Farage with far greater respect than any interviewer on UK media, particularly that precious pompous clown Dimbelby!

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My comment re him not being well known in the USA was based on an interview on US TV, but obviously not Fox. That would be just brilliant if he could get a job with Trump and go over there..wonderful, perhaps he could take Katie Hopkins with him. Maybe we could get Obama in return.
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[quote user="lindal1000"]My comment re him not being well known in the USA was based on an interview on US TV, but obviously not Fox. That would be just brilliant if he could get a job with Trump and go over there..wonderful, perhaps he could take Katie Hopkins with him. Maybe we could get Obama in return.[/quote]


We? [8-)]


Does he speak French?

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I feel embarrassed for him, sucking up to Trump like that and saying he might get a job in the White House.

In fact, Trump didn't offer him any job and then he said he'd be happy to "help" Theresa May to build relations with Trump and get trade deals for the UK.

There was a chap on Andrew Marr this morning who said that the Tories definitely "do not need Nigel".

He's definitely got a very thick hide, NF.

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With Farage on her side, Theresa May would have her Cassius. She certainly could not have let him stand behind her. Better keep him as far away as possible

His presencs with Trump, bitching about the UK government is disloyal and dangerous. But do not worry, the Yanks will pick his very little brain, discover he has nothing to say and then spit him out. When he can retire to the public bar and rot.
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