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Sic Transit Gloria Mundi!

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[quote user="Renaud"]

I would like the House of Commons turned into an English parliament (on the Scottish model but reduced in size) with a beefed-up House of Lords turned into a Senate with members elected from all the countries comprising Great Britain. This is where the National Prime Minister and his/her cabinet would be drawn from and where national issues such as defence would be debated.


Sounds interesting.  Very radical.  You should say all the countries that comprise the United Kingdom.

By the way, does the Queen fit into this, Renaud?

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I think the Queen asks the P.M. to form a government to serve her subjects.Perhaps She could ask the present P.M. to disolve it and do Her subjects a favour. I can't remember the Queen having any participation in any laws/tax's etc etc.


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[quote user="Gastines"]

I'm still waiting for suggestions for M.P's, seems no-one can think of any worthy persons.The only person springs to mind is my Dad,if we faltered,a belt across the backside soon woke us up.


Here is my suggestion, albeit he is no longer with us, but a lot of the present bunch seem like the living dead so I put him forward just in case somebody else wishes to adopt his policies.

Screaming Lord Sutch.  He proposed using the European butter mountain as a ski slope and sell off the parliament building for time share holiday apartments.  Other than him and the bloke who used to deliver our milk in my Sussex village I have no suggestions.

On second thoughts, put forward any, so called, celebrities on a reality TV programme called "Who wants to be an MP"and get people to vote by phone and there you have your new MPs.

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