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Nativity plays banned, Xmas back instead of Christmas, changing carols to suit the multi cultural society but  when a teacher substitutes a "partridge in a pear tree " for "corncrake in a palm tree" because she doesn't want to step on any toes, then that, for me, is the end.  When are true Brits in Britain going to get some backbone and declare enough is enough.[:@] 
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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Start here, Tres.


This was also covered in quite a bit of depth on UK TV this morning.


Thanks for that Gluey. [:)]

I had already read that one, but if I recall correctly no 'banning' of traditional Nativity plays is mentioned there, so I assumed (always dangerous, I know) that 47 had some other source/s.

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[quote user="Tresco"][quote user="Gluestick"]

Start here, Tres.


This was also covered in quite a bit of depth on UK TV this morning.

Thanks for that Gluey. [:)]

I had already read that one, but if I recall correctly no 'banning' of traditional Nativity plays is mentioned there, so I assumed (always dangerous, I know) that 47 had some other source/s.

Individual education authorities are banning depending on their multi cultural pupil levels.

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[quote user="47AJM"]

Individual education authorities are banning depending on their multi cultural pupil levels.


Can you help me out with where you learned this (and the other things you mention), please?  I'm normally not bad at searching for information but I've come unstuck here.

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I think, Tres that once again, it's that old enemy, semantics.


The only organisation which could "Ban" anything in schools, really, is the Department for Education and Science, or whatever it calls itself these days.

That said, I suppose a local authority, if it was Unitary and had opted out and had taken responsibility for education in its designated area away from the Area Education Office could ban things in their controlled schools.

It seems that since certain schools which have taken it upon themselves to cancel their plays or substitute anodyne replacements which have nothing to do with Christmas but are intended to placate religions other than Christianity, have created a bit of a cause celebre and once the mass-media, in this case, TV got hold of the story, then they escalated it out of proportion and fact.

Quelle surprise !

Quite obviously, government's continued and clumsy efforts to invoke multiculturalism on a sort of legalistic force majeure are now starting to ruffle many feathers: even those of partridges lurking in pear trees![;-)]


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Quite obviously, government's continued and clumsy efforts to invoke multiculturalism on a sort of legalistic force majeure are now starting to ruffle many feathers: even those of partridges lurking in pear trees![;-)]


Aren't we lucky it wasn't a Blackbird in a Pear Tree.............................[Www]

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they have banned angels from wearing wings in the plays too as they may poke some one in the eye or catch fire [:-))] if you think long and hard about it anything could poke you in the eye !!!!!! sadley it must be a misrable place at schools now adays.
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[quote user="Framboise"]

My little granddaughter is taught Baa Baa Green Sheep at school, written of course on a white board so as to not offend anyone.


All went downhill after we give way for the banning of the golliwogs.     Its a wonder Newcastle United are allowed to wear black and white shirts because that might be deemed as being forced to integrate.         [:@]

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Since we can (should? Must?) discount the Sun as a reliable and even partially accurate media source, more usefully, BBC news, normally a doyen of Left Wing cant, carried the same and probably marginally more accurate story.

Apparently, it's now been realised, no doubt after a highly remunerated "Special Investigative Committee" comprising a load of government toadies who were otherwise totally unemployable, that local authorities and central government have been disadvantaging immigrants by spending zillions of tax monies in printing forms and pamhlets/booklets in umpteen wildy variant languages.

Well, would you credit it!



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[quote user="47AJM"] Xmas back instead of Christmas, [/quote]

Nothing wrong with that, AJM, since the X traditionally represents the cross of Christ and is an accepted shorthand in this context. I bet the secularisers didn't know that.[:D]  As a recently retired parish priest I'm looking forward to sitting in the congregation this year for all the nativity plays, carol services etc instead of having to organise and lead them.[8-|] There are plenty of them about if you look for them....

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Christmas & Xmas

What a coincidence that this should come up now - I've been transcribing wills this week - this is from 1695 -

I comend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, in hope of a joyfull resurrection to eternal life through the merits & mediation of jesus xt my Redeemer; & my body to the earth to bee decently there interred


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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Gluestick, are you a leader writer for the Mail or Telegraph?[/quote]

The Mail??[:@][6]

No, Tony; and since Hastings left the Telegraph, not one of my favourite papers.

Now all I have to do is work out if that was a compliment: or an insult! [:D]


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[quote user="47AJM"]



There is not a single mention of 'banning' (or corncrakes) in this article. Nor can I find the Law Which Banned Golliwogs anywhere.

I'm forced to conclude that this is simply a late manifestation (it started very early on TF this year) of the Tri-Annual 'They're trying to ban Christmas/Easter/Our Great British Bendy Bananas' Festival.

It's becoming quite a tradition in its own right.

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