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[quote user="Gluestick"][quote user="You can call me Betty"][quote user="Gluestick"]

Except they are now know, generically as "Gollies" or "Gollys"


Well, that's hardly a surprising thing, is it? Or perhaps those who despise political correctness so much are wholly in favour of the term "wog" and would avocate its reinstatement?


I didn't suggest for a moment that it was at all acceptable: nor would I, personally use the term. And, BTW, I didn't need acts of parliament or political correctness gone mad to force me to know how to behave.

Neither did I write the word, but inserted asterisks. I was merely responding to an earlier post about banning these toys. I made no objective or subjective comment, either; simply added a short rider re history of what were and are collectables.

For the record! [:)]


And I didn't suggest that you suggested that I suggested........[:)]


Like you, Gluestick, and Tony,  I despise the use of some of these terms, not because I feel the necessity to conform to some model of "Political Correctness" (which, in any case, has itself become nothing much else than a means for your good ol' all-round common-or-garden bigot to describe the views of anyone who objects to their way of thinking) but because I quite like the idea of respecting my fellow human beings. The only thing I despise more is the constant banging on about how Britain has "gone to the dogs" by people who, while professing to care so much about the place, have decided to do their utmost to change things and protect that which they believe in so strongly by buggering off to live in another country so they can criticise from afar.

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I was sent this by a good friend this week. Says it all for me.

What small steps are taken to   achieve freedom for us all.  
This scene took place on a British Airways flight between
Johannesburg , South Africa & London.

A white woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a
black man.

Very disturbed by this, she called the air hostess. 'You
obviously do not see it then?' she asked. 'You placed me next to a
black man.

I did not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant
group. Give me an alternative seat.'

'Be calm please,' the hostess replied.
'Almost all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to
see if another place is available.'

The hostess went away & then came back a few minutes later.
'Madam,just as I thought, there are no other available seats in Economy
Class.  I spoke to the captain & he informed me that there is also
no seat in Business Class. All the same, we still have one place in
First Class.'

Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued.
'It is not usual for our company to permit someone from Economy
Class to sit in First Class. However, given the circumstances, the
captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting.'

She turned to the black guy, & said, 'Therefore, Sir, if
you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits
you in First Class.'

At that moment, the other passengers, who'd been shocked by
what  they had just witnessed, stood up & applauded.

This is a true story. If you are against racism, please
send this to all your friends; please do not delete it without
sending it to at least 1 person.

WELL DONE, British Airways

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Another one you could'nt make up.   The Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust are piloting a policy to turn Muslim patients beds towards Mecca.  As well as moving beds nurses must also provide fresh bathing water prior to each of the 5 daily prayer sessions at the hospital.   Shortage of nurses yet additional duties must be done.  MRSA superbugs, C.Diff, yet additional duties must be done.[:@]
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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="Just Katie"]No lets have them mud wrestling in elastine leotards.[/quote]


See. I said that you were the biggest wind-up merchant on this forum. JK!



Look!! Gluey is jealouse  because I am not fanticising about him in a leotard  [:P][:P]

EDIT Jeeps what is happening to my spelling?

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The NHS Trust concerned has issued a statement -

Media coverage - 4 December 2007

A number of media have today ran an entirely inaccurate story claiming that we have ordered staff to move Muslim patients’ beds to face towards Mecca. This has stemmed from the above press release. We wanted to make sure that you understand the correct position and this story is completely untrue.

Tracey McErlain-Burns, our chief nurse and director of patient experience, said: “Our statement has been wrongly interpreted. The Muslim Moulana at Dewsbury and District Hospital is holding internal workshops for nurses to help develop their cultural understanding. Nurses are not being removed from their duties to move patients’ beds towards Mecca. Moving patients’ beds for prayer five times a day has not been suggested as part of this workshop and staff have not been ordered to do this.

“In the context of responding to requests from patients and families, particularly when faced with a very ill patient, it is entirely reasonable that nurses consider all practical steps to meet a patient’s cultural or religious needs. This may include adjusting the position of the bed, or escorting the patient to the chapel or faith centre.”


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One that HAS been carried out........Brixton Prison toilets refurbised so that they do NOT face Mecca while sitting on them after  protest and consultation on "faith matters " . No doubt it took at least five site meetings where compasses were issued before at great expense the work was carried out .......
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[quote user="47AJM"]Another one you could'nt make up.   The Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust are piloting a policy to turn Muslim patients beds towards Mecca.  As well as moving beds nurses must also provide fresh bathing water prior to each of the 5 daily prayer sessions at the hospital.   Shortage of nurses yet additional duties must be done.  MRSA superbugs, C.Diff, yet additional duties must be done.[:@][/quote] my bold

As far as I can see you haven't provided any evidence for the first lot of things you claimed were true.

You're exaggerating. The advice given was to turn the beds of very seriously (gravely?) ill patients.

It's ironic that you complain about the suggestion that water should be provided for hand washing, and then go on to mention MRSA, but once again you're getting upset over something that's wildly exaggerated.

Most patients in hospitals do everything they can to help themselves. Those who can't help themselves need...help.  We are talking about only seriously ill people here. Does this point make a difference, 47?

Edit; Sorry, Hoddy. I missed your post.

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The BBC report on the refurbishment of the toilets at Brixton said that the orientation of some of them made no difference to the overall cost.

For my part I think it's pretty stupid since they must face the wrong direction in many homes and workplaces, but it isn't actually costing us any more for Muslims than for a prsioner of any other faith.



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[quote user="Geordie girl"]I`m just sitting here dreaming..............................about bugbear in leathers  [:$][:$]


Complete picture available when Ron posts one in his white shorts......[:)]


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[quote user="woolybanana"]Facing  Mecca when praying is not required when ill, travelling or I think fighting a war. It is only encouraged.[/quote]

What do you know about the washing before prayer, WB?

I know people who will splash a couple of drops from their bottle of Evian on their hands before prayer.  A symbolic thing?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Muslims are supposed to wash their face, hands and feet thoroughly before praying. If you think about it, it is very hygienic and logical. Of course, as with many things, it is not always practical to be thorough in these things, as when travelling.[/quote]

Hi WB. I kind of 'knew' the 'rule', but the people I know don't do this...well not in circumstances where they're away from the family home, and not just travelling either.

I asked because I only really have contact with the members of one family. It's a pretty big family with a wide variation in practises. If you stay with other people and they with you, then you get some clues, but I know the clues from one family are not enough to say 'they' ALL do this (or that), as some people seem to suggest.

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No Tresco, of course there are good and bad Muslims. In my time in the Middle East I saw loads of both. I guess the family you know is a fair microcosm of the Muslim world. I am afraid the "they all do this brigade" have listened to too much propaganda which is sad because a touch of reality in these matters would make things so much easier to deal with.
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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Sort of like the Brits who come to France and steadfastly refuse to learn French.[/quote]

Just saw a poster in my little down, which advertised "Carols and Christmas Services", etc... all in English.

Someone wrote all over it with a felt tip: VOUS ETES EN FRANCE. APPRENEZ LE FRANCAIS!

This may appear off thread, and yet....

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