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Hitch hiking

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Something that has now been banned in Germany because of "terrorism" although I am not sure how that works!

Thing is when I drive down to visit my father I see loads of people in France trying to hitch hike and a lot of them are single young women. I keep thinking either they are very brave or very stupid.

An friend of mine at uni a few years back picked up a girl hitch hiking in the UK. He took her as far as he could towards her destination before turning off, stopped and said that as far as he goes. She refused to get out of the car and said if he did not take her to where she wanted she would scream and accuse him of rape.

Fortunately he knew the route and drove to the nearest police station then asked her to get out.

That sort of frightens me and is a reason why personally I would never pick up a female hitch hiker. In fact these days I just wouldn't pick any up, male or female especially if I were on my own. So I just wondered as most of you live in France if you pick up hitch hikers and if you do how do you protect yourselves.
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I'm surprised that, given the well developed nature of covoiturage in France, anyone feels the need to hitch home. You can travel the length of the country for next to nothing using car sharing.

Maybe all these hitch hikers are just not particularly well organised or are very very short of cash.
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I picked up a hitchhiker a while ago, the guy said thanks a lot, but don't you worry about picking up strangers, how do you know I'm not a serial killer? I replied the odds of two serial killers being in my car are pretty remote.

Sorry, I'll get me coat.
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We sometimes picked up a hitch hiker but the ones I remember were all male.
My classic story is picking up a young lad stood on the left side of the road. Walking home from school on a wet day. I kept going on the left [:'(]

There was no public transport where we were.
Another poor man was so nervous he clung onto the door handle until I let him out.
Les Folles Anglaises.

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