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I was just wondering...


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Thanks for the suggestions. The context I am thinking of is usually when asking a favour of some kind, rather along the lines of, "I was wondering if you could water my plants" or tentatively suggesting somethiong as in,  "I was just wondering whether you would like to come with me..." - that sort of thing. Is there a difference in phrasing when including the "just"?
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Demander, for the plants, something like 'puis-je vous demander un petit service'.

I can think of lots of ways to ask if someone fancies going somewhere with me. Don't just get stuck with 'just wondering'.

vous avez envie de venir avec moi, perhaps, or using interesse. 

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I'm with you, Idun.  I think it's an easy trap to fall into, to imagine that the same expressions exist in different languages.  It's a bit of an odd concept, asking ones-self what the other person wants or is prepared to do so it doesn't necessarily translate very well directly.

But Christine's way works fine.  I'd still be inclined to say something completely different, as per Idun.

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