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The Scouts' Promise


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Does anyone know what the current "Scouts' promise" is in France?  I have looked on the SGDF.fr website but there seems to be various versions, as there is on the Wikiscout website.

My son is in Les Louveteaux (the cubs, or wolf cubs, as they used to be).  This weekend, he is being enrolled and needs to learn his promise.  The problem is that they haven't told him what it is and, because of his language skills, he needs to practise it in advance.


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Thanks Clair.  Yes, I have read all those sites but it is very confusing as they suggest different versions.

I also read:  http://fr.scoutwiki.org/Promesse_louveteau and copied out the promise there, only to realise that France no longer has a king and so it can't be right!

Je promets de faire de mon mieux
Pour faire mon devoir envers Dieu et le roi,
Pour garder la loi de la meute et pour rendre un service à quelqu'un chaque jour.

Incidentally, what is la meute?  It is mentioned several times on the Scouts website?


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