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Mr Huge

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We have had no problem here in over 20 years getting graisse de rognon de boeuf from local or supermarket butchers.
They don't even usually charge anything for it.
Just try asking around:)

EDIT: We have at least half a kilo of it in the freezer right now. It keeps at least as long as meat.

We sometimes have to ask for it a day or two before, and only butchers who buy whole carcasses usually have it.

Also, you do have to grate it yourself, easily done if it is very cold or even frozen.

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Took a while to find it around our way, but maybe because here it is called 'panoufle' [careful to avoid a stray 't' or you'll really confuse the butcher! Google will probably tell you that is mutton, but not round here]. 'Graisse de boeuf' also can work. I have never seen it in any of our supermarkets and not all our butchers do it, mainly because they typically throw it away!

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