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4 x 4


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Thankfully in 46 we have seen hardly any 4x4 and the last one was yesterday and it was British...

We live next to a green lane and if this started here I am sure a boulder or three would quickly be placed in the road by our neighbour with his tractor. This was one of the main reasons we wanted to leave our nice UK village - weekends were becoming impossible.

4x4 for necessity - yes, for fun, not if they ruin others.

Sorry this is a very personal and hard felt rant. Oh yes, the 4x4 track in our village was made by removing one third of all the trees in a wood, in one of the largest nightingale breeding areas in the UK and in the breeding season. Our council took the unpredidented step of issuing a bulk protection order for the remaining trees but of course it was too late for the birds and other wildlife.


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If you look in the achive of this forum (botton top left) or search on "green" ticking the achive box you will find a posting which has links to the French Frederation and a list of clubs.

In the UK I have seen lanes down which you could walk or in other parts of the World would drive down in a car wrecked in a few months but apparently the French Federation is taking a more responsible view.

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Always an issue that is going to cause some debate. Irresponsible 4x4 driving can cause horrendous damage and annoy many people. Pottering along well maintained unmade roads can be fantastic fun and really take you to very remote parts of the world. I would thoroughly recommend Andorra and the Pyrennes generally as you will find plenty of space to explore.

Correze my county actually promotes the use of some of its lanes through the tourist authority, but eveything in moderation.

Personally I like to potter along on a trail bike, but do get very pissed off at some of the antics of lads riding motocross machines illegally on trails in the UK and in France. Happily where we are the area is riddled with lanes and so there is very little problem as if anything the off road fraternity do alot of the maintainance to keep them passable. I have yet to meet any people on them when out walking or riding.

The best areas are the least populated, Limousin as a region is one that meets this requirement. Laning is fun, but it takes very little irresponsible use to wreck what is otherwise a very enjoyable way to spend ones time. I hope things do not deteriorate to the extent they have in the UK where the actions of a few have ruined it for the many.

Stephen 19
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Do a search as sugested. Whatch out for the French they make us look tame. I go out quite a bit into the mountains but have come a cropper a few times with French 4X4's. There is a French based company that runs holidays and they opperate from up north (in France) and use Toyota's. Talk about fast they must do about 60kph down the tracks in groups of 8 or 10 forcing me and anyone else of the track. I am amazed there has been knowbody killed really particularily walkers coz they don't stop for anyone. If you use the UK rules for green laneing you wont go far wrong. I run 4X4 holidays/excersions leading people with their own or I am happy to take them in my disco but it's more aimed at seeing wildlife than hacking around like a madman. If you are interested in comeing down to 11 and visiting the Pyrenees drop me a line and I will forward you our website details.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I just received this month's copy of Land magazine - french version. They have a long article on 4 x 4 meets in the Carcassonne - Aude area, and lists contact numbers. We have ours for necessity, as during recent floods we would not have been able to access our property. The French idea of off-roading is very tame......
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