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Wood Ash

Graham & Brenda

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Now that we've started having the fire again we're producing loads of wood ash. It seems a shame to dump it if it has a use. I know it is good to add to  some soil types -  ours here (16) is well drained, so not sure if it would help or not. Also is it any good for adding to my compost bin - or for anything else in fact?



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At this time of the year I sprinkle it round anything on the potager that I'm hoping to see survive the winter, I believe it helps harden them up; it's high in potash so good for fruit and flowers, so I put some round the strawberries and soft fruit bushes; in the spring I sprinkle it around bulbs, particularly in grass, and under fruit trees and occasionally use it as a barrier against slugs as suggested above, but it only works until it rains which it does a lot here in spring.
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