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We discovered yesterday, via our local pharmacie's card reader, that our Carte Vitale is already registering as invalid.  We (luckily) have no immediate health problems, so this is not drastic for us personally at this time, although we will have to visit our CPAM office to try to have the card re-instated.

Incidentally we live in Hautes Pyrenees (the land of Mr Mochan) and it would not surprise us in the least were the CPAM interpretation (from our prefecture town of Tarbes) to be the severest in France.

Apart from the recent changes, there is no other possible reason for its cancellation; (having arrived in France mid 2004, duly completing Declarations des Revenues for 2004, 2005 and 2006 and having paid all taxes due plus Contributions Sociales on our bank interest plus, since E106 expired at end of 2005, have been paying towards CMU-base via payments each trimestre to URSSAF - the most recent being at the end of September).

No letter or notification has been received from CPAM to this effect.

While we had previously (24 August) been requested to return our Carte Vitale as a result of `nouveau decret du 21/03/2007` for non actifs, we then received - several days later - the paperwork for the renewal of our affiliaion to CMU (all of which has since been provided).

My main point would be (without wishing to be alarmist or cause concern), please be prudent and do not just assume your health coverage is continuing unaltered - at least check the status of your Carte Vitale via your local pharmacie (most have card readers).

Finally: does anyone know if emergency treatment is still available to non actifs (cannot recall this being raised on any of the sites I have looked at), in the meantime?


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Immediately, I would visit your CPAM as under the conditions you describe, you should continue to receive cover until 31.3.2008. This is according to the French website, not any interpretation made by us.


 Anybody already paying CMU contributions is allowed to remain until that date, regardless. But thank you for the warning.

As far as we can gather, yes, you can get emergency treatment in outpatient's departments etc.  But, once out of the CMU - which you should not be yet - then any hospital bills (admission to a ward etc) you would have to pay for.  "Emergency treatment" still hasn't been properly defined (by us anyway) but we will try to look into this a bit more. (By "we" here I refer to our lobby group - of which more in the "Lobbying" thread and a website to be launched shortly.)

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Thanks for that Cooperlola; we were already armed with the 24 September printout from the Portail de la securite social, although we anticipate a struggle (our initial contact with CPAM ended with us being told, because we were early retired, we had no status under the system).

My wife has just a few moments ago picked up our mail - to find we are now being invited by the same prefecture town CPAM to apply to Rouen for a new `photo d`identitie` based Carte Vitale!!!!


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