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Hello nice people

I'm in the process of working out what medical cover we require when moving to France later this year. Having spent ages searching the Forum - I can find endless comments to "get in touch with Newcastle" - but I cannot find any weblink or phone numbers. Who the hecky peck does one cannot? Even a Google search for DHSS Newcastle doesn't give me anything useful. I believe we need a E106 form? 2 adults, no particular ailments or special needs. Why are "Newcastle" so hard to find? Arggggh.



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Google uk and the following search .............newcastle overseas health care brought up all the necessary details. And that is what I do when I need to contact them.

The DWP took over what was the DHSS some time ago and all the information and contact details are available on their web site.


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[quote]http://www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/cnr/osc.htm It's really the Centre for Non Residents run by the Inland Revenue and just happens to be based in Newcastle. Just some kind of LF slang I assume[/quote]

You been on the vin rouge Panqur????   "It's really the Centre for Non Residents run by the Inland Revenue and just happens to be based in Newcastle"??????:

Now you are confusing everybody.

Newcastle is where the Pensions Service (part of the Department of Work and Pensions) which deals with the E forms for HEALTH cover reside,

The Centre for Non Residents run by the Inland Revenue, is the TAX office for Non Residents,  it is actually based in NOTTINGHAM.  Nottingham does the admin stuff and the tax office that deals with refunds etc is based in Bootle, but Nottingham is the first point of call.

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No, not drunk Ron, but there's more than one way to skin a cat and this is the way I found.  I wanted an E104  and sent my aplication form, as requested to:

Inland Revenue
Centre for Non-Residents (Newcastle)
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ
United Kingdom.

Newcastle, not Nottingham.  And the Newcastle in brackets is theirs, not mine so maybe they're trying to make things clearer for confused LFers.

The link also says that they'll give you E128s and E106s and retirement pension forms and God knows what else -see the link for more details.  I found it a lot easier to navigate for my puposes than the DWP site.

If your entitlement to health cover is based on the amount of NI paid, surely the Inland Revenue is where the DWP is going to have to go to at some point anyway?   So much for joined up government 

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Ahhh but the E104 form is not the one you need for healthcare cover   The E 104 is only used for claiming benefits.

Having checked out the D of W&P website I gave,  I can see why people are confused.  It does not even mention E forms and healthcare abroad,  It also suggests that people contact the Inland Revenue at Newcastle for details about NI contributions, however, believe it or not the link to explain the E106 form is still part of DWP and is www.dwp.gov.uk/international/sa29/medical_06.asp

The best route is also still a phone call to 0191 2187547

This may help

The E104 sets out your national insurance record in the UK, which may be useful in claiming benefits in France whenever an established UK NICs record is necessary.

 Forms E106 and E128 provide healthcare cover abroad for you and any family members who accompany you for the period of your employment in France. The E106 is usually issued where the job abroad is more than 12 months at the outset.

And as we all know, the  E 106 is also the form required for those who take early retirement in France

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Just to add to the confusion, it is indeed the Inland Revenue that issues leaflets and booklets about social security abroad, and advises initially on E forms. You don't have to go to the Centre for non-Residents (in Bootle, Newcastle or Nottingham) your local tax office should have all the information. The DWP section that deals with this is in Longbenton, Newcastle, alongside the Inland Revenue NI Contributions Office. The Inland Revenue centre for non-residents is in Bootle, but you may end up dealing with somewhere geographically totally different. When I was employed last in the UK I came under a London tax area, which was actually dealt with in Glasgow. My final dealings were with Inland Revenue Cumbernauld (which I always thought was in or near Glasgow) but the actual address was somewhere in Wales.

Who said French bureaucracy was complicated? At least the telephone service isn't in Bombay.

What is certain is that it is very difficult to get information by internet or e-mail, by far the best way is by telephone, followed up in writing.

To confuse things even further, the E128 form mentioned above is now superseded, like the E111 and some other forms (but not E106), by the European Health Card. However, as the UK has not yet started issuing the new cards you should be able to get the forms on a temporary basis.

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