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Hypnosis, David Lowe animateur FR5

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I watched the emission "On n'est pas que des cobayes" tonight on France 5, its a sort of science experiment programme.

I watched the experiments they did on the subject of hypnosis as I had several sessions myself this year and its something that I am now very interested in but know little about the subject other than, for me at least, it has had remarkable results.

Anyway one of the animateurs is called Daveed  and I really thought that he was a French Daveed not an English David as I still cannot detect even the slightest English accent which normally resonnes with me. to be fair my attention is normally taken with Agatte who is for more pleasant on the eye and their locaux which seem to be based near to me in Amiens.

Anyway they engaged a stage hypnotist and soon found that the lovely Agatte could not be used as the cobaye as she was frightened to lacher prise so Daveed was hypnotised, the guy made him forget his prenom and then took him out of the trance, asked him his name and that of the other presenters, all very funny etc and then I heard him say "oh dear" in a distinctly English accent, I use the word  resonne again as I dont know how to say it properly in English, it made my ears prick up if you like, I thought I was mistaken as he carried on talking French like a native and then suddenly said "I know my name but I cant find it, its like I am chasing it but I cannot catch it" with an English accent, his co-presenter Agatte the pro that she is quickly translated what he said to the stage hypnotist and it passed off as if it was part of the programme but I think that they were both a little surprised.

The event made me think of a story that I heard a few years back about a guy who was suffering from Altzheimers, he was English born but had lived all his life in France, married a Frenchwoman and brought up a large family, the disease affected his brain is such a way that he complteley lost his French language and could only speak English yet he had not spoken it since he was a very young child and had in fact completely lost the language, his wife and family could not speak english and it was a very distressing situation for all of them.

Did anyone else see this programme? I cant find any info on this guy other than his full name David Lowe but I am guessing that he was brought up in France perhaps of mixed parentage.

What I really would like to do is find out more about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, does anyone here know much on the subject or can point me in the direction of where to learn more.

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[quote user="Chancer"]What I really would like to do is find out more about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, does anyone here know much on the subject or can point me in the direction of where to learn more.[/quote]

What would you like to know? I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist (well I went to a school of hypnosis and they gave me a piece of paper saying I was!) and would be happy to try and answer any questions.

It is a fascinating subject and I can (and have been known to) talk about it for hours.

I have never worked with a sufferer of Alzheimer's but (having first checked it is OK with his medical carers) would try the following approach. Take him slowly back in time in time to point when he could speak French. From then on you have to play it by ear because everybody responds differently. This is a fairly common technique for helping people who stutter. No one is born with a stutter. Taking them back to a time before they learned to stutter is often sufficient to "cure" them. Often there may be other things to deal with such as a trauma which triggered the stuttering.


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Thanks for the reply Mik.

What do I want to know? Well more for sure, probably everything!! I am sure that if I were to meet another hypnotherapist like yourself we would indeed talk for hours.

I guess that I want to be able to better understand the art/science, if I had the time and money I would love to do what you did but both are tight and unless I were considering it as a career, which in many ways would be very rewarding, I guess it will not happen.

Can you perhaps recommend any good books on the subject?

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It depends what interests you :- stage tricks, therapy, self hypnosis, or more unusual stuff like regression (a VERY interesting subject).

You may also like to investigate NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). It will help explain why the language used in hypnosis works, which is what interests me.

I am not up to date with current literature on the subject but suggest you look at this web site. http://www.inducingtrance.com/index.html   I do not know the person but there are plenty of links to resources.

I hope this is useful?

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That looks great thanks, I will look at the videos when I have the time and am relaxed [;-)]

Stage tricks dont really interest me, in some ways a misuse of the art although it has to be said that my interest in the subject was awoken many years ago due to a stage hypnotist at a small gathering.

Therapy and self hypnosis I am particularly interested in, regression I have misgivings about although I know in my own hypno-therapy there was a lot of regression involved but it was stuff that I had always been aware of albeit well locked away but still accessable if I really was prepared to dig out the unhappy memories.

I learnt a little about NLP, found it very interesting and could definitely relate to it from past people management experience.

Its knowing how dramatically my whole being has changed since the hypnotherapy sessions in terms of healthy eating, healthy living, fitness and exercise that has given me this hunger for knowledge on the subject, I suppose in some ways I am my own guinea pig! It would be nice to harness the power of self hypnosis, I reckon I am already some way towards it in terms of being able to relax, meditate, block out pain signals etc

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