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Help needed getting historic brevet results


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I have to admit that this is a long shot but here goes..

My daughter has applied to British universities and has conditional acceptances> our problem is that one uni (her first choice) is requesting a note of 10 in her maths Brevet. she did achieve this in 2011 but unfortunately she has misplaced the releves de notes for her brevet and cannot prove it. She is on course to achieve higher Bacc result than the entrance requirement but the sticking point is this Maths note. Can anyone advise me as to what action I can take. Her lycee prof has emailed them but still no joy. A photocopy is not possible, so, any constructive ideas would be welcome.
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As you said, I don't think its possible to get a copy, but try the Academy site for your region, all don't seem to be the same.

Other than that, it could be that the historic Brevet notes are kept in the College your daughter attended. You could visit them with her INE and ask them to give you a letter with her Maths Bevet note on it.

The French education system can be very inflexible (we know only too well), but a personal approach can work wonders.

Failing that, at the end of Lycee she will be given her "Dossier" (livret scolaire) which contains all the bulletins from when she started college until the end of Lycee. In there is the last bulletin (3eme trimestre 3eme) at College which will give her class mark for maths. If you explain to the UK uni the difficulties and provide them with the last "term report" (providing the maths note is good) that might help too.
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