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Everything posted by Théière

  1. You are of course right Harnser, based on the current model it's quite pathetic, already in the UK there have been 2 hour waits.  Its part of the reason I replied to the mayor of London and his cock eyed idea of banning domestic diesels inside the M25 by 2019. There simply isn't the infrastructure to support it. If the Panasonic batteries take off, the 80% charge in around 50 mins from a 100amp supply could be 10-15 minutes and of course the range would increase as well. Considering the stupid French domestic electricity abandonment then charging at home might well mean upping your electric supply and possibly the cable. One way out would be the Tesla powerwall system which can store and charge an electric vehicle and run the home from solar.  
  2. I agree, hence why I thought I would ask. I looked at the website but didn't input exact towns, wrongly I thought the general map would have shown them, (if they had a decent web designer, why would should you have to keep clicking page after page? There are adapters to change to different companies leads although this does show up how stupid and short sighted gov, transport ministers are. Teslas have to be dedicated as their supercharger point would melt some cars lol. Wooly I believed that hydrogen would be the future but its still a combustion engine. As to hybrids, just a con, tiny range battery then tiny engine guzzling fuel. May as well stick to fossil fuel until better battery packs come along. Panasonic have an advanced battery which allegedly recharges in about 20% of the time a conventional battery. The 2018 Nissan leaf hasn't active battery management so its poor when put along side the 2017 model or the smaller battery Hyundai model because they do have proper battery management. Hyundai and Kia are sharing technology and are some way ahead of most manufactures in the affordable car stakes ( Tesla are too expensive to buy, own or repair)
  3. Thanks, obviously the number will increase but at the moment there seems to be a big void along my route A28 or N154 which is not helpful as I wouldn't need to recharge by Rouen but may well need to by Dreux, some distance before Tours. I will pay more attention on my next trip down and also ask Garmin if they have a database in the satnav.
  4. Keeping an eye on the emerging electric vehicle market, in particular the new 2018 Hyundai Kona with it's expected 290 mile range getting my attention.  I used google maps and a french translation of electric vehicle charging point but apart from a Tesla fast charge at Calais and a few near Paris there didn't seem to be very many at all. Anyone able to share the location of charging points from Calais/Dieppe to Tours?
  5. I had a look through my boxes of things not thrown away [;-)] At the time I think the chrome-cast had only just launched and I bought a Roku dongle at Maplin on promo. I found the Roku and it provides free to air channels and some other features. https://www.roku.com/en-gb/
  6. Your Sony, is about the same age as my previous Panasonic and that required a dedicated Panasonic dongle of about the same cost as you mentioned. That TV is no longer and its replacement 2017, doesn't require any of the additional, dare I say rip off gadgets.
  7. [quote user="Lehaut"]Don't worry about it, if you post anything on any forum, you will always get people who like to roast.[/quote] Just as you get people turning up with their wooden spoons to make something from nothing. [quote user="Angie"]Sorry if I've missed something, what am I supposed to be blaming anyone for?[/quote] Yes you missed the LOL because there are no emojis available on phone replies. [:D] Simply to say Angie, you asked about rendering over crepis but really you wanted just remove the marks/mold whatever. Unusually that's what I answered.  No roasting anybody. [:D] [quote user="Chrissie"]Would be very interested to hear how theproduct worked out. Would it damage plants? The bits I want to clean all have niceplants growing at the base, and the only time I tried one of those guys who comes round with a lorry (ho hum, yes, I know) I ended up with lovely clean walls and a long bed of dead plants. Chrissie (81)[/quote] Depending what the label actually says on the back, it maybe Quaternary Ammonium Chloride, or anti algae as it's known in the pool world. So yes it is likely to be harmful to some plants. If it is another compound we will have to wait and see. 
  8. Well don't blame us, its your thread and you asked about rendering lol. Ask for the MSDS (material safety data sheet) or look it up on line, then you'll see what your buying, might just be expensive bleach.
  9. So you already have a tap, does it have a thread around the outlet, if it does you just have to buy the adapter as sold in brico sheds for your size of hose. If not then you can either change the tap for one that is threaded or buy a clamp around a plain tap adaptor.
  10. Mint, not being my subject, I googled it. There is a huge amount of info available for this years or last years options, from the likes of different magazines and comparisons.
  11. [quote user="You can call me Betty"]Not really in touch with your feminine side, are you, Wooly?[/quote] Just be grateful he's not in touch with yours
  12. [quote user="NormanH"]I  was notable for my stroking abilities, but alas it is not I at stroke in that boat. Clue: I am the good-looking one [8-|] [/quote] Cox
  13. All of the French people we meet in London, j'adore our pubs and food, crumble is a popular PhD with them. I even taught one French girl how to make it.
  14. [quote user="Lehaut"]Back in the day. "Do you know what", to which I ask, "do you mean the Engineer ?" and invariably get a blank look as most people are completely unaware they use this expression.[/quote] [:D]
  15. Today, working in Hampstead, that reply I can't stand. "Yeah, no" what does that mean?
  16. Sarcozy may end up "doing bird" does that count? It is only after the tragedy do people wise up to the over use of pesticides.
  17. I agree Mint, tactically discouraged. I jaundicely (new word) believe it's because money from one NHS trust must pass to the other. The hospital that did my surgery certainly seemed to want to keep me on their books.
  18. Mrs T had some lady trouble and the first surgeon was one of those men who just want to fillet! We insisted on a second opinion and via a fantastic web site and lady's help service we were able to get to see another NHS surgeon who treated the surgery in a completely different way with minimal intrusion. My cancer surgery would have been conventional but being self employed I wanted key hole surgery so I could be up and working again soonest.  Via NHS choices I was able to choose which hospital I attended and fortunately the first surgeon was able to push things along having trained the second. The second had gone on to study key hole surgery. I believe, please correct me, this is about the only good thing Tony B liar achieved for us.
  19. I am reading a great book at the moment. It is causing me to think outside the cube beyond left field and really examine where I am heading. 96% of people are hired for their mindset and not their skills. You can grow the skills but not the mindset.
  20. [quote user="richard51"]I am envisioning the scenario where there are 2 groups of people on the banks of the River Tamar. From one bank hard skons are hurtling to the other bank at great speed causing maximum damage, whilst soft fluffy scownes are gently floating towards the other bank.[/quote] Are you sure you haven't eaten a scone baked in a small cafe in Amerstdam?
  21. [quote user="nomoss"]I think both the meaning and the source of "I'm good" has been misunderstood on here. It is a multipurpose response to a variety of enquiries. The correct equivalent in Australia is "She's right". [/quote] Maybe but blokes?
  22. [quote user="cajal"][quote user="Théière"]Isn't "I'm good" from Australia?[/quote] Does it really matter where it has come from? Isn't the fact it has arrived and is being used the issue. [/quote]Maybe in Australia there is a forum saying why do people keep saying " I am very well, thank you for asking" when I'm good will do.
  23. Isn't "I'm good" from Australia?
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