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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Back on topic:) Mine went up by 16% but as I changed last year to the one offered by the town who can negotiate a better price the monthly cost is still lower than it was with the old one. In figures the old one was 240€ a month before any increase, and the town one AFTER this year's rise is 150€
  2. There has been a lot about this in the UK press recently. To know the situation in France one can consult this site: https://ansm.sante.fr/disponibilites-des-produits-de-sante/medicaments tension de stock = in short supply.... rupture= out of stock... remise à disposition = available again
  3. Don't shoot the messenger. I was simpy giving a copy of the letter I received 😇
  4. I have just received this from county council where I was last registered to vote: Your vote matters. Don’t lose it. I’m writing to let you know that your recent application to be added to the electoral register has been successful. You are on the register as an overseas voter. You will be added to the register on 01 March 2024 unless there is an election called before then, in which case you will be added to the register in time to be able to vote at that election. Currently, your vote method is registered as: in person. As you are an Overseas elector, we suggest that you make arrangements to vote by post or proxy. If you have supplied us with your previous address and informed us that you are no longer resident there for electoral purposes, your entry on the electoral register for that address will be removed. Your registration as an Overseas Elector expires on the 28 February 2025. Overseas declarations must be renewed every twelve months. You should let us know if you do not intend to be resident at this address, or if you move house.
  5. A screenshot of the photo shows better than the original.... No idea why!!
  6. For those who have FaceBook this is a good group with recipes that give an impression of French home cooking https://www.facebook.com/groups/283463419554192/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=1054579545775905
  7. no idea why that photo looks so dark. It is bright and clear in the original
  8. And the American use of "momentarily" to mean 'IN a moment' rather than "FOR a moment"... as is "your Firefox is updating and will be available momentarily" I would have preferred that it stayed around for a while..
  9. I have always disliked this, since I have had one of my cancers return after two years, and then metastases on the liver 5 years later from the same one. The other cancer has remained in remission but one knows that nothing is certain, so this empty celebration is more wishful thinking than anything else.
  10. "Not much on the menu for a 80% vegetarian like me. " How about this then? Another place where I can watch the preparation through the window into the kitchen
  11. In that Café the kitchen is open to view and you can speak to Sandrine as she is cooking. I am sure it is home cooked food. Don't assume that Brakes and other suppliers delivering means that they are serving meals completely pre-prepared by those firms, although that is a possibility. Sometimes the restaurateur is buying in ingredients or things such as Ice-cream https://www.krill.fr/trouver-votre-distributeur/sobraques-distribution/ D
  12. 15€... each day there is just the one dish. My point is that it shows Traditional French FOOD
  13. 1) "Raft" to mean 'a range' as in "A raft of measures' 2) "Ramp up" to mean 'increase' as in "Security will be ramped up"
  14. This week's menu in a local café gives a pretty good idea of what I think of as French FOOD, as opposed to the diet of what is largely NON-French muck described in a previous post..
  15. That soiunds like quite an achievement, but I don't really understand the aim. Why is a second router needed? I can switch my VPN off or on as required
  16. Château Milhau - Petit Béret Route de Cazedarnes 34620 PUISSERGUIER Le Petit Béret France Just outside the town on the way to St Chinian
  17. Will see if I am refused too
  18. I have been through the process of registering to vote and received
  19. And his successor as Minister for Education sends her children to a private Catholic school, citing the fact that there was no cover for missing teachers, and her children meet a better class of friends in the private system https://www.liberation.fr/societe/education/enfants-doudea-castera-scolarises-dans-le-prive-cest-lecole-qui-se-fout-de-la-charite-20240112_EF5H2S5UVVBVNPFDPZKDMHT2D4/
  20. I have just started the process but they want the uk Passport number and my old address and post code. So far no nI Number and it accepted the date I left the UK which is 28 years ago. Haven't finished yet as I have to look out the passport, but will report back
  21. I was replying to the original question, not to the "drift" 😉
  22. I would feel obliged to vote as I have 'banged on' about this for years...
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