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Everything posted by margate1

  1. Steve what is your brilliant kit then,sounds interesting
  2. No I want to know what is a fair price .
  3. So would 17 euro an hour be about right now then :-) It sounds quite fair to me, but was just wondering
  4. We did the Roen route last year , but didn't get on with it. All those roundabouts and we always find ourselves down under the bridge by the railtracks with a million other Brits. I don't know where we go wrong.
  5. I normally go for Dulux paint.But found B and Qs own make ,fantastic.I had to put a bit of white spirit in it to water it down a bit because it was so thick.How much would that be in France? Some people I speak to bang on about the "quality" of the french goods that are so pricey.But in my opinion they are often overpriced shoddy objects!
  6. We pay 17 euro an hour for cleaning and grass cutting . Am looking around for someone cheaper
  7. I think some of the big items can seem cheaper in France like shower cubicles, but they then get you on the small things. It is the small things that seem ridiculously expensive
  8. My mom was unable to get carers allowance because she was too old, even though she cared for him. She did get a girl coming in to put him to bed, but she had to pay for it, I am afraid. Where is the help?
  9. My mom was too old to get carers, even though she was caring for him. She wrote to the PM many times, her MP, social services etc. It was so frustrating for her. If she needed anything then she paid for it. Dad fought in the war, was never out of work, sometimes holding down to jobs between shifts to bring his brood of eight up.They commented how many stamps he had on his card, NI contributions. He had a small private pension and this was the worst thing that he ever did. Without this he would of got some financial help,but it was the same old story that if you help yourself you end up worse off. Besides all this, I don't understand why they class you as not being diabled after 65 even though you can't walk.It is disgusting
  10. My dad was clearly disabled after having a stroke.He couldn't walk talk, eat by himself,was paralysed down one side. He was over 65 when it happened so could not get disability,car or anything.This is in England. I used to see other people with their disabled posh cars just get out and walk on carparks, and to be honest it made me physically sick. How someone that fought during the war for his country and worked all his life got treated like this is a joke My old frail ma cared for him and got no benefits or help She wrote countless letters to the then PM Tony Blair but got no answers
  11. Came back through Paris, in the rush hour torrential rain and couldn't see the lane markings.Someone nearly came into the front of us,changing lanes. Good news is....we survived!!! Never thought I would ever say this but those coloured cat's eyes out of Dover were a godsend. They need them through Paris, because despite the car lights, the road is very dark when it is raining.
  12. Is it signposted all the way through Paris though to Bordeaux? Coming back it is signposted to Lille all the way through,so it is quite easy. Have you done this?
  13. Thanks have been to Pontoise before and then i think to Versailles, but who knows as every trip is different  
  14. Anyone know a really sound way to set the sat nav from Calais through Paris to Orleon? I have done this so many times without problems, but have never gone the same way twice. I wanted a full proof setting. Coming back is easy as I just follow signs for Lille and it is straightforward enough.You just have to have eyes up your backside to watch for the motorbikes. Thankyou
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNclKR1iaXk
  16. Thankyou Théière you have cracked it http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irony
  17. No there is no icon like you show me. I used to use this so I know what I am looking for. I just have smileys and nothing else
  18. Ok I have tried to post using internet explorer as I have both. Google chrome and internet explorer and I still have no icon!!! I give up
  19. But I love Google chrome. I have no icon to post a u tube link. I used to post clickable links on here, I am so disappointed
  20. Haven't posted a clickable link on here for a while.Seems I can't do it now there is no icon to click on to put the url in.All I have is smiley's .What is going on? I use Google chrome
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1ZHg4_4REiY&feature=relatedHer album is brilliant Don't know why this link isn't clickable
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