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Everything posted by valB

  1. A couple in England tried to raffle their propery this way and they had sold quite a lot of raffle tickets when the Gaming Commision stepped in and halted it. They are questioning if it is legal or not and the couple are in limbo at present.
  2. We were told today by an Englishman who also lives here that if you are over 60 years you do not have to pay taxes on your house. We have been here for almost three years and have never heard of this before. Does he have the wrong information or have our dreams just come true. 
  3. According to the newspapers he made an appology but continued in his normal foul mouthed way. I suppose he has always been like this and the ones who watch him know what he will be like but are not offended by it hense his popularity with some. Curiosity may make me watch it, who knows, but  as I did not watch him before I cannot see me viewing him now. Not because of recent events, purely because I do not enjoy his sort of humour, I have my own favourite comedians and shows that I enjoy so I am not knocking anyone who favours his humour. Time will tell if the ratings stay the same as they were before his outburst on the radio so maybe he has already signed his own demise from this show.
  4. valB


    Many thanks for your replies. I will try our local market but I think I have found a shop through yellow pages close to where I live. Once again thank you all.
  5. valB


    I do a lot of knitting for Granchildren but I always struggle to find buttons in the colours I need. Can anyone suggest a good stockist of buttons ? 
  6. I agree totally Pierre. Fear is not just for the passengers and I would imagine everyone on board were very frightened indeed but proved to be a  very professional  crew.
  7. Just heard he has a fifteen month custodial sentence.
  8. You don't have your own plane then, flaming credit crunch.[:)]
  9. I would have to find a rich sugar daddy first...any offers.[;-)][;-)]
  10. Yes, good news although I am surprised they do not do a flight to Exeter. Ryanair fly from Bergerac to Exeter but that is a long drive to Bergerac for us but we have done it. I know I want it all on a plate so could they just drop me off in a park close to my daughter's house in the Torbay area.  [:)][:)] 
  11. I would love to have a nice bacon joint for boiling or roasting. I know bacon here is not the same as in England and would not know what to look for. Any advice most welcome.
  12. Friends of ours here in France have regular paties- get togethers and they provide a box of wine, a pack of beers and some nibbles.  The guests then bring wine or beer and the wives make some goodies to eat.  It works well so maybe you could try it as well. No one minds contributing and a good time is had by all.
  13. valB


    I was quite impressed with Murphy yesterday as a cat was strolling across our garden and he started jumping so I shouted " LEAVE" and he sat down and just looked. I kept repeating the word and he settled down and just watched the cat dissapear into the orchard next door. How good was that !!! 
  14. valB


    Thank you all for your replies and I  will let you know what we decide after Xmas. Should I want further questions answered I will certainly contact you, Lynn.
  15. valB


    Now I am confused. Our eldest son and his partner have an enormous German Shepherd dog and then they introduced a kitten, then another kitten and finally they have a puppy as well now. According to our son the very large dog accepted all the newcomers well. The large dog is quite aggresive outside the house but is like a lamb with the kittens and pup. I would never leave a kitten alone with any dog and our Lab is a very soft loving dog but maybe it is territorial with Ferral cats in our garden and  he has never been in close contact with them as they do not appear when he is outside, he just watches them through the window. He is the saame when he sees a dog go passed our house but he is wagging his tail all the time. Iwill now have to give this a lot more thought.
  16. valB


    Thanks Jo  That sounds quite hopeful then. I know our Labrador is desperate to play with our very old dog who unfortunately is almost deaf and blind and just wants to eat and sleep. I now have to convince OH that we may not have major problems by introducing a little one into the house.
  17. valB

    baby in india

    It was a donated sperm and egg obviously as she would have been passed childbearing age and her husband had not produced children with his previous wives. The doctors examined her thoroughly and decided she was fit enough to give birth. Then it all begins, sleepless nights, teething and childrens infections which would knacker a woman half her  age. They were apparently subject to ridicule as they had not borne any children so this was their way of showing people that they were able to have a child...allegedly !!!!!!   My eldest daughter had her fourth baby at  41 years of age and she was like a zombie as he did cried for the first three months day and night and he is now  18 months old and still does not sleep. Lets hope these two people have a very, very good baby otherwise they will be suicidal unless family step in.
  18. valB

    baby in india

    I had my fourth baby when I was 36 and I used to cringe at ante natal classes as most of the new mums were in their twenties.  When I was in labour I was actually asked by a nurse to help calm dowm a screaming teenage mum in labour. I did this by informing her she was not the only one suffering and to shut the f**k up, it worked. Seriously, though I am not sure even though the new 70 is 60 if it is right to do this as I know I got very tired at times and I had a very good  baby.
  19. valB

    baby in india

    Oh my gosh. What are the views of forum members on this ?
  20. I have just heard that a woman in India has given birth thanks to IVF at the ripe old age of 70...right or wrong ?
  21. valB


    I am thinking about getting kitten/cat after Xmas, cannot do before as we are going away this year. The problem I have is my Rescue Labrador as he goes beserk if he sees a cat. Would he be different if it was a member of our household or do you think he would attack it ? I would hate to adopt a furry friend and then  have to rehome it or even worse if Murphy injured it in any way.  I have never had a problem introducing rescue cats and dogs to each other over the years and maybe if it was a kitten he might feel protective toward it. He is very gentle with my old dog but can jump for the Olympics when he sees a cat walk across the garden.
  22. Flying next Monday Begerac to Bristol. Maybe I should check with Ryanair to see if they antticipate any delays as it is a three hour drive for us here. Also, I do not want family waiting around at Bristl for hours.
  23. Best of luck to you both and it was lovely meeting you a few weeks ago..( table and chairs ) Regards Phil and Val
  24. Did anyone see on the news last week a story about a woman who went into hospital for a brain operation and the surgeon found a LIVE  worm in her brain. Probably caused by eating under cooked meat was the verdic. Yes, very, very well done for me from now onwards.
  25. He has been found guilty of kidnapping a man although he strongly denied the allegation. He will be sentenced in January and has been told by the Judge he could be facing a prison sentence. How likely do we think this is and could his celebratary status go in his favour as it has done recently with other well known people.
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