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Everything posted by mogs

  1. I disagree - sorry - apart from Mr Bean I think the rest has been very boring (so far) but maybe it will get more exciting
  2. I'm very proud to say I watched a fellow Englishman "whizz" past today, along with all the other competitors. It was a pleasant afternoon and a lot of fun to watch and left me with a lump in my throat - meaning a spectacular event, perhaps a once in a lifetime thing to see. How many of us have actually watched them go by?
  3. mogs

    Amazon query

    You are a star Clair! I think I've unsubscribed as I got the following message which I think confirms I have de-activated? : La conversion automatique de votre offre découverte Amazon Premium est actuellement désactivée. Pour continuer à profiter des avantages d'Amazon Premium sans interruption (montant annuel de EUR 49,00), cliquez sur « convertir automatiquement » ci-dessous. Votre offre découverte Amazon Premium expirera le 30 juillet 2012 et vos avantages ne continueront pas automatiquement.
  4. mogs

    Amazon query

    THanks for your help Clair, although I can't seem to follow the steps you gave : this is what shows on my "gerer mes parametres" page : Amazon Premium: gérer mes paramètres Membre Premium : Dates de votre offre découverte Amazon Premium : 30 juin 2012 - 30 juillet 2012 Mode de paiement préféré pour la conversion de votre abonnement : Eurocard / MasterCard ***- Historique des paiements Date Montant Carte Votre offre découverte Amazon Premium expirera le 30 juillet 2012 et vos avantages continueront automatiquement pour (EUR 49,00 par an). Souhaitez-vous vraiment désactiver la conversion automatique de votre offre découverte Amazon Premium ? Si vous désactivez la conversion automatique, vous ne bénéficierez plus de vos avantages Amazon Premium(livraison en 1 jour ouvré à volonté, livraison gratuite sans minimum d'achats) à partir du 30 juillet 2012. Vos paramètres 1-Click par défaut Adresse de livraison Aucune adresse par défaut sélectionnée. Mode de livraison Aucune option sélectionnée. Mode de paiement préféré Aucun mode sélectionné Vous avez désactivé la commande 1-Click. Pour afficher sur les pages détaillées des produits les boutons d'achat en 1-Click disponibles uniquement pour les membres d'Amazon Premium, activez la commande 1-Click dans Votre compte Il manque une information importante concernant 1-Click. Veuillez vous rendre dans Votre compte afin de sélectionner cette information : adresse par défaut, Mode de livraison, mode de paiement However I do also get the following message Vous pouvez annuler votre abonnement Amazon Premium directement dans Votre Compte jusqu'à la première utilisation. Si au moment de l'annulation vous -ou vos invités- n'avez pas passé de commande éligible au programme Amazon Premium, nous vous rembourserons l'intégralité du montant payé pour l'abonnement annuel au programme Amazon Premium. Maybe I am trying to cancel it too early?? Thanks
  5. mogs

    Amazon query

    I've made my first purchase on the Amazon fr site and in order to receive the goods quickly I "subscribed" to the premium delivery option, which can be cancelled before the end of the first month. I don't order enough on Amazon to justify the 49 euros but I can't see how to cancel it. Can anyone help please with step by step instructions, I presume it will be somewhere in my account but although I can see the cancel the 1 click option, I'm not sure this is also to cancel the premium account many thanks
  6. In the last couple of days we've lost BBC2 from our listings, has anyone else had problems? We have an HD digibox/free channels not Sky freeview.
  7. I'm about to fill in the "demande de certificat d'immatriculation" to swop a UK car plate to French, but am not quite clear what to put for the following, marque (D1) ie make of car? type (D2) ie Saxo GTI? (D3) don't think this is relevant as not a commercial vehicle Numero de identification (E) Genre national (J.1) Numero d'exploitation agricole ???? don't think this is relevant any help gratefully appreciated with thanks
  8. Well I didn't mean to start a debate here folks but thanks to everyone for trying to help. Strangely enough, I haven't adjusted anything today but now I am getting a "full screen" without the awful (sorry, it is annoying) screen picture in the background, so I don't know what has happened but this is the outcome I was hoping for. I haven't browsed any other threads as yet so not sure if it is a forum glip or just sorted. In case it isn't said enough, thanks to the forum management and the mods for all they do.
  9. I like that suggestion T ha ha :)
  10. Hi Clair I'm using google chrome with windows 7
  11. Since the change to the forum when I am trying to read threads I always have the beautiful lavender picture in the background but the forum pages are too narrow to be able to read the whole topic. I've tried to CTRL - but it doesn't change the page. Can I get rid of the background picture?
  12. I believe the certificate system stopped last year (someone else will possibly concur or correct).
  13. I think I understand this but would prefer clarification Intérêts des emprunts contractés pour l'acquisition ou la construction de l'habitation principale Offres de prêt émises avant le 1.1.2011 Première annuité Annuités suivantes - Logements anciens acquis du 6.5.2007 au 30.9.2011 et logements neufs acquis ou construits du 6.5.2007 au 31.12.2009 7VY 7VZ - Logements neufs non-BBC acquis ou construits du 1.1.2010 au 31.12.2010 7VW 7VV - Logements neufs non-BBC acquis ou construits du 1.1.2011 au 30.9.2011 7VU - Logements neufs BBC acquis ou construits du 1.1.2009 au 30.9.2011 We took out 2 loans in 2008 to help towards the construction of a new house and just wondered if we are allowed a credit impot? (We haven't claimed before as thought it was only for mortgages) Many thanks
  14. I've read through the document that SD placed a link for although it is dated 2010. You can't get tax relief for a new build but it seems (if the information is current) that for installing energy efficient equipment, ie pompe a chaleur there are no restrictions on the age of the property but most things have a 2 year min age of property. So if your house is over 2 years old and you make various energy saving installations then yes, it appears so. Hope that I've understood that correct with google translating.
  15. Thanks for all answers, I'm now starting to complete the forms on line but need some help with a couple of things, perhaps someone can explain please? On the pink 2047K form should we put anything to claim the credit impot or is this just on the blue 2042? On the blue 2042 form, section 7WK is where I think I should put the amount spent on the PChaleur but do I have to deduct a percentage first, if so what is the % (I found the information confusing)? The facture from the installer is a bit confusing as there are 4 sections (a) tubelure de sol (b) feuillard de dilation en peripherie (c) nourrisse de repartition 10 elements and finally the make/model/size of the pompe a chaleur, each has a separate price so do I add all these together to go in section 7WK or is only the PAC itself allowed a credit? Many thanks for any help
  16. Our new house built last year has double glazed windows/doors and a pompe a chaleur heating system, all installed by artisans. Can we put these down on our 2011 tax form and if so where does the information go, ie blue form/pink form, and which line please. Appreciate any help, sorry if this has been asked before, I did do a search but replies didn't seem relevant to my query. Many thanks
  17. I've asked my local pharmacy and they don't seem to do anything, or didn't understand what I was asking for. Is this or a similar product available here either Diprobase or Oilatum, particularly the bath lotion that you can wash and shower with? I'm just wondering what people in France use to treat very dry skin or eczema? The doctor gives us Dexeryl cream which is ok for the skin but I'd like something to use with water.
  18. mogs

    Good friday

    My daughter is even at Lycee on Friday. Strange really it is not a religious holiday in France? The day that Christ was crucified?? Yet a public holiday on Monday, could someone explain that to me please or have I got it wrong all these years?
  19. I would like to make some blinds for our windows, but because the windows open inwards it means the blind will get caught up in the window. I've thought about putting the batten on the wall just below the coving but there still isn't enough clearance to allow the window to open and close without trapping the blind. We don't want to drill into the pvc, so any suggestions anyone?
  20. We've been sent this form to complete which says we have 90 days to return after the end of our works. The work isn't finished yet so not too worried but wondered if there are any English explanations anywhere so as to complete the form correctly. Another question is that we are also half way through putting in a swimming pool but the house is likely to be finished before the pool is. Should we put this on the H1 as well even though it isn't finished yet?
  21. Does anyone know if the Halfords disposable ones at £2 each conform to the regulations? I've got family visiting in August and they were thinking of buying these.
  22. I can think of quite a few good uses for the "new design coffee table": somewhere to put your smelly socks when visitors arrive unexpectedly, a magazine storage "box", somewhere to keep the doggie treats in, the matches, the glasses, even the bino's if you so desire and many more, anyone else got some suggestions for use???? As you say Sue very accessible when the end is nigh, you can just put yourself in and await the event :) :)
  23. I always thought that male dogs cause the biggest acidic pee pee, wherever our male cocks his leg it leaves a brown patch (on grass) and he has been known to kill off a young tree or two. Along the road a few telegraph-posts have suffered too
  24. mogs

    phone number

    I've used the 112 number once before in the past 3 years and found the operator spoke very good English. However I was then transferred to the "duty" local doctor who didn't speak any English, but fortunately I managed to make myself understood. It might be worth noting that the duty doctor might not visit the house as in my case, I was told to go to the local hospital A & E (it was 4 o/c in the morning and I had developed a reaction to my first round of chemo).
  25. Thanks ANO I did receive your PM, I haven't replied because we have found a solution, but thanks again for your offer. We've decided to give daughter an English bank card so she can go and draw the cash out, as it happens I am in the UK myself from Friday so will be able to change euros into sterling, then can pay it into the bank for her to withdraw it. I've asked her what others are doing, but so far she doesn't know, lucky for her she has a solution.
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