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Everything posted by mint

  1. Betise, I believe that there will be a statement from that porte-parole, Attal, at 20.00 this evening.
  2. I tried to book a RV at our previous address, but the site said that I wasn't entitled (not the right word but can't think of the exact French one) to a RV there. So I conclude that the answer to my own question must be "no".  It's just that a neighbour (anglaise) rang to tell me she had a friend who got a jab in a place just south of Angoûleme.  On further questioning, I was NOT surprised to get her to remember that her friend lived in the Charente.  I get this sort of misinformation all the time from this particular person, never seems to have any idea of any thing going on despite having lived here in excess of 25 years. 
  3. Can someone please remind me, is it possible to get a RV in another département than your own?
  4. There is strong resistance all over Europe. Have you seen the violence generated in le pays bas? I presume the scenes were from Amsterdam. Either way, it's going to be tricky and Macron will have one eye on the election to come.
  5. https://www.sudouest.fr/2021/01/27/covid-19-vers-un-reconfinement-parlementaires-associations-d-elus-et-syndicats-consultes-par-castex-8336452-710.php PS still having to use Opera so no clickable link
  6. I agree with ET. They do list any "additional" documents they want on your letter of invitation to attend for fingerprints and finalise your application. I knew I had to produce my act de naissance, so I took that along. The interviewer then asked me about resources. I pointed out that resources were not mentioned in my letter and I showed her the letter. She agreed with me and the interview as over in no time.
  7. Is it possible to start from scratch on the new, current website? It does only take a few minutes
  8. AFAIK the site only allows for 2 documents to be downloaded. If they want more, they are likely to ask for them when they invite you for your interview. At least that's what they did in my case. I think you will have to contact them again to clarify their demands
  9. la banane wrote Nimt, always though of you as a closet Mail reader! Oy there, who're you calling a closet Mail reader?  I'm an-in-the-open-air reader.  I ain't posh like what and Norman are[:P] My favourite word from your link is "dédouané".....sounds a bit painful?
  10. I don't apologise for this being from the Daily Mail. I don't turn my nose up at information which seems to me worth noting, whatever their source. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9175275/High-Street-retailers-luxury-brands-BURNING-dumping-EU-products.html PS not a clickable link because I don't know how to do those on Opera
  11. [url]https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/21/france-passes-sensory-heritage-law-after-plight-of-maurice-the-noisy-rooster[/url] Sometimes the French really do have their own ways of looking at things and I, for one, applaud them for it.
  12. mint

    This is for Wooly

    Wools, I would buy this for you if money were no object! [url]https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/jan/21/previously-unseen-dog-painting-by-manet-to-be-sold-at-paris-auction[/url] 
  13. [url]https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jan/21/britons-buying-from-eu-websites-face-more-than-100-import-duties[/url]  Didn't someone recently ask about bringing over a van load of materials to renovate his French house? Anyway, this article is not about bringing vanloads, just some ordinary online shopping. Perhaps only buy European if you live in France and British if you live in the UK?
  14. Lovely old town, Nontron.  Plus you have a sub préfecture.  I guess I'm destined to keep banging my head against a closed door.  Now dying of envy of everyone else getting a RV
  15. Yikes, danny, I sympathise. I haven't yet found a "free" date and there are now no dates at all until after 24 jan. Still, for me, merely have our preferred centre listed seems like a miracle. I am trying not to get wound up about this as I have other pressing things to do.
  16. I don't make bread "from scratch" like you two.  I leave all that to the experts, I just use my breadmaker. But, even using the breadmaker and following the instructions either of the manufacturer of the machine, or the bread flour, there is never any guarantee that the result will turn up identical.  I suppose that is part of the charm and excitement? I do find a variation with the different makes of levure boulangère.  I have tried all the common ones, Francine, Super U, Vahiné, etc.  The BEST, for me, is either Champion (hard to find) or Chabrior.  No difference though with the different makes of flours.  I don't like the complet because I have never managed a nice brown loaf but I do like the multi-céréals and sometime, if I want to make sandwiches, I use blanc and occasionally for a treat I use the flour for brioche. I haven' been to a boulanger's for bread (or fattening vienoiserie) since the pandemic.
  17. I LOVE the poem.  I wonder that I haven't come across it until now because both my first and second French teachers here in France were Prévert fans and I have read and studied many of his poems.  Maybe they thought oh we'll teach the class that one après ...... well, après whatever it was they were thinking!
  18. [quote user="Catalpa"]Well done, Mint. [:)] [/quote] Alas, Catalpa, I didn't succeed. Back to blinking Bing so it's Opera and Google but I guess I'll have to get used to living with it. Thank you for your patience in explaining things but you are up against a real dunce
  19. At last, I have been able to find out why I have been unable to get OH's RV. Our local centre is only opening from next Tues and is in any case only open for 3 days a week. So far all RVs have been for those in the EHPADs and carers over 50 with comorbidity. From next week, RVs will be doled out to anyone over 75 in the wider population. By "from next week", I think they mean that, IF you are lucky, doctolib or the phone number they give will maybe start working for you to book your RVs
  20. [quote user="anotherbanana"]If it is a credit card, Norman, then it should be international. Do your son and his family need food parcels that badly? Surely there is still honey for tea.?[/quote] Don't know anything about UK accepting all international credit cards. I do know that not all French companies accept UK credit cards. One company comes to mind, Zalando.fr. I ordered a couple of things last week and had to use our carte bleue.
  21. Just come back to say yippeee and to thank you all for your ready and helpful suggestions.  I have solved the problem, now using Firefox and Google[:D]
  22. No further damage, Sue?  I would suggest that he could do Clinton a LOT of damage!
  23. Looked at sante.fr this morning and chose the centre near us (really the most practical but will try Périgueux if all else fails).  And this is the message:  Tous les rendez-vous de vaccination ont déjà été réservés. De nouvelles disponibilités seront accessibles dans les prochains jours. My thinking is that Périgueux is likely to be a lot busier and the waiting list longer so even though the waiting list is not open locally for now, there should be slots in the coming days and the list might be shorter.  I could do without all this uncertainty.  Both February and March will be very busy months for me (medically that is) but I am anxious to get OH done, if only to stop HIM worrying[:-))]
  24. Perhaps a new banana might be an improvement on that ill-looking one that looks a bit....er....périmée?
  25. ALBF, that latest computer I bought wasn't for me! I bought it for OH because he finds the tablet keyboard too cumbersome to use (stick out tongue, can't do on Opera) Sue, I'm going to look at some emails and then I am going to do as you have told me? Thank you
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