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Everything posted by Pads

  1. http://www.petsathome.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Info_10601_caring-for-your-stick-insect_-1_10551 Good on you for taking care of the poor thing ...just dont go trapping it in the fridge door like the poor cat ;)) Hope this link works Px   Yeah Im back on .....I have been in the sin bin far to long ;)
  2. I make my own from different dried nuts fruits oats, seeds ect that can be picked up from any super market, That way you can make to your own taste
  3. I use sterimar and have found it in France and the UK
  4. Ah.... one of french live's mysteries ...one of many I have come across .... Many thanks for your replies x
  5. Thanks for your fast reply Idun As its a second home I dont pay tax , but comparing my bill to a friends in the village , of whom its also a second home , there is a difference of 50euros. My house is slightly bigger so I assumed we came in to another band ... What other reason could there be ?
  6. Is there different bands for Taxe D'Habitation ? If so where on your bill will it tell you which band your in ? If there are bands is this judged on the value of your house like in the UK ? Many Thanks for any replies
  7. During the winter months , take some time to join a french class to up your level of french , stock up on some good books for days in by the fire , buy some walking boots to keep fit during winter. Get all those jobs done you have meant to do all summer or start a new craft /hobby ( maybe some thing you could sell during the summer to tourist ) It will soon be summer again and you will to too busy to wonder what to do ... Or reach out on the forum to meet some new people we arnt all aperros golf and bridge types ... ;0)
  8. From my own experience of living in a converted barn is that as the walls are so thick it stays much cooler inside ,on hot days if I open the windows the flies come streaming in for the cooler temp... I need to fit fly screens like all my neighbours just havnt got around to it yet ..... Yours may have other reasons but this is what I put it down to in mine
  9. Simular to above when we opened our account we were signed up for a few services we didnt need , because we didnt understand what they were , I have since read up about them and cancled them , I no longer have any charges on my account . We opened it by walking into the bank with our passports and proof of our address in the UK . This was before we brought our mansion secondaire as we needed it to send the money to to pay for the deposit . its a on line account with cheque book and c/card. We spent about an hour with the bank manager filling in forms and talking , plus she even excepted our 5,000 deposit in dollars which surprised me , but then I think she fancied my husband !! ;) Edit ...Just remembered , she asked us to return with the address when we brought our house , until then she kept the statements, card, cheque book, plus any other mail that would of gone to us at her Bank for us to pick up from her when it arrived.
  10. Have you checked to make sure this is not a scam letter trying to rush you into paying them some money , go to the tax office and see them face to face ....
  11. can you legally drive a UK registered car in France on a French licence ?? No you have to drive on the road like the rest of us ..... Sorry couldnt resist
  12. Yes I think you might be missing this http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cevennes+national+park&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=696&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=14pvTv33F4O58gOw9OTfCQ&ved=0CEMQsAQ Its a loverly area especially in a sunny May June time Edit sorry usless at posting links ...you will have to copy and paste it
  13. I'll leave you to google it Im sure your find the answer !! ;)
  14. Wooleybanana is not stupid he has a computer and if that was the route he wanted to go he woud of ....... Instead he wanted to get opinons from his friends ..... Do you sit with a group of friends and say dont bother me with your questions go google it , while they have a conversation around you ??? Mmmmm I put I think because thats I way I am I dont force my opinon down peoples throats I leave it open for others to say oh but I think ........ No difference between net or book but conversation is just as good ...... ;)
  15. I think with the summer ones you should leave this years shoots and cut them back everyother year and Autumn you cut all right back to get new shoots in the new year , as you need the time for the summer one's
  16. Whats wrong with the old art of conversation ? If we google everything there would be no point to the forum would there ..... ;)
  17. I normally cut mine back to the ground ... but it depends on weather they have been pruned before as you dont realy want to cut back to old wood , so if not done before cut back to just before this years new growth.
  18. Hi Im not with the above org just found it with the same name as me and thought I would give it a push ..... I was asking for my self but he would need a pass port as im only in France part time at the moment and travel back and forth with my cat and dog and thought I could squeeze one more in ..... as he looked very much like a cat I lost recently and touched my heart ....shame the 21 days passport hasnt kicked in yet ....
  19. Has he got a passport? Will he be able to live with a cat friendly dog ?
  20. As the others have said the dark decor makes it look small and far to much dark furniture also gives it a cramped feeling in the photos.I found the pic's too small and hard to see with that bottom bar. Can use that space to make the pic's bigger ? For me also being on the road would put me off But the plus side is it sounds like there is plenty more room to work on to make extra rooms. I wish you Good luck and hope you make a sale soon....;0)
  21. Thanks for your reply Liz but yes I have already done the deed online with a FX company and am happy with the deal I got ... I have since been told that the exchange rate for the Halifax is not a good one plus they charge you 7.50 ...
  22. Just read Dawn French's A tiny bit marvellous ...sadley it wasnt at all...... I really looked forward to reading it after reading how funny it was .... It didnt even raise one smile From such a funny woman who I have enjoyed watching on the telly over the years this was a massive let down. Any one else read it ? What do you think ?
  23. My husband pointed out to me today that with the new passport rules in the new year being reduced to 21 days I will have time to passport the next stray that arrives at my house in France .... His warning of nothing to big because the more animals in our little car means the less stuff I can take with me and I already have problems managering 2 on my own..... ( not daft my other half) Any how my questions are ( buggar waiting for one to arrive) If I get a cat or dog from the SPA will I be allowed to take it out of the country ( sure the rules here say you have to tell them if you move ) and if I only have 2 animals booked on the ferry will I need to tell them a 3rd is coming back and can I do this via the phone as I dont have much access to internet out there Has any one gone home with more than there came out with before ? Many Thanks
  24. Yes he is use to being on a lead , he loves coming for a walk with us , if we dont take him , he follows us any how , and I couldnt bear it each time a car came by , too the embrassrment of my husband I use to stand in the middle of the lane to stop cars to tell them my cat was on the road ...so we taught him how to use the lead. he has also now learnt how to sit in his basket with a car harness on so he dosnt have to be shut up in a box for long drives . he is just like the dog with his nose agaisnt the window all the way ... but this is the first time I have taken them both on my own.. normally there is some one in te car with me to keep the doors open in the heat ...I am considering a potty or using the cats litter tray .....
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