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Rob Roy

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Everything posted by Rob Roy

  1. Not forgetting the 15th August, Feast of the Assumption, when the Virgin Mary ascended into Heaven. [:)]
  2. [quote user="Kitty"][quote user="Louise"]I have another query... when you register with the Mairie do you include babies in the numbers e.g we have beds for 12 people but 2 cots so do I register for 12 or 14. I think I should register for 14 ???[/quote] In the UK, where I have a holiday let, when you say, for example, "sleeps 10", this means that the house "sleeps up to 10 adults and children over the age of 2".  Children and babies under the age of 2 are not included in the numbers.  I gather that the same applies in France.  So, in my opinion, you would register for 12.  I assume that you could ask the Mairie to verify this. As for twin beds, I have a house with two doubles and three twins and that works out well.  No one has ever complained that I have too many or too few double beds.  Sometimes, people put the twin beds together. There certainly was a thread about this in the past but it was probably 3 or 4 years ago and I can't find it. [/quote] Is this the one? http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance/cs/forums/525547/ShowPost.aspx
  3. The lavender fields each side are awful IMO and just distract from the main use - the postings. Why the whole screen can't be used I just don't understand. I also want to know why there is a huge white gap at the top between the page titles and this reply section, it's really annoying.
  4. My husband doesn't do any cooking Coops; but then I don't do plasterboard jointing, rubbing down, plumbing, laying electrics or cutting wood for the fire! Our three sons, on the other hand, are all better cooks than their girlfriends - because I made sure of it [:D]
  5. [:D][:D][:D] We are in France ( Correze, in the Limousin). We also saw a coypu crossing the field when the snow was around about three weeks ago; I don't know if it was lost but the next day it was still around, but one field over, and my 18 mth old dog found it and didn't know what to make of it! She barked at it, ran round it but eventually left it alone and the next day it had disappeared.
  6. We had about a dozen red kite flying around a week or so ago, it was a lovely sight. There is also a hen harrier who regularly skimes the field opposite our living room window as well as the usual buzzards. It's better than sitting in a bird hide, and more comfortable!
  7. Danny has got a beautiful head. Are they British or French bred?
  8. And he was the baby! I'll have to confess that this picture was taken a few years ago; Billy, the one in the chair, died soon after this picture from a twisted gut at the age of 12 months, which was an awful shock, whilst the black one, Jet, had to be put to sleep due to arthritis in his back end (he was 14). We still have Teddy (on the left) who's been joined by Freya, a very lively young lady now 18 months, who's half black lab and half Gordon setter.  
  9. During the recent snow my donkeys had a visitor every morning when I gave them breakfast - [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/The%20Donkeys/DSCF4448.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/The%20Donkeys/DSCF4447-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/The%20Donkeys/DSCF4439.jpg[/IMG]  
  10. Whilst they are both lovely, I'm afraid you are both wrong [;-)] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/2007_09150001.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Thanks for that link Racerbear02, it looks an interesting site.[:)]
  12. Rob Roy


    [quote user="NickP"] [quote user="bourrut"]Thanks for link,They look just the job Malcolm.[/quote] So the secret is out, 3P's name is really Malcolm, not very trendy for an Argentinian well wisher is it ? [:D] [/quote] [:D] I think Malcolm is the OP's name, if I'm reading the posts correctly?
  13. I was stroger willed yesterday than you, Sweet, our Super U had some at 4.95€ - I just managed to walk past them! One of my favorite French climbers is Pierre de Ronsard: [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/Garden%20and%20Nature/RosePierredeRonsard.jpg[/IMG] This is hubby's favorite, but I've lost the name. It was planted nearly 3 years ago in quite poor soil and seems to thrive on neglect, although I often throw the coffe grounds down by it and dead head it during the summer so it keeps flowering: [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Bouillaguet/Garden%20and%20Nature/RosearchandTeddy.jpg[/IMG]  
  14. [quote user="idun"][quote user="Rob Roy"][quote user="sweet 17"] [/quote]   When I can find large tins of corned beef here I still do it,using just one, for the two of us. [/quote]   Corned Beef in France, I have wasted far too much money on the dreadful, nay degueulasse stuff. The food I bought for the cat looked nicer, smelt nicer, wouldn't know about the taste. I just wouldn't if I were you. [/quote] I found Frey Bentos so I was happy with that![:)]
  15. [quote user="sweet 17"] Corned beef....that always brings back memories of Saturdays!  Why?  Because my first husband had this Welsh grandmother who must have been at least a hundred years old (well, she looked like a hundred) and she was "very CAREFUL" with the corned beef. Saturdays were always spent at my in-laws after shopping and the old lady would prepare her Saturday Special! [:)] She'd cut up a tin of corned beef (only always the one tin, mind) and she'd cook it in a casserole type dish with sliced onions and sliced potatoes with some sort of stock (I suspect it was an Oxo cube)! That was it!  Supposed to feed 6 people! Still, I loved the dish and I'd always try to get a bit more meat on my plate if I could wangle it! Then, after we moved away from St Albans, where they lived, to the West Country, I'd try to re-create that dish and I'd think, oh, this would be sooo lovely because I'm going to put in a WHOLE tin of corned beef for just the two of us and that's got to be the ultimate pleasure! But, would you believe it, it NEVER ever tasted as good as when Mam cooked it and it wasn't the same having great big, broken up pieces of corned beef instead of the little scraps that you had to hunt all through the pot for![:'(] We're just contrary, us human beings......[I] [/quote]   'Panakilty'! It was a recipe I got from 'Home & Freezer Digest' (anyone remember those in the 70's?) and I often did it for the family, using two large tins.[:)] When I can find large tins of corned beef here I still do it,using just one, for the two of us. I cooked one of my comfort foods tonight - toad-in-the-hole, using Irish sausages brought over from Dublin by friends at Christmas; just the thing for a cold, wet, foggy night!.[:D]
  16. I advertised some kittens for good homes last year and one lady that took one gave me a bottle of poire eau-de-vie as a present in return. As it had only just been distilled she suggested I keep it for a while, but jokily said it made good perfume at the time - it certainly had a strong aroma of pear! We have friends coming round for dinner this week , it must be about time to try it with the after dinner coffee.[:)]
  17. Got it! Thanks everyone for your help, sorry for the grumpy response above, I was not having a good day [:)]
  18. Thanks for the suggestions. I've now got the IE Tab but the bl**dy thing won't let me log on! I give up, life's too short to keep trying to make it work This forum is the only one I've had trouble with, and reading the thread below I wasn't alone.
  19. Yes, excellent, thank you PPP! Since I have W7/IE9 I'm not sure what your point is?
  20. That sounds like milk fed veal, as opposed to veal calves left in the field with their mothers so they suckle and eat grass (like we have here in the Limousin!) The calf's liver I buy in my local SuperU is certainly not pale pink, but is tender and delicious. For years I hated liver but now know it was because my mother overcooked it (although she was a good cook) and I used to do the same. (I also love kidney!)
  21. Can anyone tell me please how to get Windows 7/Google Chrome to recognise this Forum properly? I can't find a compatibility button to use as I had with 'normal' Google. Posting comes up with a box to write in and no smileys (!) and when I use the quote button I get all the gobbledegook instead of the proper box.
  22. [quote user="idun"]Rob Roy it isn't foie de veau which is calves liver. It is young beasts liver, so the animal is that bit older. [/quote] I think the term 'calf' is open to interpretation in this context; a weaner calf is about 6 months old when weaned and slaughtered for veal, but a young animal up to a year old can still be termed a calf in the U.K. so foie de genisse in France can be calf's liver in the U.K.
  23. It translates into English as calf's liver, which shouldn't be too difficult to find.
  24. Christmas Markets in Haute Vienne: http://www.frenchvie.com/limousin/viewtopic.php?t=10411
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