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Everything posted by Meg

  1. .............and to think no one took notice before JK! I'm really impressed with you though..........it has never occurred to me to even think about natural hair dye let alone Google it!  Now every one in forum land will have a new hair colour tomorrow! Louise
  2.     Found on different site jayjay: Saffron hair dye: One pinch of saffron. About five hundred ml of boiling water. Soak saffron in water for 10 minutes. Strain and use it on the hair. Grey hair will have rich golden shade.
  3. [quote user="jayjay"]Does it cover grey?????[/quote] same site as above jayjay: if you are hoping to find a homemade hair dye to cover your greys, consider using sage and rosemary. Simply simmer sage and rosemary in water for about half an hour. Next, leave the mixture to steep for several hours. After the allotted time has passed, apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on until it is dry. Finally, rinse and dry your hair as usual. You may need to repeat this process on a weekly basis in order to obtain the shade you want. Louise
  4. Looks like someone has already thought of it http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-some-homemade-hair-dyes.htm  says Another homemade hair dye can be created using walnut husks and water. To make this dye, simply boil the husks in water for about 15 minutes. After boiling, strain the mixture and use the liquid to color your hair. This homemade hair dye is good for making brown hair darker. I still reckon you could brand / market  it right you could be on to something!! Ps.....i will try it anyway (Sunday though as i am going out in public tomorrow night!) Louise
  5.   Ok.................this could work! How do you reckon i should try it?? I have during the summer been using that 'sun in stuff' so i reckon it'll take really well! I'm a self hair dying expert (or not as the case may be!) I've been dying my hair for years (Always myself, from bleached white, bright yellow, to  purple and also black) Laughed at you JK!! Some folks have no vision!!! I am soooooo going to have to try it now! Ps. if you do patent it and become rich and famous.....can i supply you with the walnut husks!! [:D] Get thinking of a brand name! Louise
  6. [quote user="Just Katie "]By the way..... did anyone try dying their hair with that black stuff that comes out of walnuts?  If someone wants me to do it I will. [/quote] Now there's an idea.................. himself has lovely black finger tips at the mo'( i did tell him not to pick the ones out of the skins..........men, he did it just to annoy me!!) and the walnut wine i made is a lovely colour............... It's the new Henna methinks. JK you could be rich with this one (i may have pinched your idea though!)  I'm up for trying it! Louise
  7. Ahhhhha think Men in Black film. The planet on Orion's belt and all! (Orion being the cat). Maybe your dream was a premonition of some sort?? Ask your fingernail friend...........you could start and all-nighter with that one! Louise x
  8. Nice to see you back though JK! Wired dreams and all! You've lost me with the fingernail thing though! Louise
  9. Yes France Telecom  have an English speaking help line, http://www.francetelecom.com/en/tools/others/contactus.html Louise
  10. Phew!! I was getting worried as we use our empty water bottles for getting our milk from the local farm. I should survive a bit longer then!! Louise
  11. [quote user="hoverfrog"] but did recant the 1st lot into saved water bottles - although we won't do this again as apparently they are only designed for single use and can cause health problems if re-used![/quote] I've not heard of this before. Have you any more info, where did you hear this, what sort of problems?? [:'(] Louise
  12.  Phew, thankfully  i haven't been to any formal do over here, could have been embarrassing! Bit of a shame though, it's nice occasionally to put some glad rags on. So do they never dress up then?? I can't get my head round this one??! Louise
  13. Just reading the previous topic about etiquette reminded me of something. Today we drove passed a church with a funeral which had just finished. Odd thing was the only folks wearing black/ formal-wear were the undertakers. I saw the 'old boys' in their jeans and flat caps etc and the whole group spilling out of the church looked like they were in regular 'going to town' clothes. nothing formal at all, clothes wise. Is this usual for a funeral? Are there other dress code issues i have been previously unaware of??!! Louise
  14. Meg


    Some funnies for the smokers and ex smokers!   [img]http://www.offthemarkcartoons.com/cartoons/2002-11-21.gif[/img] More here! http://www.offthemarkcartoons.com/search-results/key/smoking/ Louise[:D]
  15. Meg


    Yes get rid of them! Only been trying a few days. I've only been smoking for a year, before that, i was a non smoker for a year and a half and before that I'd smoked since my teens and had never tried to stop. I do remember that the feeling does change, i guess gradually though. I remember eventually i didn't notice or miss smoking, but hard to say at what time scale this was. Very rarely i had the 'ooohhhh wouldn't it be nice to have one' moments, but not often and nothing at all like the wanting i have for one at the moment!! But I guess it all varies person to person. Once you get past the first bit of getting the nicotine out of your system, it gets easier! Main thing is to not start again! I remember thinking, when i started again,  it's only for a while and i'll be able to stop easily!! Wrong! (bit like the first time i ever had a cigarette!!) Good luck, keep at it Louise
  16. Meg


    JSA Why don't you remove all ciggies from the house, then you can't be tempted to just have one. The conscious decision to have to go out and buy  pack may stop you. I had a ciggie the day before yesterday, pinched from a neighbour, just to see........ and it tasted vile and made me feel a bit iccky! I remember i did this when i quit previously, it seems to reaffirm that it was the right decision to quit. I think i am over the worst bit now, i hope.....it's still not easy, but i know 100% that i can succeed! Just because you had a few, forget it, and carry on.  (if you end up starting again remember that you will only have to repeat what you have been through in the last few days! Not fun) What are you using?? Gum, patches or anything? Louise
  17.  http://www.geant-beaux-arts.fr/ do a huge catalogue (around 1300 pages). I got given one by someone, but i think you have to pay for it. Or buy online. They seem to sell everything!! I haven't placed an order with them yet though. Louise
  18. I bought some lovely bacon back from UK. It is now in the freezer next to the SAUSAGES. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm [:P] Cannibal Cassis, naughty!
  19. Meg


        The worst bit is after eating an evening meal........................... ie. now! I could really hit something at the mo!! Ah well i'll keep sucking the lozenge................ and there's a bottle of wine in the fridge with my name on it! Louise
  20.     Always a white bottom though..................
  21. In taht csae i mhigt witre all my psots lkie tihs! May tkae me too lnog tuhgoh! Luosie (p.s. my spelling is rubbish so i use the spell check on the google toolbar!)
  22. [quote user="missyesbut"] My favorite photo  [:$]  was the one of the farmer doing the split (ouch!) between 2 bales of straw/hay and his cap strategically hanging on his natural coathanger!! [/quote] That sounds hilarious!!! I need to see that one MYB [:D] And Twinkle, stop leading me astray, making me look on such websites!! (well i have to blame someone [;-)]) Louise
  23. Meg


    I've only just given up..................and I'm desperate for a ciggy!! But i know it won't last so i just have to bear it. I gave up before with only herbal tobacco. This time i have nicorette, but have hardly had any. I'm trying not to. The only trouble is with hindsight it seemed so easy before, so when i started again, i thought to myself i can easily quit again! Basically it's not easy, and there is nothing that will make it easy (some things help a bit, but it's not a cigarette and that's what you want!). You just have to do it and if you want to you can! Good luck, Louise (Give it a few days and i'll be preaching about how easy it is etc! There is nothing worse than an ex-smoker, when i gave up before i was such a hypocrite moaning about smelly pubs etc!)
  24. Oh and as for your spelling John, it's not a problem! Read this! I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt. Louise
  25. Yippie! The pompiers coming round is the highlight of the year! Last year i stupidly send himself to answer the door and deal with them! Not this year though.............i will be waiting on the doorstep every day 'just in case'!! (sorry............not much happens in the hamlet, and i obviously don't get out enough!) Louise
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