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Everything posted by Teamedup

  1. Even before we had one at home I always chose places with dish washers. It is something I would not be without. Washing by hand uses a lot of water and takes time, far more than  plonking stuff au fur et à mesure during the day and just one wash and putting dry and very very clean stuff away. I have known lots of blokes over the years say no to dish washers and then when they eventually have one in their home would not be without one.
  2. I have never heard of anyone getting their caution back in full, never mind getting interest on it. One of my neighbours has just given up her rented place and she isn't expecting any of it back. My son is thinking of moving and isn't expecting much either. Also they have three months to give whatever they are going to give back, back.
  3. Do you gite owners put dishwashers in your gites? I wouldn't rent a gite without a dishwasher.
  4. This is down to preference, I have used those Bugbear, but prefer EAR earplugs. I mould them in my fingers before I use them, but I manage far better with the EAR ones. I don't like the boules quies at all. Over the years I have tried most makes and forms. Yes, I use them so I can't hear the snoring. It is getting off to sleep that is my problem, if I can hear snoring. Once I'm off I am out for the count.
  5. The hail risk is a worry in this area in summer and they put mortars up when we have storms. The storms get chased across the valley and the viticulteurs at the other side put up mortars and chase it back. It sounds like a bit of a slow battle sometimes.   edit had to have a look to make sure I wasn't going mad in me old age http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/sport_leisure/cricket_weather.shtml   It's towards the bottom of the page.
  6. One of those links was about gendarmes. Do gendarmes fly?  I saw one about a month ago, far too early and just one. There mating is a very strange dance really and you rarely see one wandering around in spring time.
  7. http://www.entreprises.coop/UPLOAD/article/pages/337_article.php#   Is this what you are after. I googled artisans qui travail en cooperative and there was a list of things.
  8. Evianers, I really wouldn't risk it and I have never seen anyone doing that either, the swiss take some things very very seriously and getting money out of people is one of them. Yes, those knives 5-element. They used to sell them in the duty free part of the airport, I know that they shouldn't be, but I wonder if they still are, I'll have to look next time I am there. I have to say Geneva is my favourite airport. Easy to get to. Easy to find my way around it. Efficient. The new parking deal isn't as good as it was, but it isn't bad either.
  9. Some catering jobs were always 42 or43 hours a week, plus 15 hours a month overtime, there are limits on that too. The 35 hour thing was never a universal concept or law it always depended on what metier had which contract. 39 hours sounds pretty normal really.
  10. Cassis I think you must be right there, I was in the NE but not in Sunderland. Can't say when exactly, just remember early summer that year having snow. I remember a lot about that year, changed jobs, met husband etc, I had a lot going on really and it stays in my mind. I have seen hail storms in mid summer here in France.
  11. My wedding anniversay is on the 16 of March and we got snowed in in England, so there you go. Snow mid March never surprises any more.
  12. Like my turkish delights that they ate en route.[:-))] I put stuff away when it arrives and tell people that these things are our treats when we are on our own.
  13. For those who don't know Structum is chondroitin and is reimbursed by the secu.  
  14. [:D] I can imagine that they would find new and imaginative ways to use those red handled knives on anyone they saw doing that.
  15. Patf, Your husband is unlucky to have this problem, but there is no excuse for the majority, shall we say 99 % of the other people who don't learn. I have often said on here that I volunteer, the first time I remember doing it was when I was 11 and it has continued throughout my life. It still doesn't give me any rights to 'make' other people volunteer to help me out because of my thoughtlessness. You weren't a mug and I'm not a mug for volunteering, but volunteering has to be what it is, and that is willing service.    
  16. [quote user="sweet 17"] weedon you have injected some commonsense.  it is sorely needed.  let's just accept that some people will NEVER learn the language, for whatever reason. i personally would not mind helping someone out on medical stuff because i do know the latin phrases, if not the french, for most medical conditions. it can't be easy if you can't say what you want.  i don't say i am brilliant because i haven't even gone over to live yet and we are VERY new owners.  but, i am confident that i can communicate well enough on medical things to be able to explain my own condition (asthma), my husband's (glaucoma) and anyone else's (as long as it's not something like munchausen's syndrome by proxy) and even then, i'd have a stab at it! [/quote]   So why would that be sweet17. Can't be bothered and just happy to be users. Or just can't, which is actually not impossible but is very rare. So what to call them,  users,  lazy folks or let's say jolly good folks who really don't need to  learn as we have 'mug' written through us like sticks of rock and we are happy to be their hand maidens. What a very odd post this is. I find it incredible arrogance that any 'people' other than colonialists or invaders would want to move to someone else's country and not learn their language.
  17. Apart from the odd person on here, no one moved here unplanned.   Sacre bleu, it is a foreign country and suddenly someone's ill health becomes the problem of any tom, vic or marie who has learned the language. My friendships aren't about 'using' another person and I don't make friends just because someone might have something I need. That is how I read what you are saying to me. Incidentally the farrier had been in France for two years, not two months. 'Un petit', he said, well yes, he was in the bar maybe he meant he wanted a small drink, only someone asked him how well he spoke french. One of the first things we learn to say is how 'limited' our  french is. AND we do not say 'un petit'. The farrier had the temerity to say he was learning, well mon oeil, is all I can say. As far as I am concerned he could have picked up more just living in the UK and watching ads on the tv.  
  18. Did this happen to you two in the UK or not? I have heard of women in France, especially english women getting unwanted attention. I don't think that the film 'A nous les Petites Anglaises'  helped.   
  19. Friends changed to Neuf last autumn. They were without a phone for weeks and weeks and the modem didn't work and had to be replaced. It seems to be working OK now, but it was one heck of a job to get it all set up properly.
  20. Patf, I am sure that was awful for you. But there is nothing like DIY when this happens. Time is being wasted phoning someone else to phone for you. What if it's in the middle of the night. Would someone's emergency friend be available. Ofcourse I would phone for someone if they called me, but I would think that they were mad for calling me first though. And I am a very heavy sleeper though and if anyone calls during the night, there is no way I would hear the phone anyway. I don't hear a thing, not the door, not someone knocking on the bedroom shutter and often not the alarm either. I would always call the pompiers, they are local, and as they are, even a house perdue dans le bled should be easy enough for them to find without complicated instruction. Will I'm not knocking these associations per se, but the one that was in the first place we lived was full of Mrs Buckets who were far too interested in other people's business. And yet I am sure this group had some expectation that people would not become dependant upon them. They expected people to learn french. I know it isn't easy, it was so hard for me, but what the heck should one do if one lives here. As far as I am concerned there is no alternative to learning. It's either being dependant and as time goes by that would be pathetically dependant, or one learns a bit and then a bit more and we get by like this. We aren't all great linguists but at any age it is possible.
  21. I agree, you need the fat in the sausage or it is toooooo dry. I think poitrine is just right.
  22. [:)] And will they be bothered that you are married? Exactly what are you doing/wearing to attract this attention. Have you thought about that?
  23. I know, I know, great fun isn't it[:)] and illustrates how silly it is. Sometimes at a junction near us it gets all snarled up. I just sit there humming that circus tune
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