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Everything posted by sueyh

  1. [quote user="gardengirl "][quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="sueyh"]Oh Coops its so good that you are back. I am sitting here clutching my stitches, tears running down my face. I should not have read this on my first day out of hospital. Hope your recuperation continues well. Very best wishes Suey[/quote]Thanks, Suey.  Good to see you back in good spirits also.  I have been taking it very easy for a few days as I don't want to go back to hospital for a fourth time!  Take care that you do the same.[:)][/quote] Quite right, Coops; I don't know about you and Mr coops - but the rest of us need a bit of a breather, so go slowly!  [:D] Hope all is well with you too Suey. This is such a useful thread; we all hope we won't need it, but who knows! [/quote] I will try to be careful Coops and Gardengirl, going a little stir crazy, Hubby not letting me do anything.  However, I know it is best for me in the long run. Very best wishes Suey
  2. [quote user="NormanH"]Welcome back...I hope all went well. [/quote] Hi Norman, Yes all went well.  I have to admit to being more scared about going into hospital and coping with the understanding of the language and saying the right things than I was about the actual op.  Your phrases helped a great deal.  My whole experience of the French health service was fantastic.  It has also done my confidence with my language a power of good. Thanks again for your kind words. Suey
  3. Sweets thank you. You are what it says on the packaging very sweet. Suey
  4. Oh Coops its so good that you are back. I am sitting here clutching my stitches, tears running down my face. I should not have read this on my first day out of hospital. Hope your recuperation continues well. Very best wishes Suey
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPyl2tOaKxM
  6. Oh yes Chrissie, they are two that I will definitely need. Hopefully less of the second.... Suey.
  7. Thank you both.  I am being inspired by all the brave ladies on the National Hereditary Breast Cancer website who are having far worse things done.  Ops that I am having to consider.  This wee op is just the start to get rid of my risk of ovarian cancer and it will lower my chances of getting breast cancer. Suey
  8. Thank you Sweets. Only going in for laporoscopic removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes. So should be out after three days (I hope). Best wishes suey
  9. Thank you Norman.  What a good idea.  Especially for me going in next week. Suey
  10. http://www.breastcancergenetics.co.uk/ I know this is not in France but the information they give is invaluable. Suey
  11. How long does it take in the oven?
  12. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    After an excruciating day yesterday, I woke up this morning and the pain had virtually gone, still went to docs, he reckons it's muscular.  Also results through of MRI and it is clear, so good news. Thanks all as always of your help and guidance. Suey
  13. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    Have mde an appointment with medecin tomorrow morning as he does not work Fridays.
  14. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    Well I had this done on Monday but since Tuesday have had pain in the top of my arm.  The cannular was put in my wrist so it's not near the site of that.  The pain is from my elbow to shoulder.  Very odd. Does this sound right??? Suey
  15. Best wishes Deb, from the Pas de Calais. Suey
  16. Sounds a good idea RH because at the moment we are lacking the sunshine in the PdC!! Suey
  17. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    Thank you Norman, it went well, just a bit of discomfort with the plate beneath the breast bone but hey it's worth it to know if all is okay. Very kind staff at Amiens Sud Hospital. Suey
  18. How do I go about preserving my green chilli peppers? Suey
  19. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    Thanks Chrissie, I have to have one with injection and one without apparently. Suey
  20. sueyh

    Breast MRI

    Thank you. Suey
  21. Thanks Norman. Good luck to you too Janey. Have PM'd you both. Suey
  22. I am going into hospital in August for surgery, do I need to contact my mutuelle or do I just send them the paperwork when I come out or does the hospital deal with it all? Thanks. Suey
  23. When your body tells you it is thirsty, it is often too late.  Yes Judith that book is great.  When I worked as a school secretary my Dep Head introduced drinking water bottles to be used by the children in class and also chilled water dispensers throughout the school.  Water feeds the brain. Suey
  24. We stayed there for a month from March to April and the weather was fabulous, we had just a couple of days rain. A beautiful region. Suey
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