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Everything posted by riberac

  1. I also thought it might be with URSSAF because it is a service.I will ring the metier and ask .I live in the Creuse and we also have the course in English.
  2. Which chambre do I register for to do book-keeping for people with businesses in France and England?Would it be chambre de metier or urssaf.    
  3. It was actually motorhead that I thought was being sarcastic not yourself.
  4. So sorry you try to help people .It was actually my 26 year old son that was writing that,but this site out of all the expat forums seems the worst for sarcasm.I am 54yrs and my daughter is 33yrs I dont think you would call that under age unless you have to be 40 years.
  5. We live in France and my or maire will not even allow my daughter and her fiance to marry in our village because they are not intending to live in the village.It all has something to do with cost.    
  6. Thanks.Next stop my own farm as Im only 26yrs I can get a young farmers grant of 16,000 euros a year.
  7. Thank you for your replies.To the people that askd where I would get work fromI have already had 7 or 8 english farmers asking me to do jobs for them but they can not afford to take someone on full time hence my reason for being self employed.Also I can work for the numerous french farmers.
  8. My husband had to send his licence back to the DVLA in England to get his HGV licence renewed and the form was one that they sent him.No I am not Australian and no I do not live in the Dordogne just because I chose the name riberac I live in the Limousine.I personally love France and the french and just get upset when people sit on these site or get together in groups in the English bars etc and pull France and the french to pieces.
  9. The doctor was a lovely man who spoke perfect English,gave a very thorough medical and made the experience pleasant. My husbands driving licence does not have to be taken to the maire but sent back to the DVLA (This has all been ok'd by England) Personally I can see why the Australians call the British wingeing poms.
  10. Have already contacted MSA they have no idea either just say go to the chambre d;agricolture
  11. Still rather be sick here than in England.My husband had his medical with a french doctor today to renew his English HGV licence it cost 39 euros where in England it cost £70 5 years ago.It had to be done by a french doctor because we have lived here for 5 months and has been told by the maire that he cant change to a french one until hes been here 6 months.  
  12. Can anyone help me.I am trying to be legal and register as a self employed farm worker as I work for the English farmers im my area as and when they require me.I have been to Chambre d'Agricole they say they have never heard of such a job go to the Chambre de Commerce.I have tried URSSAF they say its not them.I have had a french person doing the phoning for me so that they understood clearly.If anyone can help I would be most grateful as I want to work legally so I have insurance if I have an accident.
  13. Thank you Dick who seems to be the only person who has answered my question.
  14. Does anyone know the legal requirement to drive one of these.I thought you had to do a driving course for an hour but I am not sure.
  15. My son got his from the local fishing tackle shop.I think tou can get one for less than a year.    
  16. I was told and have seen on a site that a new law in France says you can only let for a minimum of 1 year.This is because you can ask someone to leave between the months of October and March.
  17. We have tried all that but the french will not accept my husbands English employer.
  18. We live at present in the Creuse but we have to move as our landlord has sold our house so we are looking anywhere in France
  19. Yes we have tried ads,agents etc.but my husband works for an English firm and the French will not accept an English company as proof of income even though we live here.
  20. We are looking for a 3 year let.It must have a least 3 bedrooms and a good sized garden as we have 4 dogs.
  21. Urgently needed a house for 3 year let.It must have a good sized garden as we have 4 dogs.
  22. Wanted a house for 3 year let.It must have a good sized garden as we have 4 dogs.
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