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  1. I lived in Pembrokeshire so I know what I am talking about. No matter how wonderful the scenery, the grey dampness did for me. Contradictorily you should move to the mountains. I live in the foothills of the Pyrenees at an altitude of 600 metres. We are far enough south for the sun always to be hot. When the sun is out we can sit out in tee shirts even in January. The mountain climate means that when the plains are grey and drear we have beautiful blue sky. We rarely have more than 3 grey, wet days at a time, and when it is cold - and it can be, it is a dry cold. For me, the seasons make life interesting. Southern Spain must be so boring! Virginia
  2. Come with a positive state of mind. i hate English ex-pats who spend all their time moaning about the French system. If they are not happy why don't they move back! Yes there are always some problems, but very few that cannot be overcome. My husband died 6 months after moving here, and it was horrendous, perhaps the worst thing that could have happened,but I moved forward, and have never regretted making the decision to stay here. Virginia
  3. What a shame you live in such a village. Where we live, people always come to amicable agreements about such matters. Virginia
  4. All the replies are correct. Just remember that if you have a friend visting you who is expecting mail, the address must include "Chez Meiklejohn" so the postie knows which of the many similar addresses he must deliver the mail to. Virginia
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