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Everything posted by ericd

  1. I agree with you AnOther, I have found Amazon to be cheaper than Ebay on many occasions.
  2. Hi all. My mother planted plenty seeds of this lovely looking flower 3 years ago (I hope the translation is correct http://dictionnaire.reverso.net/francais-anglais/rose%20tr%C3%A9mi%C3%A8re ) Very few have come up and those that have are only in leaves but no flower. On the island of Noirmoutier where she lives, they grow out of the pavement ..... Seeds were planted all around the house so they have every kind of exposure. What am we doing wrong? Thanks for your input.
  3. You could also ask around (houses in similar situation as yours) where a 3rd party gardener/grass cutter might already be in operation.
  4. Hi Katie. Welcome to the Forum. For info, the tower/unit that used to house pigeons (for their excrement as manure for the garden and meat for the table) is called "Un Pigeonnier" in French. Now for your internal wall. After having cleared the loose covering/rendre/dust, I would wet the walls extensively and skim them with a lime mortar mixture (water, sand and lime (chaux aerienne)).
  5. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"] I see Macron celebrated at an expensive restaurant in Paris .[/quote] The Brasserie he went to has nothing to do with being an "expensive" restaurant.
  6. Hi Chancer. I understand your point on this issue. Some neighbours and friends where we are have had double-glazed put on. The fitters did exactly as you mentioned thus resulting in a very thick frame and much smaller window panes. Neighbours did it to minimise the repair work after the fitting (and also minimise costs for this replacement).
  7. https://www.123pneus.fr/IND-Pneus-de-remorque.html https://www.feuvert.fr/remorque/roues-pneus-chambres-pour-remorques_r2763.html http://www.allopneus.com/Gamme-deli-remorque-bagagere-1-43-581-pneu.html
  8. Hi . This is very much Window Fitter jargon but: Dormant: Dormant Reno aile 39 The dormant of a door or window is the part that doesn't move. In this case the wooden frame you mention. (Reno "wing" 39) being the reference I guess. Seuil: This is the bottom base part. Dormant (as above) et cornière (corner) pan coupé (cut to size/at an angle??). Accessoires inclus: Accessories included are: 1 x Grille (mesh-air vent) 30m3/h 30 cubic metre/hour Mini ESEA 37 dB(A) (minimum ESEA that's a norm for windows at 37 Decibels) This I believe relates to the glass itself.
  9. Tough ..... Etre dur (Vous etes dur vous)....as in severe in attitude, behaviour etc. Tender ....... Etre une chique molle (we don't like chiques molles).
  10. From my own experience. Even after 32 years I still have to concentrate when saying " Paper and Pepper" "Ship and Sheep" and I still don't understand that a little vowel can change the meaning of Tweet to a vulgar other word.... ...... Also heard on RTL french radio ... Those make me cringe ..... Manchester Uniteed Brightxton (Brixton) Lait sauce terre (Leicester)
  11. It could be a simple problem of having all water pipes feeding one from the other. I have replumbed part of the house using 25mm PE black cable that feed into what we call "une nourice or collecteur". http://www.plomberie-pro.com/Catalogue/plomberie/collecteur-nourrice/sanitaire-chauffage/debit-normal-20-27-a-vanne-d-arret-pro.htm From those, I have PER pipes going to each water points (same goes for hot system). All working well and no pressure loss along the system (shower, wc, basin on 1st floor, summer kitchen sink, washing machine and outdoor tap). In the other part of the house on the 1st floor, we have the kitchen and another Wc/Shower/sink that I haven't touched yet. All are fed from the same 12mm cold water pipe (without nourice fitted) and if someone runs the cold tap in the kitchen, on the other side of the wall, the person in the shower feels it.....) My take on it is that if you were to fit/get fitted same nourice systems, your problem would disappear.
  12. Retrouvailles. Always plural. ...... like "toujours" . My Mother always said "a toujours il y a toujours un S"
  13. L'oiseau/mint ..... of course ..... I should have picked that one up. Thanks. Norman. Un attroupement consequent just means that more people found themselves together at the same time (they were just lookers on). This doesn't mean they didn't have peaceful intentions.
  14. QED Eric. What a totally irrelevant comment. I think that both are correct. Not irrelevant to Mr Richard, hence my question. I also like to improve on my English now and then.
  15. ......If the questions keep coming as do the replies, I would say that the thread is surely "courant"? mint ...... the thread would be feminine therefore courant would take an "e". Hence the need for this thread to continue as help to French speakers (or those attempting to .... ;-) )
  16. Is this thread past its sell by date? Would this phrase (in english) not be better rephrased as " Has this thread past its sell by date??"
  17. Pour rajouter there must be some already there. Otherwise you will use ajouter.
  18. Hi mint. Je n'en prends/prendrai qu'une or qu'une seulement tranche. Merci
  19. Well done mint ! This is part of the very complex art of learning a foreign language. Back when I arrived in the UK and that I had to deal with Geordie speaking colleagues, stupid Union Reps and pub conversations. Then jut about overnight I could understand what was being said on television. At the time, I remember thinking to myself "there is just one challenge left, that is to understand what they say on the radio". That time came soon afterwards without me even noticing. Then one day the penny dropped, I could understand just about everything that was said on all channels...... Today, I still cannot understand the lyrics of many songs though .....
  20. Desserer/Detendre (les cordes) aren't bad. After all, you are not writting to Jean d'Ormesson .....
  21. Hi all. I would personally say: "Voici une de mes amies du village". (basically stating she is from your village). and for the other, .... " et une autre amie du Tarn & Garonne" namely the region she belongs to.
  22. And so that they don't go off, are crushed and left and appear to be put in some sort of container, sometimes even a bottle ....... I fell for that one .....
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