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And this rules the world?


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I don't know if they rule the world or just think they do.  We try to avoid watching US TV series as they (police, armed forces, politicians)  portray themselves, and often call themselves,  "the best of the best" whereas in real life they appear to anything but.

That said, the UK seem to have their fair share of halfwits in positions of responsibility who have no problem in proving their idiocy.

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Corporate media enabled Biden family corruption by refusing to ask tough questions about Hunter. They should not regain Americans’ trust.


"There is more evidence that the man leading our nation sold out his country to enrich his family than there ever was in the FBI’s Russian collusion witch hunt; the corrupt corporate media simply doesn’t care enough to hold the current president accountable"



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Tim Miller, a Republican operative turned “Never Trumper”, said: “So the guy who was supposedly gonna blow the whistle on Biden taking payments from foreigners was actually paying off Trump admin officials himself on behalf of China!! Could this be more on the nose?”


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9 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

It's far more fundamental than who's the more bent Biden or Trump, these two old white men are only candidates people are likely to be able to vote for. How crazy is that? 

Not when you remember the king makers are old white men themselves.

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6 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

Not when you remember the king makers are old white men themselves.

That's certainly not the case for the Democrats Dave which is why it's puzzling they've allowed Biden to stand again, he was meant to be a 'one term' president whilst the party found a younger candidate for 'the future'. It seems that stopping Trump is more important than anything else.

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I don't like either one of them.  In fact, I haven't seen a candidate from any party that I like.

So, who am I to vote for??????  It will never be Trump and I don't like Biden and find it hard to believe anyone would support him for re-election.  Yet if Biden is the Democrats choice and Trump the Republicans, sadly IMO, this is why SO many people don't vote.  Except old, white people.

Where does that leave us?

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It's not till next year but in the UK, it will be Starmer or Sunak.  Not what you'd call a meaningful choice, is it?

I was only saying to OH yesterday, I am glad I can no longer vote (on account of having been out of the UK for more than 15 years) as, like you, Lori, there is no candidate I can choose.

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You can say what you like about Donald Trump, he is many things, wild, loud, unpredictable etc, but not corrupt or bent, you can be sure that the combined resources of the Democrats and the FBI would have uncovered any corruption by now.

DT didn't even take his presidential salary - he donated it to various government departments.

It is a matter of record that the Bidens are seriously bent and corrupt to tune of 20 to 30 million dollars from foreign governments, this is not Guardian gossip but proven by solid evidence of bank records and sworn testimony etc to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the US congress.


You need to ask yourselves why the mainstream media has not reported on the fact that the President of the USA is taking bribes from foreign sources for influence!


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9 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Not sure I would want to cite the Federalist as source of good balanced material; looks like the usual right wing bilge.

But you didn't comment on the link to the Guardian story? A source of good balanced material? Since when?

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21 hours ago, Harnser said:

DT didn't even take his presidential salary - he donated it to various government departments.

According to the Washington Post:

Donald Trump promised to give away his $400,000 presidential salary. And he kept that promise, publicly announcing each gift — at least, for his first 3½ years in office.

Then, in the middle of the last year, the announcements stopped.

Trump’s White House never said where — or even if — he donated the last $220,000 of his salary, covering the final six months of 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021.

Now, six months after he left office, it’s not clear where Trump donated that remaining salary — or if he donated it at all.

He also claimed he was the first US president to give away the salary, another lie alongside the other 30, 273 know false or misleading claims he made in the 4 years he occupied the presidency.

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9 hours ago, Lehaut said:

Trump’s White House never said where — or even if — he donated the last $220,000 of his salary, covering the final six months of 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021.


$1300000 outstanding on Stormy Daniels debt.


$90000 to cover whom ever bankrolled the original payment to her.


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2 hours ago, cajal said:


$1300000 outstanding on Stormy Daniels debt.


$90000 to cover whom ever bankrolled the original payment to her.


But that isn't corruption Biden -style is it?

Corruption is where somebody or country pays the president/vice president to obtain their influence or favour in some way, like the Biden crime family has been been receiving the payments for years on behalf of Joe Biden.

Paying a call girl off is the entire opposite!  

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