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Complete France Forum

Just to say that I am still 'here'


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I haven't been on here in an age. Life has got in the way and not in a good way really........ but that is life, ups and downs and absolutely nothing at all

to do with us living in England now, not at all.


Rather the residual and complex problems from life in France.


OH and I are all jabbed, including a booster. We know the odd person who has tested positive after both jabs, but have not been  ill........ and one who

has been quite poorly, but doesn't believe in the vaccines, so no vaccinations. What an odd world we live in.


And on that, I shall sign out.


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Very glad to hear from you, Doudoune. Relieved as we thought you might have got the virus. Hope your residual problems are sorting themselves.  Most of the regulars are here except Nimt, even Norman who growls away sometimes. We are settling to the new software which none of us likes but gift horses and all that. Do keep posting now that you have found us again.

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8 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Very glad to hear from you, Doudoune. Relieved as we thought you might have got the virus. Hope your residual problems are sorting themselves.  Most of the regulars are here except Nimt, even Norman who growls away sometimes. We are settling to the new software which none of us likes but gift horses and all that. Do keep posting now that you have found us again.

Interestingly enough, when I first looked at the new format, I was unhappy and surprised, probably due to the fact like a lot of "oldies" I don't like change. Now though, I've sorted out and got used to how it works, I think it has actually livened up the forum and added new people. Yes, sorry to see a couple of old faces not here yet, but fingers crossed that is only temporary. Great to see you again Idun.

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Doudoune, I haven't yet managed to work out how to send messages internally though I do get them as moderator if there are any rogue posts etc ( for which, many thanks folks) but as to emailing other members, it seems that you might have to have their email address before you can do so. All very boring. Maybe Hoddy has an idea?

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Yes, you can send messages to other members here.    Top of screen, right side; click on the envelope and you will see a pop up that includes "Compose New."  From there you can type in a member's forum name and type out a message to them.  I have not done it yet, but can test it with you Idun.  Will do so now.



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