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Yes, Miss Thunberg, but what do you expect?


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12 hours ago, Gluestick said:

Pools, yes. Hot Tubs...why? Have a hot bath instead.

I agree with Teapot's philosophy: any artifact can be improved, immeasurably in terms of holistic environmental impact with carefully planned engineering.

The one thing I think is truly outrageous in wasted energy terms is a gas or electricity powered Patio Heater!

Either put on a fleece or go indoors!


How about outdoor air conditioning? https://www.gq.com/story/qatar-outdoor-air-conditioning

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15 minutes ago, ssomon said:

How about outdoor air conditioning? https://www.gq.com/story/qatar-outdoor-air-conditioning

Exactly.  Checking google earth, around here you would be hard pushed to find a property 'sans piscine' and the size of those installed are probably visible with the naked eye  from the international space station. I also doubt very much whether any of these pools are operated with 'eco' in mind, as succinctly described above. We had ours filled in, and a house extension built upon it eleven years ago.

COP 26, a pseudonym for another global jolly. Can someone remind me how the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, nuclear weapons being a far greater threat to the human race, founded in London, England in 1958 is succeeding?

Still a bit of a way to go yet apparently

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52 minutes ago, cajal said:

Exactly.  Checking google earth, around here you would be hard pushed to find a property 'sans piscine' and the size of those installed are probably visible with the naked eye  from the international space station. I also doubt very much whether any of these pools are operated with 'eco' in mind, as succinctly described above. We had ours filled in, and a house extension built upon it eleven years ago.

COP 26, a pseudonym for another global jolly. Can someone remind me how the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, nuclear weapons being a far greater threat to the human race, founded in London, England in 1958 is succeeding?

Still a bit of a way to go yet apparently

Tha CND mindset and influence that anything nuclear is bad, is alive and doing fine in the UK and has always hindered the only sensible solution to the UK's long term electricity generation - nuclear power.

Ignoring the fact that the old Magnox reactors designed to produce weapons grade plutonium are a different design to current power generating reactors.

All the old Magnox reactors have been shut down in the UK.

They produced heat as a by- product of the plutonium process. Current reactors are designed to produce heat for power generation and are much more efficient. 

That's why the UK has to use gas for about 50% of it's power generation which produces huge quantitties of pollution, while at the same time lecturing the rest of the world that pollution is bad.

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20 minutes ago, anotherbanana said:

 Rolls Royce already has a plan ready apparently.

Didn't Lady Penelope have one of those back in the 60's ?

@Gluestick Hot tubs filter the water, only a tiny part of which could be classed as actually dirt. I would therefore say a well set up hot tub is probably better than a used once bath. The water being retained for some time, at least a week in rental properties snd a couple of months on privately houses. 

The filtration electricity bill is miniscule in well designed tubs but cheap imports are something different. I worked on one in a hotel and removed most of the Chinese plumbing replacing it with an eco setup that simply works far better. Not much cost and that was recouped quickly in energy saving, it also complied with the commercial regulations.

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I don't think most people get hot tubs for the same reason they get baths, ie to wash themselves in, do they?

Hot tubs (in my experience of other people's) are outside and are for relaxing in the open air and/or social frolicking with your friends.

Where I once lived in Wales, the house next door was rented out as a luxury holiday cottage and the hot tub in the back garden was supposed to be one of its "selling points". Often especially on the first day new holidaymakers arrived there was a lot of giggling and squealing coming from the garden on the first evening as took their wine outside to try out the hot tub. It clearly never occurred to them that we could see them through the hedge if we chose to look, because sometimes they frolicked starkers.

I can imagine it might be quite a nice experience lying in a hot tub on a dark cold winter's evening sipping a glass of something looking up at the stars, but I doubt I'd want to do it more than once or twice.

Another encounter with a hot tub was the manager of a holiday complex where I once worked who set one up outside his onsite accommodation. He was a slob and his hot tub was disgusting because it usually had wine and crisps and bits of soggy pizza floating round in it. Head office came to inspect the site half way through the season and blew a fuse because he hadn't asked permission to put a hot tub in. I think they were going to charge him for the electricity and make him get rid of it, but then he got sacked in any case.


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2 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

Didn't Lady Penelope have one of those back in the 60's ?

@Gluestick Hot tubs filter the water, only a tiny part of which could be classed as actually dirt. I would therefore say a well set up hot tub is probably better than a used once bath. The water being retained for some time, at least a week in rental properties snd a couple of months on privately houses

The filtration electricity bill is miniscule in well designed tubs but cheap imports are something different. I worked on one in a hotel and removed most of the Chinese plumbing replacing it with an eco setup that simply works far better. Not much cost and that was recouped quickly in energy saving, it also complied with the commercial regulations.

Does the filter also remove human waste, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other nasty things which can get into communally used water?

I imagine 2 month old warm water is an ideal breeding ground for all sorts of infectious agents.

They seem as much of a problem to maintain properly as swimming pools. https://www.medicinenet.com/what_diseases_can_you_get_from_a_hot_tub/article.htm

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My impression of a hot tub, is rather like the US-inspired concept of the Jacuzzi; it's a sort of fashion statement.

The Japanese, of course, were dedicated to their bathing routines: the first bit to wash off dirt and the second to wallow in very hot water as a muscle relaxant and aid to general physical/mental health.

My attitude is to wash off sweat and dirt: shower. To relax muscles, a nice wallow in a hot bath.


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5 hours ago, Harnser said:

Tha CND mindset and influence that anything nuclear is bad, is alive and doing fine in the UK and has always hindered the only sensible solution to the UK's long term electricity generation - nuclear power.

Ignoring the fact that the old Magnox reactors designed to produce weapons grade plutonium are a different design to current power generating reactors.

All the old Magnox reactors have been shut down in the UK.

They produced heat as a by- product of the plutonium process. Current reactors are designed to produce heat for power generation and are much more efficient. 

That's why the UK has to use gas for about 50% of it's power generation which produces huge quantitties of pollution, while at the same time lecturing the rest of the world that pollution is bad.

All Nuclear Reactors produce Plutonium. Harnser: however as with Uranium it comes in different isotopic weights.

CND: Ah yes. Another lovely idea. Mainly fostered by the KGB and the Red members of the Labour party in the pay of The Kremlin: Lenin's "Useful Fools" worked splendidly once more...

And then, of course, there was Greenpeace; which as its impact and membership struggled, re-invented itself as an ecological protection movement, which, as with so many, then segued into global warming and when the fallacious science was de-bunked, this became Climate Change.

Interesting now, how the meme has shifted again and many of the hot air merchants at the COP26 jolly have been banging on about Global Warming, again!

All this nonsense has left Britain in utter chaos insofar as electrical energy generation be concerned:(France, of course, early on invested, sensibly in the nuclear option and generates a majority of its power this way) it is all well and good to push the EV agenda and the Heat Pump as an alternative to gas-fired boilers, however firstly, nation states need to ensure that electrical power generation potential supply is greater than likely demand: particularly so when the wind is not blowing! In any case, the UK's much vaunted Green Energy by wind power is much of a scam, since "Dirty" generators can buy cheap "Greenwashing" certificates (REGOs) and suddenly become "100% Green"!

If Nuclear had been more widely adopted then the re-processing and treatment of nuclear waste would have been streets ahead. Probably by greater investment in Nuclear Fusion approaches.


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15 hours ago, ssomon said:

Does the filter also remove human waste, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other nasty things which can get into communally used water?

The filter removes the dirt and human waste down to what filter obviously so some would not catch bacteria, viruses or fungi but these are treated with a bactericide which kills most things and oxidises them up. 

Some also have a UV stage to breakdown any nasties that chlorine has a tough time with.

Yes the weakest part is often the numpties that just buy a tub and have no knowledge, fortunately accidents are few and far between.

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14 hours ago, Gluestick said:

And then, of course, there was Greenpeace; which as its impact and membership struggled, re-invented itself as an ecological protection movement, which, as with so many, then segued into global warming and when the fallacious science was de-bunked, this became Climate Change.

Interesting now, how the meme has shifted again and many of the hot air merchants at the COP26 jolly have been banging on about Global Warming, again!

This is a bit I am struggling with, having followed Greenpeace during the 70's and listening to Dr Patrick Moore now it seems a dichotomy has arisen. We must prevent the polution of our oceans and lands but this seems to be a convenient wrap around of climate change which is more down to nature, the sun and our solar system than man. Yes not a climate denyer but confused the farther along we get.


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Well, I am not a climate change denier, Teapot: evaluation of the historical cycles which have changed our climate from mini-ice ages to mini-warms are to numerous to ignore.

That said, as with any contentious matter, I have researched the topic fairly deeply. Having a science and engineering background, has helped.

The two important books which have assisted me are the late Christopher Booker's "The Real Global Warming Disaster" and Patrick J Michaels and Robert C Ballings' book, "Climate of Extremes.


The late Michael Crichton's novel "State of Fear": mainly since Crichton was a scientist/doc, deeply cynical about the topic and the book contains a wealth of real data which is very useful.

I remain highly skeptical that the trope we are being fed is fallacious. Al Gore has enriched himself by becoming a climate change cheer leader...

Michael Mann's famed hockey stick graph has been proven to be false: and we all know about the naughty academics at University of East Anglia!




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