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Yes, Miss Thunberg, but what do you expect?


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Our Greta and all her friends have had a great COP 26, even managing to use a naughty word and, predictably, telling the world leaders they are just blathering. Ok, fine, but what exactly does she and her friends expect, stop using oil and gas overnight, stop eating meat by Sunday, stop all flying within a week…?

Sorry, luvvies, it aint like that, it does take time even if we dont have it. The world cannot return to the pre-Industrial Revolution ever.

So Greta, let’s have some reality and say how you think it can be done, that is a maximum of 1.5 degree rise. Then, go tell the Chinese and Trump and Bolsonaro and India and Russia.

Stop, shouting and get real.

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38 minutes ago, NormanH said:

" The world cannot return to the pre-Industrial Revolution ever."   It may well go back well before that to a period when it was uninhabited and uninhabitable.

As for school it is half-term here in France...

You might like to consider a different perspective on uninhabitable.

Stand outside and look directly upwards. You are only five miles away from freezing to death. The temperature at that height is minus 30 to 35 C

Be glad about that nice warming blanket of atmosphere that keeps you warm. 

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10 hours ago, NormanH said:

" The world cannot return to the pre-Industrial Revolution ever."   It may well go back well before that to a period when it was uninhabited and uninhabitable.

As for school it is half-term here in France...

The COP conference with several thousand delegates who have been flying in private jets and demos is in Scotland.  The demonstrators are in Glasgow, I wouldn't imagine there are many French schoolchildren in attendance.

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14 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Our Greta and all her friends have had a great COP 26, even managing to use a naughty word and, predictably, telling the world leaders they are just blathering. Ok, fine, but what exactly does she and her friends expect, stop using oil and gas overnight, stop eating meat by Sunday, stop all flying within a week…?

Sorry, luvvies, it aint like that, it does take time even if we dont have it. The world cannot return to the pre-Industrial Revolution ever.

So Greta, let’s have some reality and say how you think it can be done, that is a maximum of 1.5 degree rise. Then, go tell the Chinese and Trump and Bolsonaro and India and Russia.

Stop, shouting and get real.

Quite right, Woolly!

Anyone with any experience of major programme management and strategic analysis, knows that Paradigm Shift (Quantum Leap) Changes, rarely if ever work. What is required is Step Change, leading to the desired outcome/s.

Idiot politicians Chris Huhne, (the felon, if your remember he committed perjury to try and avoid losing his license)  had enjoyed power, when Call Me Dave did a deal with the Lib-Dems in order Dave could become PM and compelled the Government into whacking a huge penalty charge upon nasty industrial polluters, such as steel manufacturers. Which emasculated what was left of UK industry's competitive advantage.

The fools gathered in Glasgow are/were not scientists; they lacked the ability to truly understand the guff being fed into them by geriatrics such as Attenborough (whose degree was in Zoology and Geology with no subsequent Masters or Doctorate!) and the rest of the Climate Change fearmongers.

Amusing, to me, how some 300 hundred polluting private jets zoomed into Glasgow and environs: and how the organisers of the COP26 jolly, opted to demonstrate their greeny credentials by buying 100 EVs; only to discover there were almost no suitable charging points locally and so had to rush out and hire rafts of diesel-powered generators instead!

Couldn't run a bath...


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Nick P:   Miss Thunberg is not a schoolgirl - she may look very young and be tiny but she is an adult and I have read more than once (sorry no link) that she writes all her own speeches.

No, it cannot change overnight but we can all do a little bit to help things along.  The little things in our case are: a small car that is very economical of petrol, and lots of trees/bushes/hedges planted in our garden. We try to buy local, recycle where we can. We are not young so way past demonstrating.

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2 hours ago, Hereford said:

No, it cannot change overnight but we can all do a little bit to help things along.  The little things in our case are: a small car that is very economical of petrol, and lots of trees/bushes/hedges planted in our garden. We try to buy local, recycle where we can. We are not young so way past demonstrating.

Your gestures obviously mean something to you and if it delivers the 'feel good factor' for you both, then stick with it.

However, what all these climate change zealots fail to realise, acknowledge or understand is the reason for there being an increase in the manufactured production of carbon emissions. The simple answer is that more manufactured goods are required to satisfy more global demand, and more global demand is created by the real elephant in the room, an overpopulated planet.

It is totally unsustainable and until this population growth has the brakes applied, and pretty damned quick, then all the COP (add your own number) conferences and demonstrations won't even begin to scratch the surface.


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"The facts are that the planet produces around 800 billion tonnes of CO2 a year. Made up of 330 billion tonnes of net CO2 from the oceans, 220 billion tonnes of CO2 from plants and animals, 220 billion tonnes from soil respiration and decomposition, less than 1 billion tonnes from volcanoes and 38 billion tonnes of CO2 from human activity (fossil fuels, heating, industrial production etc)".

Food for consideration, perhaps?



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6 hours ago, Hereford said:

Nick P:   Miss Thunberg is not a schoolgirl - she may look very young and be tiny but she is an adult and I have read more than once (sorry no link) that she writes all her own speeches.

No, it cannot change overnight but we can all do a little bit to help things along.  The little things in our case are: a small car that is very economical of petrol, and lots of trees/bushes/hedges planted in our garden. We try to buy local, recycle where we can. We are not young so way past demonstrating.

Hereford, She may be an adult to you , but in my world she is a child. As for your comment that she writes her own speeches, if you believe that well that's your opinion, not mine. I drive a medium size car that is very economical of diesel, so much so that in the UK before I re registered it in France the "road tax" was £30 per annum, also our recycling bin is always fuller than our waste bin. ? We can't buy local as there aren't any shops in our village.

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On 06/11/2021 at 18:10, cajal said:

Your gestures obviously mean something to you and if it delivers the 'feel good factor' for you both, then stick with it.

However, what all these climate change zealots fail to realise, acknowledge or understand is the reason for there being an increase in the manufactured production of carbon emissions. The simple answer is that more manufactured goods are required to satisfy more global demand, and more global demand is created by the real elephant in the room, an overpopulated planet.

It is totally unsustainable and until this population growth has the brakes applied, and pretty damned quick, then all the COP (add your own number) conferences and demonstrations won't even begin to scratch the surface.


I tend to agree with your view suggesting it is overpopulation that is a major, if not the reason, for the planets woes. But what to do about it? No government addresses it; the Chinese have given up on it and India is suffocating in it! What to suggest? Anything and you are trespassing on 'Human rights'!  Human rights will kill us all probably!

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Meanwhile, Bozo The Clown has announced that his supposed government are considering imposing an extra import tax on goods etc made in countries which have not signed up to the manic green agenda.

Nice idea: in 2020 UK imports from China (which has not signed up; no wonder!) were worth circa $75.5 Billion.

Naturally, such increased cost would be (You guessed it!) passed on to the end consumer.

One wonders whether this will include gas imported from Russia: probably the second largest producer of CO2, which has also not signed up...?


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Hahaha, ive a bit more idea than some. Not having children I shouldn't have a dog in this fight and shouldn't give a whatsit about polution and the global crisis but I do care. The mega rich built their empires by using the cheapest availble resources and not caring about the polution they cause. 

The young, are saddled with this huge problem and change needs to happen, stopping more pollution entering our oceans should be a primary step, dog knows in the UK we haven't got beyond dumping raw sewage and all it contains (priority chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals ) on our shores. 

Yes Chucky is tedious, doesn't spell out a solution, a pathway forward or anything but blah blah blah but we have plenty of scientists who havent had their science bought and silenced. The evidence is there for all to see.

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Ah, but Teapot, you are conflating two disparate issues here: viz, supposed Climate Change on the one side and ecological pollution.

The Gloom Goblin (As James Delingpole so aptly calls Great Thunberg) bangs on about climate change etc. Not ecological pollution etc.

Now, I totally agree about the blasé attitude of far too many to the destruction and pollution of the ecology. As just one example, French farmers have cut down precious hedgerows to add more cultivated land from sheer greed. And in so doing have killed off the critical insect population. Plus they have abused nitrate fertilizer and poisoned the water source.


Why does so much food have to be packed in plastic? What about good old paper bags! Why not revert to glass bottles which could be cleaned and re-filled?

And so on.




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4 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

Hahaha, ive a bit more idea than some. Not having children I shouldn't have a dog in this fight and shouldn't give a whatsit about polution and the global crisis but I do care. The mega rich built their empires by using the cheapest availble resources and not caring about the polution they cause. 

The young, are saddled with this huge problem and change needs to happen, stopping more pollution entering our oceans should be a primary step, dog knows in the UK we haven't got beyond dumping raw sewage and all it contains (priority chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals ) on our shores. 

Yes Chucky is tedious, doesn't spell out a solution, a pathway forward or anything but blah blah blah but we have plenty of scientists who havent had their science bought and silenced. The evidence is there for all to see.

So states 'the pool man'.

The environmental impact of pools and also hot tubs invoke the trifecta of environmental destruction: high water use, high-energy use, and harmful chemicals. ☣️     Hypocrisy perhaps?


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Nice one Cajal! 

Completely agree of course, that is why I set out to look at the whole pool issue.

The stupid pool industry is just a bunch of ignorant builders who found ways to tap into customers bank balances.

Me, I re engineered the issue as you would have seen over the years. 90% saving in electricity over a std pool setup. That is around a lightbulbs worth of electricity. Using the best recycled filter media from an energy neutral source (Drydens factory is energy neutral ) minimal water loss through pool covers and because of the fine filtration from AFM ng, much less chemical use. I said it before its not financially viable in my case to run it 100% solar but I am doing it anyway to demonstrate how easy it is and filling any top ups from rain water. Decent, not cheap, hot tubs can keep the water hot through copious insulation and the water easily heated via a solar panel.

The fact the industry doesnt want to listen is down to them.

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Pools, yes. Hot Tubs...why? Have a hot bath instead.

I agree with Teapot's philosophy: any artifact can be improved, immeasurably in terms of holistic environmental impact with carefully planned engineering.

The one thing I think is truly outrageous in wasted energy terms is a gas or electricity powered Patio Heater!

Either put on a fleece or go indoors!


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