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Wanted: Property Let or Purchase Near Sarlat/Salignac

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Well 40% of people don't pay any tax in France as they don't earn enough. Maybe things will catch up with them but they will be no different to the French people in that position. We live near a large Buddhist community here and that's what attracts a lot of the younger outsiders to the area. Most seem to come with enough money to buy a small property and they just work to get by for the rest.
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Like I said do it properly like everyone else. >>

Do you know a lot of people who don't pay their taxes, albf?

The only people I know from the UK are in the system, I think; one who doesn't live far from us is a regular on this forum - I'm pretty sure he and his wife pay their taxes.

We only spend up to half the year in France, but our taxe d'habitation and taxe foncière are paid by virement.

By the way, just so it's clear, albf, as you seem tomake a lot of assumptions and make a lot of complaints about people from the UK, we speak French, have mainly French friends apart from some Belgians, Dutch and English, plus an Australian couple abd a Scotsman.

We didn't buy in the sticks, nor did the others who bought in our apartment block of whatever nationality, and just about everyone we know either speaks good French, or their other half does, or they are taking lessons, many at our branch of AVF, which offers 2 levels of French.

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LOL Andy, if you think I have been expat bashing, I do feel that over the years, I have been remarkably restrained.  I remain remarkably restrained here in England now too.

As for 'time served', I was two years in a french city and as it was within reasonable driving distance of our village, continued to know that city and some of it's residents well. And then we moved to a village,  lived for 25 years en plein campagne. A long time, and in many ways, I am more at ease with french ways than the changes that happened to the ame of the population in the UK during my absence.

 I shall never ever understand anyone moving to another country, to retire to, especially to move somewhere far from the madding crowd and not speaking the language of that country well.  And also not doing their research, because frankly, that has never been easier. As I have been told recently, adults are allowed to make stupid decisions. My problem with that is that if society has to pick up the bill, then making stupid decisions is not always acceptable.

Quite different for someone moving to a proper job, even if they have little of whatever the language is, easier to pick up when working.

Re education, well, I do know that kids can do well in french education,

lots of french kids do. I have always said that. And I know that the

Riff Raff Element said that things have improved for those in

difficulty, but those I know tell me that little has changed, and RRE

was a very long way from my old department. Change, like so much in

France will take it's own sweet time and be open to interpretation at a

local level. And that is of no help for those that are 'lost'!

I daresay I could upset a lot of people if I say much more, but remember that all the nonsense I used to read on here about rose coloured specs France used to upset  me. Rightly or wrongly, felt like the french were being spoken of as simpletons. And I shall never 'get' why there is this general feeling on here of the french not being consumer minded, it really depends on income, but those with money, spend on very similar goods to those in the UK. And maybe that feeling is because too many posters have never lived in a city, or it's banlieue where life is quite different, and hectic.

Latest craze where I used to live is a Thermomix, and they cost about 1000€'s, really they do, and I do not know of one person who has one in the UK, whereas even people with modest incomes in France have them, at least where I used to live they do, whether they live en plein campagne or in a city.

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[quote user="lindal1000"]What's a Thermomix?[/quote]


I had to Google, some kind of a mixer but the thrid word, the company who markets it "Vorwerk" told me all I needed to know, now I know why all the simpletons in Iduns old village have one, have paid 20 times it real value for it and why all their friends and neighbours are being besieged by indoctrinated greedy sellers of said item.


Hint, when your neighbour asks you if you wouldnt mind spending 10 minutes answering some questions from her student daughter because it will help her in her new job, if you agree then greet her with an alarm clock set to 10 minutes, refuse to allow her boss who is pretending to be training her into the house because you were not informed, throw her out after the alarm goes off and when they bring out the final killer question "please give us the name of 5 of your friends and relatives" just say NO!

99.999% of French will be incapable of such hence their success, for them France is like shooting fish in a barrel, remember the Swiss girl who got banned fromthe forum speaking about all her friends and neighbours feeling obliged to spend loads of money after being invited to (in her words) f***erware parties [:D]

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[quote user="lindal1000"]What's a Thermomix?[/quote]

Perhaps this?

edit: From the report


In 2010 Stiftung Warentest rated the model TM 31 with mark 3.2 (satisfactory). Mainly the high price of €985 the noise level and that grating and slicing is not possible was criticised.[6]

The successor model TM 5 was rated in 2015 with mark 2.9

(satisfactory). The noise level (measured at 91 decibel by stirring

water) was again criticised and the testers named this as the reason why

it was rated down.[7] In 2014 Thermomix was awarded a "Shonky Award" by the Australian consumer advocate CHOICE, for the "flawed launch of its new model".[8]

There have been numerous accounts of a Thermomix machine "exploding" and burning people with scalding liquids.[9][10] In October 2014 the model was recalled over claims that hot liquid or food may splash out of the mixing bowl.[11] CHOICE has called for an ACCC investigation.[12]

CHOICE has told the ABC it is aware of 87 separate cases where Thermomix consumers have been burned. The ABC understands 18 of those required several weeks of treatment in hospital burns units.[13]

Product Recall

In 2014 Thermomix TM31 was recalled in Australia. The ACCC

issued the recall notice 2014/14361 in October 2014. The sealing ring

was identified as a point of possible failure in circumstances where the

machine was operated at high RPMs and then switched to the lid open

position. Service numbers starting from 124231XX to 143231XX. Vorwerk

shipped all affected owners a replacement sealing ring in November 2014.[14]



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A couple in my old village, but the rest are city dwellers and I really do know quite a few people with them. The thermomix is the 'in' thing, and I personally wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.

I try and avoid buying magic beans.[Www]

edit did see the post about them exploding, but the people I know who have bought them has been during the last year. Pre noel and then up to summer time. Bees knees apparently.......... as people value that which they have paid most for and it will be in a few years, that the truth will out....... unless the thing explodes, ofcourse[Www]

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Yes, probably ran ages ago.

I looked for these supposedly wonderful Thermomixes - not available on Amazon. Sounded a bit like one of those ponzi schemes until I read Chancer's post.

Obviously those of us from the UK are just sensible; the cost mentione earlier sounds crazy.

I'm very happy with my Remoska from Lakeland, very low-tech but it can cook pretty much anything and costs cents/pennies to run.

I was unsure about spending the £70 or so at the time, but Claire spoke so highly about them that I ended up buying 2, one for England, one for France.

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[quote user="Patf"]I wonder what has happened to the the poor OP?

He/she has probably cleared off, wished he/she had never poséd la question.


Good point Patf. I suggest any further discussion/opinions about Thermomix ought to be expressed on the other topical thread: 'The Latest Piece of Lunacy'.

Domestic foodmixer...€985 - sheer lunacy.



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