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New ruling on Winter fuel allowance

Boiling a frog

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I just phoned the international pensions centre. The helpful young lady confirmed that the form will be on the website from the 1st August, that we only need fill in one form, though it will be split between us and that it will not be backdated.
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That must be the lady I got the last time I phoned, because about 10 min aga I phoned to query what parsnips had said. I was told in no uncertain terms that because I had left the UK prior to turning 60yrs of age I was not entitled to any payment.

That will make some people on this forum and Mr IDC happy.

I queried this reply and was told there was a new claim form available from 1st August.

I did ask what the point of a new claim form was if I was not entitled. She was unable to answer, just mumbling something about no decision had been made .

So there we have it /or not. Not everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.(I apologise in advance to any Christians upset by that idium or to any atheists because I have referred in an oblique way to religion or to anyone else upset by this phrase).

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To qualify for additional Cold weather payments you have to be on benefit other than old age pension:

  • Pension Credit

  • Income Support

  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance

  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

If you are on these benefits,  then the payment is automatic.

From http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/moneytaxandbenefits/benefitstaxcreditsandothersupport/inretirement/dg_10018668


According to this 2010 site it is not possible to get Pension Credit outside the UK (unless its a temporary stay for a reason such as healthcare etc ):



I'm not sure about the other benefits being exportable.




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[quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="John Brown"]I think we have flogged this one to death now.
One last thing, I hope,

 If you have applied before and been knocked back because of the ordinarily resident issue your claim will not be reopened and you need to reapply. Thats from a very nice lady on the UK Pensions Helpline.

[/quote] I take it you found the correct stable and spoke to the correct horse this time?[/quote]Had to be this one, I reckon.
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Thanks for clarifying that. I thought it may have been because she receives attendance allowance, which is exportable or that she is over 80 and therefore may have been available for people who live outside the UK.

I guess another good reason to have had a new conservatory and get below the limit for being eligible , than leave the money earning nothing in the bank.
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[:)]  Back on the racecourse again, I see, Norman!

I'm sticking to plan A:  Apply and see what happens.  They can only turn us down.  Whatever the outcome, thanks BaF for drawing this to my attention.  Nothing ventured....

What odds do you think Ladbrokes are offering?

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[quote user="ebaynut"]


Thanks for clarifying that. I thought it may have been because she receives attendance allowance, which is exportable or that she is over 80 and therefore may have been available for people who live outside the UK.

I guess another good reason to have had a new conservatory and get below the limit for being eligible , than leave the money earning nothing in the bank.


 There is higher WFA  payment if you are over 80 which my mother does get, but she doesn't get Pension Credit so doesn't qualify for the Cold Weather payments even though she has the heating on (very) high winter and summer because her lack of mobility means she really feels the cold. Between the heat, nicotine and she volume of her TV,  visits can be somewhat trying!

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="NormanH"]Yes BaF deserves it after all the stick I have given him [:P]
[/quote]Flogging a dead horse?  Sorry.[:$][/quote]

OTOH, I don't think one should look a gift horse in the mouth?

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[quote user="5-element"]It all depends of course, on how good your antivirus is.[/quote]Gosh, I bet the Trojans wish they'd had AVG.


I lay the blame for my embrassing post tally firmly at the door of threads like these, and, of course - by implication - you too, BaF!

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  • 4 weeks later...
[quote user="EmilyA"]Does anyone know if the updated claim form has appeared yet? I can't see it on the website, but am wondering whether to send off the "claim for past winters" form.[/quote]


     It's not on the website, and I was told I would be sent one "in August"; so I'll wait till the end of the month before following it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="Gardener"]Another knee jerk response from that idiot that is IDS! The areas in France that are suffering from a heatwave at present are often the coldest in winter.[/quote]

Hear, hear !  And blatantly descriminatory too.  Why should equal help not be given to those who are too hot ? 

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