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stuffed themselves to the point of death.  Chipmunks, you see, are greedy like J Smith and their snouts are also in the trough.  However, there's really no comparison between animals who don't know better and humans who...............
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strong ropes to tie you down while they get on with the job.  Don't they say no pain, no gain?  So, if this doesn't cure all that greediness, I guess nothing will.

But what will I give for a bit of............

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we are paying for.That is eaten on the table that we are paying for in the house that we are paying for.........ok we are just paying.

When we are all out of work,and the pot is empty because we have all been paying out on the politician's houses,food,tv's .tables ,bathplugs then what will poor old.......

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a thumping great big pension, long holidays, short working hours, expenses and allowances for ourselves AND all our family members, nice roomy offices with views over the more select parts of London; in short all the things we have got already but on a bigger scale.

As for the poor old sods of voters, why, they are only the............

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audience who are to believe that they have done nothing wrong.

Jaqui had just got back from the Blair school of acting. This was set up in the Blair years and has had full attendance ever since.She emerged , her face slightly thinner (her cheeks were sucked in)

Her voice was softer not the bombastic voice that she had gone in with.A television interview had been set up.......and the acting began.

The interviewer started to ask some interesting questions about the porn movies.Jaqui squirmed and then.......

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Bathplugs. The general public had unknowingly  bought a whole wardrobe full of them. There were gold plated ones, rubber red ones.plastic see through ones in every shade of pink. They had all been stuffed into the big antique wardrobe  sectetly owned by us.

Jaqui refused to answer questions on the bathplugs but quickly denied that she had claimed for the barbecue or patio heater....thats ok then.....How about the cuddly toy? the interviewer pressed her.Had she signed this expense claim off or not.?

For once Jaqui ......................

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stopped and pinched herself, maybe it was just a dream, at least it felt like she was in a kind of play, she pinched herself again, nothing good had stopped happening to her bank account or pension; she realised that once this charade had played out, life would troll merrily along and her simpering would have worked, hubby dickie could have as much porn as he liked, washed down with lots of cream. [:)]

Russell had twittered  "I have decided to pay the Ofcom fine. I'll put it on my expense account. Oh no, I don't have one because I'm a citizen not a corrupt MP." "What do 'ofcom' do with all that money? What is their mandate? I think they spend it all on porn. As head of ''ofporn'' I fine them £150000."Shamed MPs are exploiting us and misusing their expense accounts. They want us to be distracted from this. I'm going to write about it now."

That was her only worry, what if it wasn't a dream, maybe she wasn't in a play, maybe she would have to pay him the fine, maybe it was all . . . . .

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turning into a thing called reality.

Yipes .....was she joining the masses of people who had to ask themselves every day if a thing that they were buying was  a necessity or a luxury.Once decided then money was to be handed over.You put your hands into your pockets and had to hand over paper notes or coins of the realm.Then when this was done it resulted in your bank balance getting lower and lower and sometimes falling into a thing called debit...oh thats debt...thats what ordinary people have found themselves in.

Jaqui was dumbfounded at the very thought ,she had often sat in her bathtub late at night  (twiddling with her bath plug) whilst hubby was watching the naughties on the 72 inch plasma tv, wondering how ordinary folk could get themselves into the red. Watching those films on such a big screen made those bodiy images look almost full size, almost as big as Jaqui's lies in fact

When her bank account just kept getting bigger and bigger she had no idea that people were getting themselves into "debt" all over the country.

.It was an eye opener, how would she cope? After all this wasn't what she came into politics to do.

She walked into her cottage garden and wondered.........................

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long and hard whether resigning wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.  We.................eeell, she'd have to give up the expense account but she still gets to keep the generous salary, the pension plan and all the other bits and pieces. 

True, the old man would have to give up the porn stuff because she'd make sure she audits the debits from the joint bank account.

Then, she spun on her heel, her chins (yes, if you look closely, she definitely has more than one) came up, her greedy piggy eyes gleamed and she decided she would tough it out.

After all, she has nothing to lose, the Inquiry (or whatever fancy name they call it) would find that she's stuck rigidly to the letter of the law and she gets to keep all the goodies.

The antique fireplaces would be left in place and she thought she'd have the marble mantelpieces and the expensive slate hearth added to the claim so that all the fireplaces would look a tad more genuine.  After all, genuine means real, means true, means faithful to the original, means fit for purpose and any number of definitions and what if not "genuine" would you call her?

Well, what word would YOU use?  Over to the next poster...............

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well we are not allowed to use language like that on this forum.......but I bet she wishes that she had given the police their pay rise now.....she has been well and truly busted and as for her husband bet he wishes he had just ..........
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... Universal Bathplugs, which happen to be the plugs that rely on suction and that remain strong and secure whilst fixing themselves into any shaped plughole.

Just the sort of thing that Jaqui needed in her life, whilst she mused about how she was going to explain ...

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how she had accidently got one stuck about her person.

After her acting performance on the tv two days earlier her husband wished that she had plugged the hole that all the lies were coming out of.

It hadn't been a very convincing performance and even the x pats on the french forum had not been fooled so what chance was there of convincing the folk of England who were also hot on her case!!

With all the leaks  about her expenses flowing, Jaqui wished that she could use one of the plugs out of her extensive collection  to....................

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had bought out of his divorce settlement
Dickie said ''I've got a caravan, which I'm really made up about, 'cause I've, like, always wanted a caravan, all my life and now I've got one.
Jacqui said ''Yeah to watch pornography in. 
Dickie said, ''No, not to watch pornography in, but I've got a sexy new entertainment system to watch the footie and a paraffin heater in fingerless gloves. 
Jacqui said '' And you never shut up about it either.''
Dickie said ''I know. It's just a typical bloke thing really. 
Jacqui said '' It's not.'' 
Dickie said '' Shall we row about this now?'' 
Jacqui said ''Huh you can't . . .

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