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latest on those pesky social contributions, please


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[quote user="Daft Doctor"]Oh yes, and of course a HUGE thank you to parsnips for providing the excellent template letter. Without that I'd be empty handed for sure![/quote]


  Thank  you  for  that.    I  just  hope  it  works  as  well for me  as I still  haven't got  anything  back! 

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I've been told that while social charges for capital gains on property are still refundable for the last time from the year 2015, social charges related to investment income received in that year aren't, since the new finance law came out.

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Being extremely idle, I haven't sent in my claim yet.  Just waiting to see if someone comes on to say whether they have been repaid or not.

I'm not so bothered by investment income as that comes to zilch but I hope there will be refunds on my OH's annuities.

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Seems like whilst I am in the middle of trying to sort our problems out I see lots of stuff on french official web sites about these refunds and which years are being dealt with. None of this applies to us, as what we pay up to who ever and that is that.

I don't understand why these government departments take so long. On the odd overpayments we made in the past, I cannot remember it going on so long as some of you have waited.
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Hi, I just wondered if anyone can tell me how long it takes to receive the payment after receiving the letter accepting the validity of the claim? It mentions 2 months to appeal, do you have to wait until after those 2 months have passed to receive payment, or is it generally quicker than that? Thanks in advance.
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  • 2 months later...
Well, my merry-go-round keeps turning. After receiving the letter with details of my dégrèvement on 12th October, and having emailed the tax people in mid-November enquiring as to when I might be paid, I eventually received a cheque from the local tresorerie yesterday. Problem is, they haven't applied the promised 'intérêts moratoires' to the dégrèvements, which as my award was over 1,000 euros is not insignificant. Email has gone off to the tresorerie pointing out their 'oversight', so let's hope the rest of what is owed arrives in due course!
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I hope so too for your sake, DD.  But, look at it this way, the pound being worth less than when you paid the taxes, the euros you will receive will be of greater value?

Er............have I actually got that right or am I just trying to console you[:)]

Has anyone out there received their rebate for 2015?  I STILL haven't written my letter though it will only take a few minutes and then photocopy the avis(es) to send off.  I'll have to go to the bureau de poste as I don't trust myself to get the on-line service right[:(]

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If you mean a refund from the tax return 2016 (on 2015 income) then ours has been refused as they say the law was changed in  mid-December 2015.

Some people have received them though.

If you look back on this thread I think you will find my posting about this.

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I beg your pardon, Hereford, if I have overlooked your earlier contribution and thank you for today's post.

Seeing as some people have received a refund, I'll get my lazy behind into gear and write the letter in the next day or two.  Nothing ventured, as they say............but I won't hold my breathe; that way, I won't be disappointed if, like you, I get a non.

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Methinks another thread that is too long. DD asked a very specific question that was satisfactorily answered and he posted on the same topic again. It will be lost in the mists of the thread. She/he should be encouraged to start a new thread with a searchable title.

How fast can one find the previous comments of Hereford?
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I beg to differ Richard51. I posted a question on 1st November to which Debra replied, sharing her personal experience. I was feeding back on how my personal situation had developed, no-one else had posted meantime. I was 'chatting' about the same subject, one that has been a saga for many. Whilst it does lengthen the thread, it would have been entirely inappropriate to start a new one, since there was no new subject matter, merely a continuation of what had gone before......

To be honest, what I said was relevant to the post, whereas what you said was not, so who is the one who has lengthened the post unnecessarily?
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[quote user="AnOther"]Received this today.

For the scaredy cats the link is to a pdf which is completely safe to click on and download.


Foxit Reader informed that the file contains a virus or malware. I'll therefore take a rain check on that. Downloaders beware DYOR.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

No idea why Foxit doesn't like the other one but I'm disappointed that anybody would so much as imagine I'd post an infected file [:(][/quote]

Foxit Reader informs me that a file contains a virus or malware and your suggesting that as you posted the link I should disregard what Foxit is stating and continue to open the said file? Yeah right. Get real.

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You're effectively calling me a liar then !

Ever heard of false positives ?

FWIW I've contacted Tinyupload to complain about their service flagging my completely innocent and proper pdf as some sort of malware, at least Filedropper works properly.

And BTW if you have that little confidence in your AV catching something (assuming there was something to catch which there isn't) then I suggest you change it forthwith.

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[quote user="andyh4"]This is not criticising you ANO, so please do not take this personally.[/quote]Sorry Andy but I do take being told to 'get real' personally.

I've used Tinyupload many many times in the past and never had a problem like this but having checked a few things I've determined that it's FF itself which is false reporting it as a virus or malware.

Turn off 'Block dangerous downloads' in the security settings and it works as it should, you don't need that set anyway because if you've got a decent up to date AV running it will be far more accurate and reliable than any browser which will only be as relevant as it's last update which could be weeks or months old.

Mine is turned off which is why FF isn't flagging it for me, furthermore I've downloaded the file myself and compared it to the original and there are no changes to it whatsoever which there would absolutely be if had been tampered with by Tinyupload.

From what I'm seeing Dr Web seems to be some sort of minor 'also ran' player in the AV arena so you'll excuse me if I take what it says about Tinyupload with a large portion of scepticism.

I can find no other authoritative evidence claiming that the site is anything other than what it seems which is a simple and transparent file hosting service.

Being transparent there is of course nothing to stop somebody uploading moody files for the unwary to download but that's not the fault of the site and it's up to the individuals downloading from it to perform due diligence.


FWIW = for what it's worth

BTW = By the way

AV = Anti Virus

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