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Oh Frenchie - it hasn't taken him long


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Cathy, I don't think that even Frenchie will be heartbroken.  The man is obviously incapable of learning from the lesson he's been given.

Life is like that, you get a load of lessons handed to you and, if you don't learn them properly, you get the same lessons over and over again until you do.

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Silly old devil!  He's been taken to the cleaners by the one-legged velociraptor and here he is doing it all over again - he will never learn !! - yet is he just another classic example of vain old man being led by his trousers in pursuit of a gold-digger who "allows" him to catch her?   Look what he got last time????  [Www] 
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It has been, thankfully, many years since I have actually looked at the Sun: thank you for reminding me what a total pile of steaming puerile childish rubbish it is!

One presumes this apology for a newspaper has a large department, only concerned with dreaming up juvenile headlines and nicknames for the unworthy and unimportant.

No wonder politicians are able to continually deceive the British public with such boring and increasing ease and monotony.


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

It has been, thankfully, many years since I have actually looked at the Sun: thank you for reminding me what a total pile of steaming puerile childish rubbish it is!

One presumes this apology for a newspaper has a large department, only concerned with dreaming up juvenile headlines and nicknames for the unworthy and unimportant.

No wonder politicians are able to continually deceive the British public with such boring and increasing ease and monotony.



Yes yes Gluey but that having been said, do you not like The Sun?[:-))]

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It's like deja vu all over again, Gluey!

In defence of the Sun - which, no, I do not read - it is very good at what it does.  And some of the headline writing is inspired.

I had a quick look at the link, to find out whom it was about.  What, prey, is the appeal of an old f*rt who so obviously dyes his hair - what in heaven's name is that about?........











Ah yes, the dosh!

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[quote user="Framboise"]Silly old devil!  He's been taken to the cleaners by the one-legged velociraptor and here he is doing it all over again - he will never learn !! - yet is he just another classic example of vain old man being led by his trousers in pursuit of a gold-digger who "allows" him to catch her?   Look what he got last time????  [Www] [/quote]

Maybe I'm a bit of a romantic, but why shouldn't he find love/ lust/ company? he is only 65 and with many years ahead of him, is he to live a life without a women just because he was stupid once.

If I was only 65 and single I would certainly be looking for someone to share my life/bed/money with. [:P]

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

It has been, thankfully, many years since I have actually looked at the Sun: thank you for reminding me what a total pile of steaming puerile childish rubbish it is!



Gluey, I know you were writing in a hurry and what's more in the heat of the moment, but peurile and childish means one and the same thing.  I'd say tautologous but I'd be repeating myself as well!

Trust you are keeping well en ce moment, dear Gluey.  I'm just in my nit-picking mood, so don't mind me!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

It's like deja vu all over again, Gluey!

In defence of the Sun - which, no, I do not read - it is very good at what it does.  And some of the headline writing is inspired.

I had a quick look at the link, to find out whom it was about.  What, prey, is the appeal of an old f*rt who so obviously dyes his hair...


... and has C-cup man-boobs... [:-))]

You are right, Coops - the Sun understands its readers and perfectly delivers what its readers want. Sad reflection on a segment of the British population as that observation is...

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Jacqui - my heart does not bleed for Paul McCartney nor his wallet.

With his dosh he can afford a harem of velociraptors aka HM and her ilk to divvy out his cash between them, and so they will.  The trouble is that even though people seemed to hate Linda for marrying him, she was a decent person at heart and did not deserve to die as she did at a relatively young age, then with indecent haste and with the warnings of his own children ringing in his ears he rushed off out into the Dating Game to be ensnared by HM rex.   Certainly he has not emerged from the spat with his ex-wife unscathed either, with accusations of parsimony and one-upmanship concerning their child.

On a lighter note

HM is buying a plane with her settlement.   She will still use Immac on her other leg though.     [:D][:P]

                                                                   I shall not be applying for the vacancy though - he's only five years younger than my Dad!!


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

It's like deja vu all over again, Gluey!

In defence of the Sun - which, no, I do not read - it is very good at what it does.  And some of the headline writing is inspired.

I had a quick look at the link, to find out whom it was about.  What, prey, is the appeal of an old f*rt who so obviously dyes his hair - what in heaven's name is that about?........











Ah yes, the dosh!


But, but, but, so the glorious Sun stated, JE she's an heiress!

Still, she is one of our colonial cousins and I suppose one can never have enough......................


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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="Gluestick"]

It has been, thankfully, many years since I have actually looked at the Sun: thank you for reminding me what a total pile of steaming puerile childish rubbish it is!





Gluey, I know you were writing in a hurry and what's more in the heat of the moment, but peurile and childish means one and the same thing.  I'd say tautologous but I'd be repeating myself as well!

Trust you are keeping well en ce moment, dear Gluey.  I'm just in my nit-picking mood, so don't mind me!


OK Sweets: so the rag is childishly childish then! [:D]

I'm well, thanks; but not as well as last week since Mrs G and I were in our French demesne for Paques.

Boy! Was it ever cold! Last Sunday week we had two inches of snow after a blizzard!

And guess what? The very day we came back (Saturday), it was glorious sunshine.



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I couldn't help noticing how svelte his latest squeeze looked, I bet she has to work hard at that.  He, on the other hand, looked a little on the pudgy side, but no problem, for a man.  Can you imagine the headlines if it had been he looking buff and her in need of shedding a few pounds?  Paul's Porker, Macca's McDonald's Muncher? 


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Cat, that reminds me of the Yahoo headlines this morning. There was a photograph of Goldie Hawn out jogging, and shock horror, she's getting and looking older. You'd have thought she'd committed a crime.

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I don't read the Sun either, except while waiting for a kebab in Reggie's Takeaway back in the UK.  It was Sarah Kennedy's review of the papers (Radio 2 at 6.45am but online all day) that alerted me to Macca's new bird.


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Well, I did not know about his new woman, but a bit like one of th posters on here, I think, " so what? "

He's made a mistake, with HM , but I assume this time there is no real risk, herself being rich, and they re not married, just flirting it seems! [Www]

As for a younger woman falling in love with a much older man, I know it is absolutely possible.. To me age is in attitude, and what matters  most is not age or a few excess pounds .. Love is blind they say, isn't it ?

Personnally I ve never been attracted to younger men or even men my age.. And please, no psychiatry.. I have a dad and not looking for another one !!

The man in my heart is older than I am and I wouldn't like him to be any different than he is!

Being an item is not always about being a golddigger or looking for a top model .......

I must be very naive. ................

AndI think Macca is still really OK for his age.

Chacun ses gouts!!                     I wish them the best, and if he makes a mistake, well, he will realize it soon enough..

ANd yes, at 65 ( and even older !!) one is entitled to have a partner in his/her life!!!!!   [:D]. 

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Well it doesn't do to beat yourself up unnecessarily over these celebrity things, certainly I've found women generally are more attractive than men, it was in the design brief apparently, and it's possible from what I've heard that he has other things to offer. Apparently he started with nothing and became a self made multi-millionaire doing a job he liked, writing  silly love songs. Amongst other things his interests are more fun than money, merchant bankers, lawyers et al (he has had his share of all of them!) and it has allegedly given him some sort of charisma which more than a few women have found attractive for some reason.

Celebrities aren't new, a few of the oldies I would have liked to meet include Nell Gwynne, Marie Lloyd, & Jane Mast I'm sure you could build quite a list over the last 3 or 4 hundred years!

Incidentally I notice the euro is still pretty dire, so I haven't changed my bank account, and in the Press today Gordon Brown hasn't offered any members of the forum an appointment in the cabinet. I have had some fun playing some silly love songs though and learnt to . . .
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, and you will get old. [8-|]

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I have no problems with relationships between different ages - and good for anybody who finds a great relationship (or even an imperfect one, if it suits the people involved) at whatever age.  However, I still don't get blokes who dye their hair in the belief that it makes them look younger or more appealing.  We all know how old he is - so what is it about?
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Well I can only speak for myself, but when I went to a recruitment agency a while ago, they subtley suggested, that maybe grey hair was bad for a companies image. I asked my wifes opinion, and she thought it too late! saying too many people knew I had grey hair already and a change would be ridiculous, so I didn't, but the reality is that other peoples view of your image requirements does enforce changes to tonsorial appearance, whether it be shaving beards, dying grey or a mohican. [8-|] fortunately women don't have that problem maintaining their natural colour throughout their life [;-)]
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Well, personally, I don't get why women do this either, but that's another matter - many start at the first appearance of a grey hair, so nobody notices a radical change at any time.  We had a similar discussion on another thread (also about celebrity - wonder why that is[Www]?)  People set far too much store by personal appearance and for celebs to reinforce this culture doesn't help us as a society, imo - it just encourages a set of values based upon appearance, not what is within.  Which in this person's case is real talent (even though I hate the music myself, I do accept that) - which is what we should appreciate him for - not what he looks like (which is, frankly, ridiculous in a guy of that age - he can grow old gracefully - he already has the public's respect and would have a queue of women after him, even if he were 20 stone, totally bald and as wrinkly as a prune.)
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Gluey writes of the Sun

"One presumes this apology for a newspaper has a large department, only concerned with dreaming up juvenile headlines and nicknames for the unworthy and unimportant"

That the journalists and editorial department and probably all the others too.
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