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Tony Blair


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Ummm.... is this a trick question?

Because, strange as it may seem, I am getting the feeling that the answers you want are 'no' and 'yes' and 'yes' and 'yes'. Just checking, because I can't abide biased polls, in any shape or form.
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[quote user="Fay"]Ummm.... is this a trick question? Because, strange as it may seem, I am getting the feeling that the answers you want are 'no' and 'yes' and 'yes' and 'yes'. Just checking, because I can't abide biased polls, in any shape or form.[/quote]

No trick in the question at all, and it's not a poll. I think the man is a charlatan of the highest order, I am just asking for other peoples thoughts on  Mr Blair and the behind the scenes manoeuvring to make him unelected president of Europe

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Richard, I don't really know what a president of Europe is for. But we were told that it was not an important role when we were also being told that the whole treaty was nothing of significance. We now hear that it's to be a very influential role, and that TB would only be interested if it was of great impotance.

And yes, I think it might change a lot in our lives when the president is in place. I don't know what, but I suspect that in France it might be less than in UK, for the same reasons that a lot pertaining to the EU seems to be  at a more gentle level than in UK.


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Like Richard, I should like to know exactly what a good president of Europe might be before committing myself to an answer.  However, I would add that if one creates a competition for the world's ugliest dog, one should not be surprised (or complain) if a real hound wins.....
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For many of the reasons already put forward, I think he might just be ideal for the job, and yes I do think he's just there for what he can make out of politics - which politician would you put in the job who isn't.


Is putting him as president of the EU going to put him in a position where he can lead the EU into war?  NO

Is putting him into the job going to mean that the nominal head of the EU has good connections with world leaders? YES

Would he know what makes them tick?  YES

Is he a slimey prat that will engratiate himself with other leaders?  (You can decide on the first bit, but the second bit YES)


So in my book just the man ........................ or would you prefer Berlusconi or someone of that ilk?

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Besides not being able to stand anything to do with TB, I think he is a very divisive person.  The baggage he would take with him would bring many problems. Presumably the president should be someone who can bring people and their ideas together. A sensible grey man or woman without TB's baggage seems needed.
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As pointed out on the news a couple of nights back why have a president from a member state that does not use the Euro? It sorts of smacks of I am president of a group of states that I don't 100% believe in. I notice on UK TV that very few have offered good alternatives to Blair. I am sure there are quite a few out there but we never hear about them. They keep saying that Europe needs a serious person for the rest of the world to listen to (they really mean China and the US).

Well forgive me if I am wrong but is not Blair the Special Peace Envoy to the Middle East. I can't remember hearing about any positive results he has had out there. The only thing I remember from that part of the world that's happened since he took over the job is the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip.

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Ps Why can't the people of the EU have a vote on the presidency? Let the candidates put themselves forward and say what they intend to do as president, then let us vote.

Or would it like Eurovision and we would end up with a Russian?

Or would it be like X-Factor and people would vote for bad haircut Irish twins just to annoy Simon Cowell?
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[quote user="just john "]Maybe it's just the softener before they announce that Kinnock has it[Www][/quote]

A very scary thought John, but there is no chance of Kinnock going back into the "family Business" He and his wife are now milking the house of lords. Funny how he changed his tune, because back in the 80s he wanted to abolish the House of Lords on the grounds it was packed with the descendants of “brigands, muggers, bribers and gangsters”.  Don't you just love "New Labour"

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[quote user="woolybanana"]John Major for President ,then?[/quote]

I'd rather see Ant & Dec in the job, although Jimmy Krankie would be an interesting choice.  I find it very sad that in a country the size of the UK there doesn't appear to be a viable candidate. Having said that; in the election for London's Mayor the choice was between Boris and Ken, maybe Ant & Dec is  not such a silly idea after all. Of course there's always Norman.


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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="woolybanana"]John Major for President ,then?[/quote]

I'd rather see Ant & Dec in the job, although Jimmy Krankie would be an interesting choice.  I find it very sad that in a country the size of the UK there doesn't appear to be a viable candidate. Having said that; in the election for London's Mayor the choice was between Boris and Ken, maybe Ant & Dec is  not such a silly idea after all. Of course there's always Norman.



I would love to see Boris as pm of England.

Not that he would fix everything, no politician is capable of doing that, but it would be a bloody good laugh watching him.

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The man's a "blaireau", even his name suggests that.  Please Frenchie, Clair or 5-e, come on here and explain the implications of "blaireau"...........I don't mean he's a badger, I mean he is ........er..........not exactly bright.

Have I got the meaning right?

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