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How to shoot yourself in the foot .


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He has gone on to take the whole worlds press to the poor womans doorstep in an effort to dig himself out of the hole he has put himself in ..Does Mrs Duffy want all this ? I am sure Brown does not care if she does or not as long as he digs himself out !

I feel sorry for Mrs Duffy
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Unfair as it might seem, he is now clearly accident-prone and, when someone gets like that, they need to be sidelined and kept out of sight as much as possible.

Would be interesting to see what tomorrow's debate shows up.  Gaffe- and accident-prone....in the cut-throat and unforgiving world of politics, these things are impossible to live down.

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It just illustrates what we all know... the total distain that politicians have for the electorate. Stand up in public, promise us the world, pretend to be sincere and lie through their teeth.

Brown manages to compound his unpleasant characteristics by being totally incompetent to govern as well.

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Well: I listened earlier (BBC Radio Four The World At One: should be possible to hear it on catch-up) to Brown's earlier conversation with the woman.

And his later comments via radio mike when he was back in his car.

For me it shows just how truly insincere politicians actually are and what a charade their "Meet the people" spin really is.

Worse, it demonstrated what utter contempt politicians hold the elector in: and how empty and duplicitous their rhetoric actually is.


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[quote user="DerekJ"]It just illustrates what we all know... the total distain that politicians have for the electorate. Stand up in public, promise us the world, pretend to be sincere and lie through their teeth.

Brown manages to compound his unpleasant characteristics by being totally incompetent to govern as well.

I was just about to write the same thing.I also shows what they really think about the people who give them a vote. After that I would never vote for Labour while he is their leader, mind you I wouldn't vote for them anyway.

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According to the Labour spin machine he was letting off steam after a difficult conversation.

If having a discussion with one of your party's life long supporters is viewed as 'difficult' then he is clearly out of his depth.
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It seems regardless of our political leanings most of us are unanimous in our ontempt on this occasion..

I personally think that the same sort of thing could and has been said by most politicians of whatever party about the great unwashed etc but very few of em have been stupid enough to get caught saying it.

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They say he was "mortified"...... yes, I bet he was.  Mortified that he'd been found out for the charmer he is.  He said he'd "misunderstood what she said".   Oh yeah, of course he did. We all believe that pigs might fly as well Brown. His insults to our intelligence just keep on coming.

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Why did he go back to "Gillian's" house?  He should have left her alone.  She doesn't need the press parked out on her doorstep.

GB is renowmed for his bad temper.  This incident showed it up.

Tomorrow's leaders debate:  I agree with Gillian....

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