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Just what have you got to do to get rid of that squatter GB

just john

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I saw words like dignified in respect to his PM's resignation speech, I remember him mentioning among the many achievements he wanted to remind us of the financial stability he has given the UK, does he live on another planet? The last section of his speech about the military was an insult to anyone who has served and to the spouse of those that have died. If he really meant what said he would have withdrawn the troops from both Afghanistan and Iraq as soon as he became PM.

I suspect that this coalition will last until there is a vote on PR and the unlikelihood of the electorate voting in favour, if that happens the LibDems will want an election asap.

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I have to admit I wasn't a GB fan but the bloke grew on me towards the end. He stuck to his principles, which is more than you can say of most politicians.

Do people really think the country would be in a better state now if the other lot had got in sooner? Would DC have avoided the credit crunch, bankers' greed, near global meltdown? Would he have been brave enough to try to put the brakes on the "economic boom"?

Dream on.


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He certainly seems to be well connected. This is what Wikipedia says:

Cameron is a direct descendant of George I, George II, George III, and King William IV (great × 5 grandfather) and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus fifth cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II) As an illegitimate descendant of William IV, Cameron is not in the line of succession to the British throne. He is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, once the chairman of Aston Villa Football Club, and Birmingham-born documentary film-maker Joshua Dugdale is his cousin.

In May 2009, tabloid newspaper The Sun published a discovery by amateur genealogist Tony Andrews that Labour politician Harriet Harman is related to David Cameron through her aunt's marriage to his great uncle. Leader of the Conservative Party related to leader of the Labour Party!

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If that's what has to be done to get rid, then at least we have the change that was essential[:)] and we can go forward who knows perhaps hopefully, dare I say, things have not been so bad for a very long time and for many us about to retire absolutely the worst time.
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A few of us have wanted for ages to see things changed so we have government by cooperation rather than by confrontation.

We now have that at Westminster. I sincerely hope it works; it deserves to. However much others might moan and snipe, I'm very happy with the outcome.

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And so am I Will- interesting times.

Alan, I am quite sure the Tories couldn't have averted the financial crisis either. I am sure they would also have deregulated - and after all, not many of the greedy bankers and City boys and girls vote Labour or Liberal, in my experience!!

Do you think the Tories would have withdrawn troops, or indeed not go into war with Irak?

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I'm happy with the outcome as well.  This way, the Tories won't have carte blanche to impose their policy of giving to those who already have plenty.

From the results of the negotiations, it bodes well for the future:  seems that young Clegg is well able to defend his corner.

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Debatable AZ, certainly the Tories would not have had the same spend history; but in any case I believe the election was more about how we go forward and which medicine would be best to halt the government spend and repay the debt . . .
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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]

I have to admit I wasn't a GB fan but the bloke grew on me towards the end. He stuck to his principles, which is more than you can say of most politicians.

Do people really think the country would be in a better state now if the other lot had got in sooner? Would DC have avoided the credit crunch, bankers' greed, near global meltdown? Would he have been brave enough to try to put the brakes on the "economic boom"?

Dream on.[/quote]

"Principles" ? Don't you mean he stuck to his arrogance ? I think this has been perfectly demonstrated by the lack of willingness to be swayed off their path of rightousness by anything the Liberal Democrats were willing to offer.

How many times did the man publically state "I will listen to the people", shame that he didn't but there again one only had to watch his people skills in action to realise the man hadn't a clue how to speak to the man in the street.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="Alan Zoff"]

I have to admit I wasn't a GB fan but the bloke grew on me towards the end. He stuck to his principles, which is more than you can say of most politicians.

Do people really think the country would be in a better state now if the other lot had got in sooner? Would DC have avoided the credit crunch, bankers' greed, near global meltdown? Would he have been brave enough to try to put the brakes on the "economic boom"?

Dream on.[/quote]

"Principles" ? Don't you mean he stuck to his arrogance ? I think this has been perfectly demonstrated by the lack of willingness to be swayed off their path of rightousness by anything the Liberal Democrats were willing to offer.

How many times did the man publically state "I will listen to the people", shame that he didn't but there again one only had to watch his people skills in action to realise the man hadn't a clue how to speak to the man in the street.[/quote]

... or the lady in the street e.g. Mrs Duffy. 

NB One of things that Mrs Duffy didn't like was that GB referred to her as 'that woman' and not 'that lady'.

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He wasn't speaking to the lady when he made his gaffe. He was caught off guard and not aware he was "broadcasting".

I am glad some of my former clients had not had access to recordings of some of my mutterings to myself after putting the phone down.

But I'm sure none of the self-righteous here would ever do such a thing. 

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Apparently a new sign is going up at the department of families etc - can't remember the trendy new name it was given. It's to be the Department of Education again. Excellent. I think that might be worth a glass of bubbles! I think families are very important and they need to have a high profile too, but maybe in a different way. I hope science is going to appear somewhere too.

Theresa May is to be Home Secretary.

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I'd deffo feel more insulted to be called a "lady".

In the circles in which I moved, "lady" was applied to people in menial jobs such as a "lady cleaner":  it was a way of somehow elevating someone's status but of course it only sounded patronising.

If "woman doctor", "woman engineer", "woman academic" is perfectly good, I'd feel mad as hell to be referred to as a "lady".

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