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Just what have you got to do to get rid of that squatter GB

just john

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

So, let the BNP have their 6 seats.  That doesn't frighten me!  Let them set out their agenda and let them be heard.  That's what a democracy is all about and the people will decide, non?

Do you remember back in the Thatcher days when thevoices of the likes of Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams were never allowed to be publicly aired?

I wished they'd let them be broadcast and heard:  people, including Sinn Fein sympathisers, could have then heard their ugly accents expressing their ugly sentiments and been repulsed in droves.

No, I am definitely not afraid of bigots and evildoers being given a public platform.  My policy is:  give them enough rope..........


One in 5 voters in Picardy voted for the National Front.

They are currently up in arms about the Assemmblée régionale electing only 10 Front National delegates out of 564 seats to represent the Conseil General on various outside organisations. The president of the groupe socialiste justified this by saying:

"Nous ne souhaitons pas que vous portiez ailleurs le discours de haine que vous tenez régulièrement dans cette assemblée"

I too think that these people should be heard, the head of the liste "Colere et espoir" Maxime Gremetz has done more to suppress communism in France than McCarthy ever did in America.

If you want to see real hate and venom do a google.fr search on him and especially watch his interview on Fr3 Picardie, the guy is 70 years old, he has regularly chinned his opponents and even ran one over at a political rally, I dread to think what he was like when he was young.

On the subject of VAT what is the current rate in the UK, did it return to 17.5% or higher?

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[quote user="ebaynut"]


David Blunkett, was he the blind man who Labour put in charge of immigration ?????  [I]


No he is the blind man single handedly (sic) repopulating the UK out of wedlock.



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''So, let the BNP have their 6 seats.  That doesn't frighten me!  Let them set out their agenda and let them be heard.  That's what a democracy is all about and the people will decide, non?''

But these BNP people DO get heard; I've seen and heard them on TV, heard them on radio, read about them and read parts of their speeches in the newspapers. They are heard and seen, nobody had shut them in a cupboard. They've been given plenty of rope, people listened, and they would have achieved 6 seats under PR.

It's good that they've also lost in a high profile seat.

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When we left home for the day this morning, Lib Dems were in bed with Labour. We got back at 6pm to find they've tumbled out and straight back into bed with the Tories, before the bed was cold.

I think I'd cut back the offer to the LIB DEms somewhat; they sounded so sure that Labour was the true partner they wanted, but they were spurned. Probably a good thing I'm not in charge!  [:)]

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[quote user="Swissie"]You can say what you want about Gordon, but I truly feel that he truly wanted to serve his country, us.

[/quote]Yes but he was rubbish at it [:'(]

BTW, you mean 'them' don't you?, 'us' is now living in another land, France

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Lovely picture, AnOther.

GB has been to the Palace, and David Cameron has now arrived there.

GB has also resigned as leader of the Labour party; Harriet Harperson is acting leader. GB apparently said that the blame for it all rests on his shoulders, and Mandy was the rock on which the Labour party has rested over the lasr few years. Pity that rock was on sand!

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Swissie, I have had huge problems with politicians and I don't think that I can find one that I truly admire.  But, I agree about Gordon, I do believe he is at heart a good man and tried his best (yes, I know his best wasn't enough and that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, etc etc)

Even so, I am convinced that history and hindsight will show him to be a man acting within his view of what's for the best.

What really changed him and the way he acted was his diehard yearning for the top job and the fact that he had to wait so long for that slimeball Blair to step aside after what was apparently an agreement between friends.  The waiting and longing soured him and then he inherited the poisoned chalice. 

It was like a ghastly prediction rolling out to its inevitable final conclusion.  Horrible sight and painful for both the protagonists and the people watching.


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