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Just what have you got to do to get rid of that squatter GB

just john

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 Hmm - I think GB could have legitimately put the ball in DCs court and left him the keys

It doesn't matter how you voted the fact is that the only numerically sound way is a Con /Liberal alliance. If we went for Lib/ Lab there would still need to be a deal of horse trading with the Scottish and Welsh parties, probably with the English coming off worst of all. How long would the English electorate stand for that ?

Additionally I suspect that neither the Liberals or Labour parties can fund another election campaign right now, so the Liberals will be seeking an alliance with at least the promise of some longevity.

My bet is that Milleband (the elder) and Johnson will soon take over from GB (Johnson as deputy) whatever happens....oh and Jackie Smith may have marital strife....

 I was taken in by Blair and then Brown, I thought he was a safe, if not dull, pair of hands. I suspect that he makes a very sincere and genuine friend, he is probably nicer that it seems, but IMHO his time has come, and gone ..........

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Over the years I've voted Liberal, Lib Dem and Conservative, in local and national elections, in various parts of the country, voting for what I hoped was best. Nobody is going to get what they voted for this time - it doesn't matter who any of us voted for; there will have to be compromises all round. I've heard people from both parties involved in the talks saying they didn't vote for compromise, but what else is available? Another election a few months in the future - who wants that? Labour and Lib Dems can't afford it; the Tories have apparently already started filling their piggy banks.

I just hope the two parties can put UK first, meaning sort something out quickly before things get worse - by Monday morning would be good. Maybe have heads of agreement on what they think they can agree on a little way down the line.

I also was taken in by Bliar; I didn't vote for him, but I thought he was a good man, doing his best for the country. Wrong! I also thought Brown was a safe pair of hands; it seems to be turning out that even the things we thought he did well weren't quite as good. Oh well, let's hope we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again; that song's been going through my head all day!  [:)]

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Me too, but it had already started to go wrong and was wrong from the beginning with the non election of Brown, Blair I think needed to hand over the reins at that point rather than have an election go wrong for Teflon Tony, from then on we were sailing into a maelstrom. A handover is another thing that needs to be rewritten in the constitution.
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I want to add my name to the list of those taken in or perhaps bitterly dissapointed with Tony Blair and his government.

I remember feeling very proud and full of hope on seeing (what appeared to be) a family, and a normal looking one at that with the kids shirts not tucked in etc, standing on the steps of number 10.

I really did think that it heralded the start of a new era, which I suppose it did, just not the one I voted for [:(]

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I want to add my name to the list of those taken in or perhaps bitterly dissapointed with Tony Blair and his government.

I remember feeling very proud and full of hope on seeing (what appeared to be) a family, and a normal looking one at that with the kids shirts not tucked in etc, standing on the steps of number 10.

I really did think that it heralded the start of a new era, which I suppose it did, just not the one I voted for [:(]


Cherie?????? [6]

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Chancer"]

I want to add my name to the list of those taken in or perhaps bitterly dissapointed with Tony Blair and his government.

I remember feeling very proud and full of hope on seeing (what appeared to be) a family, and a normal looking one at that with the kids shirts not tucked in etc, standing on the steps of number 10.

I really did think that it heralded the start of a new era, which I suppose it did, just not the one I voted for [:(]


Cherie?????? [6]


I have woken up with worse [;-)]

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[quote user="Chancer"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Chancer"]

I want to add my name to the list of those taken in or perhaps bitterly dissapointed with Tony Blair and his government.

I remember feeling very proud and full of hope on seeing (what appeared to be) a family, and a normal looking one at that with the kids shirts not tucked in etc, standing on the steps of number 10.

I really did think that it heralded the start of a new era, which I suppose it did, just not the one I voted for [:(]


Cherie?????? [6]


I have woken up with worse [;-)]

You poor thing!

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But he wont go until September !

There is something quite wrong in us getting left with yet another unelected Prime Minister in my view.....

In addition as an English tax payer I don't want the government to be forever be held to ransom by the nationalist parties.......



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My thoughts entirely AnOther! And yet again we may have to suffer another unelected Labour leader. It's about time Nick Clegg made his bl**dy mind up, talk about holding the country to ransom. And what will the Nationalists want in return for backing Gordon the Moron? Lets have another election soon!!


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I don't get the nationalist thing anyway, the [img]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:tUoPKpALy-TgjM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Flag_of_Scotland.svg/800px-Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png[/img] and [img]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Brvuy_GQypvSeM:http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/dbx/images/flag_wales.jpg[/img] have got devoloution and their own assemblies so what business do they have in Westminster and the English parliament ?

Am I being thick or controversial, I don't know.

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From an interview on TVAM last week, he intends leaving politics and going into charity work. I am somewhat perplexed by the pundits on television tonight talking of "unelected prime ministers". In the UK there is no presidential election(despite the TV debates?). The voter votes for his MP, the party elects it's leader.

There have been many cases where Prime Ministers change during the life of a Parliament., eg John Major, Alex Douglas Hume etc.

The people of Britain, it is said wanted a "hung parliament" and this is what they are going to get.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

But he wont go until September !

There is something quite wrong in us getting left with yet another unelected Prime Minister in my view.....

In addition as an English tax payer I don't want the government to be forever be held to ransom by the nationalist parties.......




Did you mean you are English and pay tax to HMRC.GOV.UK

England is a part of the UK , not as some people think , another name for the UK

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It will be interesting to see who puts their name on the list for the Labour leadership election. Having a look on Oddschecker David Miliband seems to be favorite with all the bookies.

I have to say that watching Clegg, his body language etc he seems quite 'full' of himself. Watching him I have changed from being indifferent towards the LibDems to actually disliking them and in particular Clegg. I get the feeling that all he is interested in is getting PR and thus increase his number of MP's and has little or no interest in getting the country out the mess it's currently in. Even though the Tories have now offered a referendum on changing the voting system he is going ahead with talks tomorrow with the Labour party. The UK really does not have time for all these political games and one upmanship.

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I not remember 'Hung Parliament' being a vaild party on any voting slip. People voted for the party they wanted, not the one they did not.

I also did not see this 'Progressive Alliance' on the voting form that these thieving b******ds keep wittering on about.

As for the comments coming from some of the Labour spokesmen in the media about Brown only wanting to do what is right for the contry. What country would that be, Scotland!
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[quote user="AnOther"]Best news I've heard this side of the Millenium [:D][:D][:D]

I truly look forward to history recording him as the worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.


There is no question of who was the 'worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.', and the present mess the country is in is the her responsibility.

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