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Poppy Protest


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The snag with these things is that if we condemn them outright, then we become the very people with whom we have a dispute.  Happily, what separates the civilised from the less so is our ability to allow extremist views to be aired whilst still being fundamentally opposed to them.  Until they actually cause harm to a person then they are entitled to their idiot views.
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I'm very surprised they were allowed to do this by any people nearby. I'd have liked to have been nearby with my hosepipe to rain on their parade. I think sometimes we allow too much free speech in UK when things like this go on.

I was very proud to wear my poppy at the town war memorial this morning; the first time we've been at our French home on this date, as we're normally in UK for birthday celebrations of one of the family.

It was very interesting to see and hear what went on; a parade of the French Foreign Legion (from their barracks at nearby Nimes), who also provided the trumpeter; fireman carried some of the flags; a huge number of names read out for each of the years of the Great War. It was pleasant that an apero was offered at the mairie afterwards; an old couple standing near us (13 great grand children!) were very keen that we joined them for that!
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I'm not sure, but I'd say a lot of young virgin soldiers died fighting for others freedom, including these people,
I'd go further to say that they would be dead or in jail now if they had carried out these protests in some countries, Iran for example.
Imagine if Na2i germany had succeeded, where would these people be now? Certainly not here.

A poppy is just a symbol of the young mens blood spilled, in quite a lot of cases, all their blood.

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 What is the 'the military myth' ?

 ( I know I'm going to regret asking)

FWIW I had just parked my car when the 11.00 chimes were played on the radio, so I stayed in my car ( probably best as we buried my father on the 11th of November 14 years ago and I preferred to be alone with my thoughts) but as I walked toward the shops a crowd of people came out of the British Legion, even grown men had moist eyes.......some of them I've 'known' (as in seen them around, passed the time of day) for years....I had quite a lump in my throat....

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[quote user="Braco"]Since you ask I see it as the UK swastika badge and as such boycott it. To me it has no merit other than perpetuating the military myth and allowing leaders to manipulate the population.[/quote]

Braco, people died for you to hold such obnoxious views. Thank them and remember.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Braco, you should thank your lucky stars that such brave people have been prepared to die for you to have the right to say that, and remember and thank them![/quote] Hook, line and sinker - it is only cowards and sheep that think that their freedom comes at the end of a gun.
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[quote user="Russethouse"] What is the 'the military myth' ?

 ( I know I'm going to regret asking)

FWIW I had just parked my car when the 11.00 chimes were played on the radio, so I stayed in my car ( probably best as we buried my father on the 11th of November 14 years ago and I preferred to be alone with my thoughts) but as I walked toward the shops a crowd of people came out of the British Legion, even grown men had moist eyes.......some of them I've 'known' (as in seen them around, passed the time of day) for years....I had quite a lump in my throat....
[/quote] That they serve freedom and liberty.
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I wonder if you have any idea how offensive your ideas are to many thousands of people like me Braco ? Members of my family served in both the WW1 & 11. They didn't volunteer they were conscripts. Those of them who came back settled into civilian life and didn't talk much about their experiences. I wear mine for family reasons as much as any patriotic ideals. I am quite sure I'm not alone.

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[quote user="Braco"]Since you ask I see it as the UK swastika badge and as such boycott it.

To me it has no merit other than perpetuating the military myth and allowing leaders to manipulate the population.[/quote]

Stupid comment Braco and deeply offensive to a lot of people.

Perhaps best to keep your silly views to yourself or, even better perhaps, just F*** OFF.


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[quote user="woolybanana"]So your views are essentially anti-Western, selectvie not comprehensive then. Another crypto fascist in the making?[/quote] So anyone who dares to think must be a crypto fascist? We should all tow the party line? That is exactly the thinking that allowed an Austrian Corporal to assume power and a modern day scum bag to persuade a nation to support our glorious troops in killing the Taliban or in ‘English’ Afghanistan citizens. You do not show your disgust of Nazis by copying their traits and actions.
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Al-Qa'ida, is a militant Islamist group
 It operates both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad.
Most of the world considers it a terrorist organization.
Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries,
The U.S. government responded by launching the War on Terror.
Al-Qaeda ideologies envision a complete break from the foreign influences in Muslim countries,
and the creation of a new Islamic caliphate.
Reported beliefs include that the killing of bystanders and civilians is religiously justified in jihad.

Anyone who supports these aims surely doesn't expect to go unchallenged?

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This evening, I have been to a meeting and a formal dinner where we raised over £1,500 for the Help the Heroes fund.

Earlier on, we all stood and observed another one minute silence to remember. And then a full nine-note cavalry bugler played the full rendition of the Last Post.............................

Perhaps this time, on this occasion when I suggest Britain has been and is utterly mad to willy nilly allow militant Muslims refuge and to behave in such a fashion and that they should be forcibly thrown out, it will not be suggested I am a racist and various other pejorative labels.

Compassion and tolerance are one thing: however, abusing a host's kindness and civic freedom in such a deeply insulting and objectionable fashion is for me, a bridge too far; far too far.............


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[quote user="Braco"]  So anyone who dares to think must be a crypto fascist? We should all tow the party line? That is exactly the thinking that allowed an Austrian Corporal to assume power and a modern day scum bag to persuade a nation to support our glorious troops in killing the Taliban or in ‘English’ Afghanistan citizens. You do not show your disgust of Nazis by copying their traits and actions.[/quote]

I doubt the Taliban hesitate much before killing their fellow Afghans, Braco. To liken our troops' actions to those of the Nazis is deeply offensive and historically just plain ignorant. It's lucky for you that you live in a society whcih allows you to express opinions with which most people would profoundly disagree.

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