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It depends on  friends you can have ... It's very often a good way to get links to informations , conferences , plays , art , we could ignore otherwise ...And  read witty reflections .


But thank you for your answer .


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[quote user="Molly"]

It depends on  friends you can have ... It's very often a good way to get links to informations , conferences , plays , art , we could ignore otherwise ...And  read witty reflections .[/quote]

It might have been courteous to explain to what FB is, but after reading the above I am happy to remain in the dark.

[I] France Bleu!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I am for the regional radio programmes [:D]

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[quote user="Molly"]...And  read witty reflections .



I'm obviously thinking of another place.

To me, it reads like the very worst of those appalling Christmas Round Robin letters, where the small-minded recount all the trivial aspects of their boring lives.

Together with attempts to outdo each other in terms of their last holiday, last trip shopping to New York and other similar muppet activities.

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[quote user="Gluestick"][quote user="Molly"]...And  read witty reflections .



I'm obviously thinking of another place.

To me, it reads like the very worst of those appalling Christmas Round Robin letters, where the small-minded recount all the trivial aspects of their boring lives.

Together with attempts to outdo each other in terms of their last holiday, last trip shopping to New York and other similar muppet activities.



If you had a FB account and were my friend , you could see that this is not the case ...

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My youngest daughter opened a FB account for me.

No idea how it works.

People now send me emails saying they want to be my friend.

I feel sorry for them.

I click on the link to make them happy.

I have over one thousand friends now and increasing by the day.

I dont feel any happier though.

In fact the emails are seriously beginning to get on my tits!


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

People now send me emails saying they want to be my friend.

I feel sorry for them.

I click on the link to make them happy.

I have over one thousand friends now and increasing by the day.

I dont feel any happier though.

In fact the emails are seriously beginning to get on my tits!




You are not forced to accept all the requests !

Do you want to be friend with anybody in your true life ? No I think .

I have very few friends ( under 25 ) and for the most , I know them really .[blink]

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[quote user="Molly"][quote user="Gluestick"][quote user="Molly"]...And  read witty reflections .



I'm obviously thinking of another place.

To me, it reads like the very worst of those appalling Christmas Round Robin letters, where the small-minded recount all the trivial aspects of their boring lives.

Together with attempts to outdo each other in terms of their last holiday, last trip shopping to New York and other similar muppet activities.



If you had a FB account and were my friend , you could see that this is not the case ...


Strangely enough I do have a Facebook account, rarely used: for a carefully structured web-presence commercial reason.

And I have a number of "Friends": who astound me with their juvenile attitudes, rather different to the physical people I actually know.

It's an infectious and highly virulent complaint, I fear. Modified behaviour in case they are perceived as not "Cool", I conclude.

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I belong but I rarely use it - the damn thing is far too complicated and the comments on the whole a bit too brief and trite to ever amount to the equivalent of intelligent conversation which - on rare occasions I admit - can be the case on some fora.  But some of the links to commercial sites (for instance I get alerts from the ACO, FIA, FSSA etc about motor racing events and news) can be quite useful in keeping you up to date and leading you to more in-depth stuff.  But on the whole I'm not a big fan.  I know that some erstwhile forum members have deserted this place for facebook but I've never quite figured out why.  I visit it every two or three weeks and rarely find much to pull me in.

I've got about 20 "friends" on there but they are all people whom I e-mail when I want to chat to them so I'm not sure where the benefit is.  Molly, you obviously have found it good - maybe you'd like to let us know what's so special about it?

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I like it and check it pretty much every day, maybe post two or three times a week.

I try to keep it factual to give my friends an update on my life at that moment (most of my friends are overseas). Also find it handy for keeping track of important things I've done on certain dates, kind of like a journal.

I guess it's like anything in life, if you can find a decent use for it, all well and good, some use it to the extreme and go way ott, others use it seldom.

As a concept, I do find it quite fascinating to watch how it works and how everything interlinks with it.

Like any other tool in the world, it can be very useful or very destructive.

I don't understand why some have left here to go on it. It's not a replacement for any forum, but perhaps those people have got all the info on French life they need?
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I didn't like FB before I discovered that it could be a good opportunity to get in touch with friends who lives very far from me  and through whom I could make more friends too . 

I read very desagreable things on FB ( not my friends ) , silly way to speak , or write too . It's a good way to discover the ... face ...the other face of people you think to know ...

If they are the same , on FB and in their life , you can be confident .

If there is a gap , " mistrust".

Very often , for people who are  hypocritical  , FB is the place where they betray themselves.   

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Im impressed and jealous Pachapapa that you now have a thousand "friends" on Facebook

How sad am I !!!!!!!!!!!    

Like you Pachapapa a daughter opened FB for me and one for my OH about 2 years ago .  BUT Ive only got about 6 friends ( if that) and my OH has about 7 . and they are all relatives !!!!

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You can have a lots of friends on FB and never communicate with them .

I have few friends but get  in touch with only four or five  . It's because some of my friends do not seem to be very often on FB . Others ,  are so active  on FB , with lots of friends , it's difficult then to get one's turn  .

So don't be sad Cluzo ..

I can be your friend if you would like to ...[:)]

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Another example of a word (friend) no longer meaning what it used to mean. I suspect that it all stems from an urge to gain ZZ list celebrity status - if I publish my most intimate, inane trash and make enough people aware then I will become a Famous Person.


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