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From time to time Forum members email me on forum related matters - which is fine, however I am having a  needle fasciotomy for Dupuytrens contracture next Thursday and as I expect the use of my right hand to restricted for a few days I may not be able to reply or assist, I just wont know until its done........

I'm sure other mods will help just as well and probably better....[:)]

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Its bad luck for our kids but its a hereditary condition and we both have it, Mr RH actually has it in both hands but doesn't want his done (his mother had a bad experience and its put him off) however if my little finger keeps bending the eventual outcome would be that it would have to be amputated.

Luckily there are advances and laser treatment seems to be the thing, however you have to catch it early and I'm not sure the NHS offer it.

Mr RH is a not a bad cook and my daughter is pretty useful in that department too[:)]......

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Diagnosed 5 years ago.  I was a surgeon so regardless of the outcome (complete return to normal function is unlikely in the extreme) it was a career stopper.  I had several cysts on the affected tendons removed but I'm saving the fasciotomy until either a.  the deformity is extreme or b. a more successful procedure comes along.  I know a fasciotomy will reduce the deformity greatly but in the absence of pain and still being able to wield a sledgehammer it's not essential yet.

Incidentally the notion that severe contracture can lead to the need for amputation is a new one on me (but I was an oral surgeon so it's a bit out of my field).

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It's the little finger on my right hand that is really effected, my GP said if it descended so far that it dug into my palm the only thing to do would be remove it. So far my other fingers are OK, but the surgeon indicated that eventually the finger next to it could be effected too. This op wont cure it, but should help - if I had gone for the surgery ideally recommended I would have been unable to drive for six weeks which would have been awkward as my sister and I share the responsibility for my 92 year old mother who lives 17 miles away and remains in her own home with the support of calls from carers 4 times a day and us doing her shopping, washing and other tasks. This is a compromise step....
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[quote user="gardengirl "]Good luck, RH - and hope the parking isn't too bad for your visit! I'm going there tomorrow, so I'm allowing plenty of time beforehand![/quote]

( I think I have said this before) For my pre op last week I drove round each floor three times then tried around Addington Road, no luck, went back and luckily someone exited a space right in front of me - I'd left in very good time but still ended up 15 minutes late...

For this op I have to be there at 7.30, its day surgery, so OH says he'll come and collect me from the front entrance, rather than try to park again....its very frustrating


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Ouch! I am wiser now than after reading your OP when I was almost prompted to google the entire sentence except the word "needle"....

Good luck, RH and you also have my sympathies on the parking..although I'm not usually in that area for the hospital, more for the Uni.

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Good luck RH. I looked on Google and saw a video of this operation and it looks like a miracle cure. My son in law recently had a different op on the NHS for this condition, but they appear to have mucked it up and want him to go back for them to have (literally it appears!) another stab at it.  
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[quote user="Pommier"]Good luck RH. I looked on Google and saw a video of this operation and it looks like a miracle cure. My son in law recently had a different op on the NHS for this condition, but they appear to have mucked it up and want him to go back for them to have (literally it appears!) another stab at it.  [/quote]

Too much information at this time maybe?

Good luck RH, we all promise to behave whilst your putting your hand up.

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Just to wish you the best too and to say I have a work colleague who had this same Op last year.  It was extremely successful and his finger went from very bent to normal after the procedure.  He was a little apprehensive to have the Op (who wouldn't be) but he's very glad he had it done.
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