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Why can't some people keep their big fat gobs firmly SHUT?


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Are you not letting your dislike of her colour your judgement Wooly?

I am no fan of hers but I think she talks absolute sense in that article, pretend that it was written by somone else (maybe not Mme Royale though) and read it again.

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The assumption that all men are rich bastards or are going to snuff it is what ticked me off, as is the patronizing of women who choose childrearing as a career. Benefit some spent a bit more time with their kids rather than handing them over to various forms of child minders. Or decided not to have kids at all.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

Are you not letting your dislike of her colour your judgement Wooly?

I am no fan of hers but I think she talks absolute sense in that article, pretend that it was written by somone else (maybe not Mme Royale though) and read it again.


I disagree Chancer, she is talking absolute rot.

I would suggest that the majority of husbands are (a) not rich and (b) not likely to leave the wife and ''run off'' with another woman.

I agree that, generally, husbands die before their wives but sensible people ( ie the majority ) accept this, expect it and plan accordingly.

Maybe on her planet things are very different.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

Are you not letting your dislike of her colour your judgement Wooly?

I am no fan of hers but I think she talks absolute sense in that article, pretend that it was written by somone else (maybe not Mme Royale though) and read it again.


Royale, I like those shows, sadly only repeats these days. I see her old man has had is caravan nicked.



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I can't stand the woman, nor the way she and that Bliar of a husband have made a massive fortune etc. However, I think her views on this are very much coloured by her experience of fathers.

I agree, most fathers aren't rich (none I know, anyway), and the majority happily stay with their wives and families and support them. I applaud women who can manage to stay at home with their children when they are small, can't understand those who rush straight back to work if they don't have to. But I do understand that many need to work to help cover the mortgage etc.

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Chancer"]

Are you not letting your dislike of her colour your judgement Wooly?

I am no fan of hers but I think she talks absolute sense in that article, pretend that it was written by somone else (maybe not Mme Royale though) and read it again.

[/quote] I disagree Chancer, she is talking absolute rot. I would suggest that the majority of husbands are (a) not rich and (b) not likely to leave the wife and ''run off'' with another woman. I agree that, generally, husbands die before their wives but sensible people ( ie the majority ) accept this, expect it and plan accordingly. Maybe on her planet things are very different.[/quote]Power, Do you not agree that women should have the choice so they can make the decision about childcare that is right for them as an individual. That was one point in the article I thought was absolutely correct. The divorce statistics here in the UK would suggest that a sizeable number of men do run off with another woman.

I know of sensible people whose lives have been thrown into chaos because of the traagic loss of a partner at a very  early age before they had been able to make adequate provision for this unforeseen event. But perhaps on your planet things are different[:)]

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Hmmm, independant children, really, oh rich QC?


So if your children were brought up to be so independant, why was a million odd £ flat bought for your son in Bristol, whilst he was at Uni. IF you wanted him so independant, shouldn't he have lived on his grant and been in digs like most other students roughing it.


This woman is the worst of examples. I would hope that women, free thinking women can hold their heads up high and be confident that the choices they make, are the best for themselves and their family and not be influenced and bullied by this very wealthy woman.

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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="Chancer"]

Are you not letting your dislike of her colour your judgement Wooly?

I am no fan of hers but I think she talks absolute sense in that article, pretend that it was written by somone else (maybe not Mme Royale though) and read it again.

[/quote] I disagree Chancer, she is talking absolute rot. I would suggest that the majority of husbands are (a) not rich and (b) not likely to leave the wife and ''run off'' with another woman. I agree that, generally, husbands die before their wives but sensible people ( ie the majority ) accept this, expect it and plan accordingly. Maybe on her planet things are very different.[/quote]Power, Do you not agree that women should have the choice so they can make the decision about childcare that is right for them as an individual. That was one point in the article I thought was absolutely correct. The divorce statistics here in the UK would suggest that a sizeable number of men do run off with another woman.

I know of sensible people whose lives have been thrown into chaos because of the traagic loss of a partner at a very  early age before they had been able to make adequate provision for this unforeseen event. But perhaps on your planet things are different[:)]


Perhaps I do live on another Planet, perhaps also my views are coloured by being married to the same wife for 44 years, a wife who has never 'had' to go out to work but only did so when she wanted to. I was the 'breadwinner' she was the home manager - WE raised the children who, thankfully are pretty well adjusted individuals.
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I stayed at home and looked after my children full-time until they went to school. Things were different then. Like Pommier I think very rich people should refrain from advising the rest of us how to live.

My daughter is a single mother through no choice of her own and her ex-husband pays £5 a week towards the maintenance of his children. If my daughter didn't have a reasonable job I don't know what she would do. Sponge off the state perhaps ?


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[quote user="Hoddy"] My daughter is a single mother through no choice of her own and her ex-husband pays £5 a week towards the maintenance of his children. If my daughter didn't have a reasonable job I don't know what she would do. Sponge off the state perhaps ? Hoddy[/quote]Isn't that precisely the point that she is making?  What I read when I read the whole of what she says, is that she feels it's dangerous for women to see themselves as wives and mothers and not as independent individuals, precisely because things can go wrong if you put all your eggs in the marriage basket.  Nowhere do I see any criticism of stay-at-home mothers per se, just of those who don't consider the consequences of what could happen if they were to be  alone and/or abandoned and had no personal resources - in career, education etc - to fall back on. 
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[quote user="Hoddy"]Sorry Coops I should haver made it clearer that I was reinforcing what she said. Hoddy[/quote]I appologise in turn.  The "rich people should refrain from advising the rest of us" bit put me off somewhat.   I realise that CB has a big problem in this regard because she herself married well, came from a relatively well-off family etc etc, but I'm not at all sure that that invalidates her (imo eminently sensible) viewpoint.

Ultimately, no, Wooly I don't think that anybody should be told not to air their point of view.  Everybody is entitled to one.  Even you.[:)]

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As a lot of the replies have been critical of the person who was quoted in the article I think my earlier comment has some merit.

I feel that in an ideal world a woman should have gained skills and experience and made some sort of a career for herself, be in a stable relationship with the right partner hoepfully for life before deciding to start a family, if thereafter she chooses do dedicate her time to her children and supporting the husband in his carreer then so be it but if death, ilness, infidelity intervenes at least she will have some chance of continuing to provide for them.

I think Mrs Blair was being critical of choosing to marry  (a rich man or otherwise) for an easy life as a career choice and there certainly are pitfalls, as an analogy in 1930 my father turned  his back on a career as a professional footballer to be an apprentice carpenter as he knew that he would have very few earning years as a footballer even if he was very skilled and very lucky whereas as a carpenter he was still working albeit voluntarily into his 80's.

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How devalued the 'child' is in all this. Children surely thrive on love and attention. And who can love them more than their parents?


I actually get sick of these comments from people who can afford nannys, don't care who.






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[quote user="powerdesal"]Perhaps I do live on another Planet, perhaps also my views are coloured by being married to the same wife for 44 years, a wife who has never 'had' to go out to work but only did so when she wanted to. I was the 'breadwinner' she was the home manager - WE raised the children who, thankfully are pretty well adjusted individuals.[/quote]

I am sorry if you took my remark about your planet the wrong way. It was meant as a humorous reference to your remark about Cherie Blair's planet as indicated by the Smiley.

I am happy for you that you and your wife were able to make the choices that suited you both and obviously were the right ones for you. I stand by my view that in an ideal worldeveryone should be able to make the best choices that suit them. I also agree with Cherie Blair that it is rather depressing and a bit of a slap in the face for those people who have fought hard to improve the opportunities for women that there are a significant number of girls whose main ambition seems to be to marry a rich man and not use their talents.

My life experience tells me that this type of marriage is more prone to breakdown than ones where people have entered into it on equal terms. Not necessarily equal in financial terms but equal in total contribution across the board.

Any way I hope you both have a happy Golden Wedding in six years time

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

OK, I don't like her. She makes me cringe. And when she starts slagging off women who stay at home for a few years to bring up their kids,  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/cherie-blair-attacks-yummy-mummies-who-choose-children-over-careers-7869160.html


Perhaps you could recommend she visits the doctor in Glasgow . . .

Woman goes to the Doctor in Glasgae, worried about WB's irritation with her.

The Doc asks: "What's the problem, Morag?"

The woman says: "Weeell Doctor Cameron, I dinae know what to do. Every time ma WB comes home, he's irritable."

The Doctor says: "Aye, well... I have a real good cure for that. When WB arrives home irritable, just take a wee glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don't swallow it until he goes to bed and is sound asleep."

Two weeks later she comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn. She says: "Doctor that was brilliant! Evrae time WB came home irritable, I swished with water. I swished an' swished, and he didnae get irritable once!

Tell me Doc...wha's the secret? How's the water do that?"

The Doctor says: "Morag hen, it's really nae big secret. The water does bugger all - it's keeping your mouth shut that does the trick..."

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