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Following our 'health/insurance' adventure in Spain we made it back to Toulouse on the coach. I booked a hotel in Toulouse opposite the coach/rail station so OH could rest before last leg of journey. He couldn't make it across the road so I went to the taxi rank. They just laughed at my hubby unable to walk and in agony and said it would be 30 Euros to drive him 100 metres and they were pleased to see the English suffering. We had no choice but to pay it and I was so upset I didn't take the taxi number.

When we arrived home the chemin alongside our house was being widened and there was a digger and large lorry. We anticipated building next to us and had a wall built along part of the chemin, wall has a permis and we have adhered to all i dotting and t crossing.

Got OH settled in bed (he was in a lot of pain) went into kitchen and noticed digger driver was demolishing all the trees on our land. I went out to point out they were our trees but before I could say a thing he put two fingers up and said in french 'this is the way it is done in France if you don't like it b**** off back to England' he then moved the digger bucket to within an inch of my head not once but a few times. He then exploded and said he would knock the wall down as it was illegal and it was on the chemin. He then kept moving the digger close to the wall  and swinging the bucket about an inch from it.

I got the camera and took photo of digger next to wall and took photo of him. He tried to knock me over several times with the bucket but after everything that has happened I didn't care what happened next so he got out the digger and threw me across the ground. Note we are talking about a 5 foot pensioner and a big digger driver.

I found the permis and took it out to show him but I got 2 fingers and go back to Angleterre routine again and the bucket across my head a few times and the threat that he would demolish the wall. It is a large fairly long expensive wall

I telelephoned the Gendarmes and they came quickly. Interviewed us both separately and said they would return on Monday with the Maire. I really wish I was making this up

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[quote user="Poppy"]I found the permis and took it out to show him but I got 2 fingers and go back to Angleterre routine again and the bucket across my head a few times and the threat that he would demolish the wall. [/quote]

Good grief that man really did get out of bed the wrong side this morning, didn't he ?

[quote user="Poppy"]I telephoned the Gendarmes and they came quickly. Interviewed us both separately and said they would return on Monday with the Maire. [/quote]

Thank goodness for that. I don't suppose the Gendarmes thought to breathalyse him ?

[quote user="Poppy"]I really wish I was making this up [/quote]

They do say truth is stranger than fiction. You really have had more than your fair share of woe this week. Let's hope that this is the end of it.


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I don't know how anyone could a) be so rude and horrible, and b) attack you the way this man did.

I'm glad you called the police, and I hope they follow this through, and that he has to go to court and to make a very handsome apology to you.

And everything that has happened recently might, even though it's been a nightmare must show you that you have come through because you are a strong, good person.

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You have my sympathies. That shouldn't happen to anyone. As YCMB said in another thread there are "barstewards" in evry country and it is just your bad luck you happened to have one just on your doorstep. I hope the gendarmes can sort him out.

I hope your OH is beginning to feel a bit better

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Many thanks everyone for your supportive messages. They have made me feel so much better. I really did feel as though I was going mad this afternoon.

Can"t understand what has happened to generate this racism both at Toulouse and now at home.

Thanks for your advice idun. Not up on french law but perhaps by involving the mayor the gendarmes are trying to fob it off as civil law as opposed to assault and racism.

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Really upset to hear of your experiences.

Dont underestimate the power of the racism element of your plainte and dont allow the Gendarmes to ignore it or brush it aside as inconsequential, hopefully they wont, if they do try to do so its because they know it will open a can of worms and will prevent them from being able to square things away with the promise of a word in his ear.

If there is even a hint of them not accepting what you say tell them your next call will be to the HALDE (haute autorité pour lutter contra discrimination et pour l'égalité) now known as Le Defenseur des Droites, they will take it very seriously but the mention of their name should be enough.

Of course the main thrust of the plainte is physical assault but it was racially motivated.

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I've been horror struck to read not only this thread, but also your previous one on the awful Spanish experience.

Nothing to add to what has been said already, other than things can only get better or at the very least stabilise from here. Have a restful weekend and I very much hope and expect that things will take an upward turn from Monday.

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That's unbelievable. If it was a white doing that to a black, it would have made the news the world over. What is wrong with those people? Clearly they are not human. If that had happened in the US, you could have shot him for what he did. That's an attack and invasion of your space. I hope you get some justice out of this. People make me sick sometimes.

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[quote user="Mr Ceour de Lion II"]That's unbelievable. If it was a white doing that to a black, it would have made the news the world over. What is wrong with those people? Clearly they are not human. If that had happened in the US, you could have shot him for what he did. That's an attack and invasion of your space. I hope you get some justice out of this. People make me sick sometimes.

[/quote]Yes, I can't believe where this attitude has come from. We have never formally complained about anything or to our knowledge upset anyone in all the years we have been in France.

Strangely though about a year ago I did write on my message board your postscipt ' It is not what France gave you but what it did not take from you that is important'

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I realise that your husband is very ill, but you really must go and do this officially at the Gendarmerie.

 The Maire could end up being involved re the wall, and the DDE should too. But that is the least of your problems.

 You have had your property damaged, ie trees and been assaulted and had racist remarks made to you.

I have pm'd you.

I have pm'd you too Chancer.

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Poppy, I am saddened, horrified, outraged and frightened at your story.

I had visions of this bucket hovering above your head and am relieved that you didn't get maimed or even killed.  It only needs a touch of that bucket to have done some real damage to you.

Please steer clear of this mad man and, whatever ensues from your complaint, be very careful never to physically go near him again.  I know the law grinds slowly and one gets impatient and it's only too tempting to confront this man. But, DON'T DO IT!

You could lose your life (and I am being perfectly and sombrely serious) and you must think of your husband and be there for him.

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In all my years on this forum I don't recall a post that has made me so sad and so angry.

Obviously for now your immediate priority is to care for your husband. I wonder if you have any French friends or neighbours who can help.

While you wait for Monday may I suggest that you consider if there are any further photographs you can take to support your case.

I'm sure I speak for many when I say my impulse is to rush to your aid.

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