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Saturday the 13th of September...


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Hello!!! I'm rubbish at checking this thread... Greyman has just told me to come and look... so sorry!

Apps... the one I've got is called Camino Francis and is by Wise Pilgrim... I've also used this website ... http://caminopedia.com/?page_id=15 - it has lots of useful information and places to stay.  Hope that helps as a starter [:$]

I'm not ready... I need another month... another 2 months!  Where has the time gone?  Last year this seemed like so far away that I felt I would be superwoman by now... and now I think I'm so unprepared.

I've had a few hiccups recently.  A health concern that might have put an end to my walk but thankfully all is fine and I have the seal of approval.  I had a week of walking last week and horror of horrors I got three bad blisters!  I've never been troubled with blisters before, and I've been walking my boots in loads.  So... drastic actions... I've bought 2 new pairs of boots and I'm trying them at home.  I have feet as wide as clowns and the blisters are because the boots are too narrow.... in between the toes.

Mint - I've got so many pairs of socks I could open a shop - but dont tell greyman!  (I could also sell shoes as I'm on my 7th pair now) [Www] - I've tried several combinations and at the moment feel happier with coolmax liner and a merino wool outer... and yes good idea about saving the washing!  I have 3 new pairs coming tomorrow - they have been recommended by a blister expert... so I'll give them a go too... only a week to choose!

I've also decided I dont like walking with my Pacer Poles.  I've used them a lot on my practice walks but last week I ended up carrying them and felt they were a nuisance.  They do help on the hills but I found walking down through the steep decsents I wanted to use my arms to balance and I found them distracting.  I think on balance I'll prefer to save the weight and leave them behind.  I can always buy a walking pole or find a stick/branch if I really miss them?

And... we're now starting at Roncesvalles... for a whole host of reasons.  But we decided it was simply easier and it's the traditional start point of the Camino Frances... and what's 20km between friends!

So... we're off... in a few days... I'm sooo excited and sooo terrified!  I've started a blog for friends and family - if anyone is interested PM me and I'll send you the link.

Happy walking everyone... wish me luck please... I feel I'm going to need it!

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Rose, coolmax and merino wool outer............perfect!

Yes, PLEASE send me a link!

No probs starting at Roncesvalles.

In fact, Gem and I went down one weekend in the summer and walked St Jean PP to Roncesvalles and then we went back in Sept and started from Roncesvalles.  Me, I was too scared to sleep in the public refugio at Roncesvalles so I persuaded Gem to take the burito (or whatever the shuttle was called) to Roncesvalles and start from there!

But in fact the refugio would have been just fine but I was too nervous to use it at the time.  People who have stayed there told me it was an interesting experience [:)]

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[quote user="greyman"]Well, Rose is on her way. We walked from the monastery at Roncevalles at 6am on Saturday

and walked together for the first day. After some concern about her

boots I left her in a windswept Spanish hamlet and headed home. She has

walked another 17km today and has secured a top bunk ! She is very

determined and I'm proud of her.[/quote]

Yes, smart girl!

I think I have mentioned before that top bunks are the best!  People tend to gravitate towards the bottom bunks (sometimes through lack of agility) so the top ones are used less often.

You get a view of other top bunkers and you get to exchange smiles and say good night.

With bottom ones, all you get are creaks and shakings from the top bunk sleepers PLUS you get to bang your head hard if you wake up in the night, try to get out of bed and forget where you are.

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  • 4 weeks later...
[quote user="greyman"] I can report that Rose has now marched past the 500km mark and is doing really well. [/quote]

If my maths is any good then she is doing exceptionally well as seems to be averaging 20 kms a day. Which is a fantastic rate.

Well done Rose.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't updated for a while but I think many members are following Rose's blog. If you're not you might be interested to know she has now passed the 700km mark and is less than 70km from Santiago and the finish line. It looks like she will get her compostella and book her place in heaven. I hope she sends me a postcard.

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[quote user="greyman"]I haven't updated for a while but I think many members are following Rose's blog. If you're not you might be interested to know she has now passed the 700km mark and is less than 70km from Santiago and the finish line. It looks like she will get her compostella and book her place in heaven. I hope she sends me a postcard.


Must be so thrilling for Rose and you and the little greyman!

When you go to pick her up, greyman, DO go up to the roof of the cathedral in Santiago.  I promise you it's wonderful.  It's not just any old roof, you could see the bossman's (bishop or whatever he was) dining and entertaining room and representations of some strange (to our modern eyes) musical instruments that the musicians would have played (maybe to take their minds of the roast goats or whatever it was that they were eating).

I'm going to send her a message very soon.

PS a postcard from heaven, do you mean, greyman?  I think I'd rather a postcard from Santiago de Compostela, showing the best restaurant in town[:D]

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  • 2 months later...
ah Kitty - my blog has indeed gone silent as life and christmas just took over... as it always does!

My feet are actually totally fine.  Once I'd got over the initial blisters early on my feet felt good.  The only issue I've had since I got home is from my knee... but from where I fell on the last evening before Santiago rather than the walking.  It is getting better but I still can't kneel... it hurts too much [:(]

I've started training again this week... christmas festivites are done and I'm walking again in April.  I cant do the entire path as I dont have the time but I'm going to try and do half of it.  I'm starting in St Jean on the 14th of April (maybe).  Very excited but sad that I can do it all again.  And one of the ladies I met from the US is coming to visit us in September and she and her husband are going to walk one of the other routes.

In October me and Mr Greyman will be cycling from Bordeaux to Sete and then in Autumn 2016 I'm going to either do the Francis again or have a go at the Portuguese route or the Via de la Plata (which is 1000km)... I think I'm addicted!

So the blog will start again... but it maybe slow in coming... sorry! [kiss]

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Well done Rose, I wondered if you'd made it in one piece. Fantastic innit?!! We did look out for the blonde hair and red ruksak!! Or was it red hair and ...??

We got to Santiago on 31st Oct, although my OH had to bus/taxi from Leon to Sarria due to a foot problem that needed a lengthy A&E visit in Leon - but we'll go back and do that section again, and maybe walk on to Fisterra, if time allows.

So do you mean from your post that you are doing it all again?

BTW we spent a fair amount of time with a bloke who is a hospitalier on the via de la platte, Seville aside, he says it is not as enjoyable or pretty as the frances.
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