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Clarkson suspended by BBC


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Well Cameron summed it up, His children will be heartbroken, so that's an idea of the age it appeals to.


Oh dear does the Beeb have to..... no wonder people watch TG, make a break from the piety.

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Top Gear, one of the best programmes on TV. Let's hope it is back soon!

Come on then those of you that can't stand Top Gear, let us all in on what you watch - I'll bet it's Coronation Street or Neighbours. It amazes me you all know so much about Top Gear if you dislike it so much, obviously you must avoid watching it on a Sunday night - Ah, I think I've got it, you are all "All Star Family Fortunes" fans.
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I don't watch Top Gear or Songs of Praise. This is because I'm not interested cars or religion. I don't watch soaps either.

I do recall Clarkson doing a fine programme about Isambard Kingdom Brunel a few years ago.

Having spent my professional life encouraging kids to behave well it does bother me that yobbish behaviour appears to be rewarded. I think of Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand who behaved so abysmally and yet are now making more money than ever. I expect Clarkson to do the same. I still won't like Top Gear though.


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He also did an excellent documentary on the WW2 Nazaire Raid - I think his wife's father had something to do with it. And also a series on french food.

As I wrote earlier I've never watched TG, and we watch very little tv  (too busy on the 'puter [:$] ) .

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Songs of praise, well I have caught a couple of minutes of it, purely by accident recently and sadly a couple of times and it seems to have turned into what I imagine would be church life in the southern states of the USA, gospel is it called. No hymns being sung that I remembered from school and everyone sort of 'dancing', well I have no other word for what they were doing. Awful.

And JC being some sort of god. IF I was to decide that I needed a diety, which I don't, then why not????  I could sort of believe in the Clarkson as much as I could believe in the  imaginary being that so many do, in fact he would compare quite well, as far as I can see..........

........ at least Clarkson amuses me, the imaginary being, well, seems strictly from my point of view to have so many of Clarkson's bad points, and still seems to do rather well with followers!

There are lots of things that I do not watch, I don't knock anyone who does, and I hate it when some friends seem to be a little ashamed that they like some things....... ie Coronation Street or Big Brother, or whatever, there are lots of things I don't watch. It doesn't make anyone a better or worse person if they watch stuff that others do not like, we all have our own ways of relaxing, even getting turned on, and it is really no one else's business how we do that. 

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Heard it said today that there was a scuffle not a punch. Will we ever find out the truth. My feeling is that IF he had really decked the bloke, then the police would have been involved.

What I do know is that the weather has been mixed, sunny and/or grey, but not that warm as the wind has tended to be cold and a half decent PA would have made sure that there was food for people who had been out doors all day, especially when they were getting back late. 

Trouble with small out of the way places, as this happened in Hawes, I doubt that there would be much or in fact any where to eat after 10 at night. But it could have been organised never the less and it isn't as if this program would have had a small budget.

And I still don't care what part Clarkson decides to play on TG, on TG program, he entertains me. I have seen him on other more serious programs too and he is rather more 'normal' on them.

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Heard it said today that there was a scuffle not a punch. Will we ever find out the truth. My feeling is that IF he had really decked the bloke, then the police would have been involved.

What I do know is that the weather has been mixed, sunny and/or grey, but not that warm as the wind has tended to be cold and a half decent PA would have made sure that there was food for everyone who had been out doors all day, especially when they were getting back late.

Trouble with small out of the way places, as this happened in Hawes, I doubt that there would be much or in fact any where to eat after 10 at night. But it could have been organised never the less and it isn't as if this program would have had a small budget.

And I still don't care what part Clarkson decides to play on TG, on TG, he entertains me. I have seen him on other more serious programs too and he is rather more 'normal' on them.

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I have had a brilliant programme concept for the Beeb! A new reality TV series! Forget Clarkson; this ones a real cash generator!!

Celebrity Does Neuro Surgery in two months!

Th core concept is various overpaid, under-brained celebs, in their spare time, of course, between dashing around being famous for being famous, study Neuro-Surgery, under a top Prof and then carry out demanding brain ops.

A Panel of distinguished and over-paid pseudo medical people (Good looking HCAs for example), will award marks out of ten.

No problem about subjects! Loads of muppets would no doubt be queuing to have their tumour err, removed, by a celebrity!

Massive viewing figures: saves the NHS bundles: and during the week, another celebrity can host a programme interviewing bereaved relatives for their own moment of fame. You know "Well, I'll have you know, my late Mum was operated on by no less than XXX; her in Eastenders! All my mates are dead jealous!. My Mum, however, is sort of, well, dead!"

It's a winner all round!

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IDUN wrote

as this happened in Hawes, I doubt that there would be much or in fact any where to eat after 10 at night.


The chippie always used to stay open to 11 or later at weekends. That was some time ago though.

Nevertheless I agree, to have not organised a supper was a mega oversight.
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I'm sure that many men will have had the same views when instead of going home at meal time they stay in the pub for 3 hours and then demand a steak meal when they return at closing time.

Not many of them will have had a helicopter ride back though from a pilot who sat waiting for 3 hours and then probably got punched by his wife when he got home and asked to be fed.

Interesting article in the Mail by Richard Littlejohn on the subject, he puts forward some good points that are not being considered in the current polémique.

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It is beginning to look as if Clarkson set himself up for this. It seems he was the one who made the complaint about the incident..not the producer that he allegedly hit, who has done nothing. Makes him even more unappealing in my eyes.. Personality I think he as gone way past his sell by date. Still, if he wanted to quit but was tied into a contract it was a good way to do it.
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[quote user="lindal1000"]not the producer that he allegedly hit, who has done nothing.[/quote]

Well nothing except have his lawyer in waiting, according to the report.  And after the last possible racist slur which wasn't broadcast but leaked, It begs the question was it the same person who leaked it?  That could cause provocation and parts edited out which should have been destroyed were aired by whom?

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I am surprised nobody has spotted what is going on. Clarksons contract runs out at the end of March. He gets paid per episode broadcast because in the UK they are live (not the testing etc but the 'in house' stuff). So if they sack him now he can try and claim unfair or constructive dismissal plus breach of contract and if he wins, the money for the next three shows that are currently cancelled. Meanwhile he has the rest of the TV channels over him like a rash beging him to go work with him and I would not be supprised if May and 'the hampster' don't go with him. Indeed it would not supprise me at all if he has not already done a deal, probably with Sky. Of course the show will need a new name because he sold his share of the 'brand name' in 2013 for £14M along with the other producer Andy Wilman and the only other person owning a share left now is actually Oisin Tymon strangley enough and the rest belongs to the BBC.
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Lots of people have mentioned the length of Clarkson's contract Q. It all depends on what version of the story you want to believe.

I've known plenty of blokes who can't control their temper after a couple of hours drinking in a pub even if they haven't been keeping a helicopter waiting so I tend to believe the over-inflated ego version.

Whichever you believe I don't think it makes it OK to thump a colleague.

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Well Hody the media has said he did so it must be true. Personally I would refer to wait until the BBC has had it's 'enquiry' and publish the results. All I will say as a general remark is that I agree with your comment about physical abuse in the workplace. As far as I am concerned it is instant dismissal. I guess we will have to wait and see.
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Q Wrote

I am surprised nobody has spotted what is going on. Clarksons contract runs out at the end of March.


Q, do you have a source for this. The BBC link interestingly says that his co-presenters contracts are due for renewal next month, but no mention of JC's contract.
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[quote user="andyh4"]Q Wrote I am surprised nobody has spotted what is going on. Clarksons contract runs out at the end of March. UNQUOTE Q, do you have a source for this. The BBC link interestingly says that his co-presenters contracts are due for renewal next month, but no mention of JC's contract.[/quote]

It’s been in the press for some time, here is one that I found for you. Funny enough I didn't know all three presenters run out at the same time which makes my theory even more interesting especially if you listen to May's interview the other day.

"BBC director general Tony Hall said on Thursday there was no timetable for Clarkson’s disciplinary hearing and refused to speculate what might happen to the presenter, whose contract with the corporation runs out this month."

Source - http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/mar/12/top-gear-jeremy-clarkson-suspension-bbc

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So if JCs contract was due to expire at the end of March, where is the benefit of creating a scene 2 1/2 episodes from the end. They could have all walked away in 3 weeks time couldn't they?

Unless of course the producer's contract is different and he needs to be sacked.
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Simple Andy, it takes a few weeks to collect the other networks offers for JC and the others to host a show elsewhere. Armed with these offers you can approach the Beeb and negotiate new pay and conditions, like steak and chips after every late evening helicopter ride [Www]

Without the other offers you don't have the clout to demand anything.

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Well it seems he has said in The Sun (repeated in the Gurdian) that he will be 'moving on' at the end of his contract. Basically they are doing the two live shows in Norway in the coming weeks with him. Perhaps he is thinking about going in to politics. [6]
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